Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Isaiah 11:10 Who will stand as a signal, or standard for the peoples; And His resting place will be glorious.
The prophetic, or hope candle has been lit(Romans 15:12-13), and the Bethlehem, or the candle of preparation( Luke 3:4-6) will be lit in a few days. It is so in line with the Father and scripture to speak of an event before is comes to past. The whole event of Christ coming as a light to those in darkness was such a glorious time in history of redemption for mankind. The scripture says that Christ will be a standard for the people. Christ who came from the stump of Jesse the Father of David, who of which was being overlooked, but God told Samuel the prophet to anoint this ruddy boy to be king of Israel. Jesus came to an obscure town that was by many larger towns and cities looked down on. Bethlehem was considered the lest or too little to be among the clans of Judah. But Jesus was born in this town, in an obscure manger, away from all the people and the only ones that came to His earthly birth was the shepherds and three kings from the east. This candle the Shepherds or candle of joy was also lit. The Shepherds were told not to be afraid by the angel and gave them a message of good news and great joy ( Luke 2:7-15) Let us not forget that all the Angles in heaven were also celebrating that night. The Angel candle or the candle of love will be lit in a few days( Luke 2:10-11). Last is the Christ candle! This is the white candle which signifies Jesus being the spotless lamb of God, sent to take away the sins of the world( John 1:29). There is an element that I can't resist pulling out of these scriptures that the first candle prophetically spoke of the Lords coming. It is the prophetic standard that I believe God is also using in these last days to bring forth those that are in darkness and obscurity and places them in the light of Christ and encourage them in the gift and calling of their lives. The very gift that told of His coming Christ used in His earthly ministry. There very gift that He used in His earthly ministry He has given to the church and He is the spirit of prophecy. As the candle of preparation is being lit remember He is calling you to prepare for His coming in a fresh way to perhaps those dark and obscure places in your life. He is ready to awaken and revive you to that place of intimacy with Him and empower you once again in the prophetic that has become obscure and perhaps too little to be among the clans of the churches. But this season Christ is being born afresh in your spirit and as you prepare a place for Him, He will make room for your gift and a place where you belong in the body of Christ! His resting place will be glorious!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Faith is rising declaring judgment to the darkness"

Can faith rise? Can it rise past disappointment, discouragement, a longing to see but can't. There is a certain faith that moves beyond borders. That is not an earthly faith, but heavenly sent, given to those that have chosen to follow Christ and walk in the realm of the supernatural. This faith comes from hearing His word and responding to it. This faith is rising!! This faith is casting off fear!! This faith is believing The Father to the extent that one would walk against the current darkness of apathy, injustice, wickedness and stand crying out for a end time harvest. This faith has fixed its eyes upon Him who rewards those who diligently seek Him, despite the present evil age that hates everything that is holy, righteous, loving and full of the Spirit, that would march to the very gates of hell if need be. This faith rises as one is transformed in His presence and sent forth to accomplish what they have heard! For the Spirit is saying God is bringing judgment on the darkness and all who practice in the caldron of darkness. For I will strike down the high and mighty who lead my people astray by CASTING OUT ALL THAT IS HOLY AND ALLOWING THE FLOOD OF FILTH TO INVADE MY SANCTUARY! But I am releasing My prophets to speak with one voice declaring My truth and bringing the disobedient to the obedience of God. For I am going to cause My church to rise up in these last days with such faith that will shake and awaken the fruit that is ready for harvest. My church will overturn the witches brew and ride the wave of anointing into the harvest field. The stage is being set for this Karios season of which darkness is trembling, because they know that God is about to uncover and overturn the den of thieves. The church must be on board with the mind of Christ knowing the times and the seasons, because any deviation will cause unbelief and the seeds of faith to fall along the way side where the birds of the air with snatch them away. When God is about to do something new, the enemy unleashes new attacks to discourage the church. Many have passed on to be with the Lord and the mantle of these prophets is falling to the church and to individuals. Who will be like Elisha and say"where is the God of Elijah" and strike the rivers causing an anointing to break loose on the church. Who wants it bad enough to walk in the place destine for you despite the attacks of the enemy? A veil of death is upon this country and God will use the church to tear down that veil and release a healing to this nation. A high level of the prophetic is coming to the church and those that walk in faith will swim in this level. The witches caldron is full of poison and it will take this unusual season of anointing to overturn and clean out the enemies schemes. We will see a season that we haven't seen before! An access into the supernatural that will catapult the church to a Revelation 4:1 anointed experience! Now faith is the substance, or assurance of things hoped for, the evidence, or conviction of things not seen Hebrews 11:1 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

"A strong wind is blowing! A healing of the land is coming"

Have you humbled yourselves, prayed, looking to Christ and turned from your wicked ways so that He would heal your land? Even if I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among you. If you seek My face I will hear from heaven! (2 Chronicles 7:13-14) King Ahab was killed in battle and Jezebel was thrown from her palace window by her own servant's.This marked the end of a corrupt machine that had plagued Israel, but the continued cleansing of a ruined nation. Once a nation abandons its heritage it loses the ability to discern the difference between right and wrong. The very makeup of the nation and individual conscience is affected. This machine, this dynasty, brought such corruption and witch craft from Jezebel, that it turned the hearts of the people from worshipping the One true God to worshipping Baal (2 Kings 9:22).
Jezebel was responsible for killing the prophets of God (so she thought), but Obadiah hid one hundred of them in caves. There is such a parallel between this history of Israel and this season that America is going through. As Jehu was anointed king over Israel he was given a mandate and appointed to strike down the house of Ahab, fulfill the prophetic word concerning Jezebel "that the dogs shall eat Jezebel,"and eradicate Baal out of Israel. As he approached Jezreel, Jehu was seen driving furiously (2 Kings 9:20). After the initial cleansing of the dynasty he went on to cleans the nation of all their harlotry's and the worshipping of Baal. Jehu wasn't a perfect vessel but God used him for a season to bring reformation to the nation. I am sure this was no easy task and there was much resistance from a people who were so entrenched in their idols, false worship and the manipulation and domination of Jezebel. I see God doing something similar in America
with the government and the people. There is an act of God taking place in our nation that is like a shot being heard around the world. I see God using this newly elected president to bring reform to the governments and help usher in an awakening for this country, of which we are long overdue. God has destined America to be a platform for the end time harvest. This president elect is driving furiously( giving a stormy or turbulent appearance) to accomplish all that has been put on his heart and chosen to do. He doesn't now what is behind his driving force but it seems to be taking him into places that others would not dare go. strong heavenly Wind is approaching and colliding with the earthly wind, that will be renewed to hold up a godly standard ( Song of Songs 4:16). For at the right time God will release the flood waters of heaven that will overturn the cauldron of the witches brew! HIS LOVE BREAKS THROUGH THE DARKNESS! THERE MUST BE A SHAKING BEFORE AWAKENING!!
There will be much resistance, mostly because our country has been under such a dark evil cloud, tangled in lies, corruption, manipulation and domination in and from the government, which has influenced the people causing the heart to turn from godly fundamentals and the worshipping of the only true God, to follow after the Jezebel spirit of this age. The heart never likes change especially when it is comfortable with complacency. The voice of the true prophets have been silenced for a season, only in preparation to come out of the caves, for God is about to release an army of true prophets and prophetic people that have been set aside for such a time as this. America is about to embark on its finest hours according to the kingdom of God. These will have one mandate and one voice crying in the wideness of this nation to turn the hearts of the people back to the One True God,Yahweh. This new Jehu has been anointed to change and bring this country to a staging point for awakening by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is a vessel appointed by God, who has the opportunity to be used greatly by God for a season. Like Jehu who was not perfect and would not give up certain sins, this new president also is not perfect, but God will give him an invitation to have a complete turn around from his past. For God will test the heart of the people, and it will reveal what is gold and what is dross. The gold will have discernment for this time, seeing what God is doing and pray for this man that he will continue to drive furiously. This shaking will affect the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the intellect and the unschooled. Every church, ministry and religious organization will fill the magnitude of this tsunami like outpouring. Prepare your hearts church! Awake bride! For as this heavenly Wind approaches it will split apart the cloud of darkness from the people
 and eyes will be opened, they will see the lies, turn to the Truth and an Awakening will emerge, swallowing up darkness for a season. There is much activity back at the witches cauldron, but the force, the anointing, the Wind is causing an enormous wave to build and will crash over the darkness of this nation that has spread over the earth opening a door that will bring forth His end time harvest to all the world.

Monday, November 7, 2016

"The witch"s brew"

There is a darkness that is crippling many local churches and high governmental offices. It is like a cancer oozing that if not identified and corrected will fester and immobilize the total church body and our nation.  What is this darkness and what is the root of it? Galatians 5:17; For the flesh sets or lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh: for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please or wish! This is the root for yielding to the flesh and verse 18-21 are the deeds that come forth. One of which I believe is being overlooked due to its name and seemingly obscure placement. Luke 12:35-40 There is a season that seems to sneak into our lives! A time that I call "the season of the witch." We become unaware of it due to our business, and certain distractions that come when our regular schedule's or lives are disrupted more than usual. Disrupted, meaning things going wrong on a continual basis, and the fruit or what happens during these things going wrong that you can't explain is a depression that begins to rule your life that you can't kick. Before this depression enters in you get hit with something that discourages you. It shakes you from your normal time in the word and you take a break from being with Jesus. It is like the enemy has cast a spell and causes us to step away from being alert and makes us lukewarm in our walk. There are other elements that come into play, like loss of vision, confusion, disorientation, withdrawal, despair and defeat. Jesus said to be dressed in readiness and keep your lamps lit! Whether it be summer activities, new jobs or just dealing with family issues, know this that your adversary the enemy looks around for someone to devour. Devour meaning, (like a lion eating its prey) and Sorcery (witch craft) being that deed of the flesh that is usually overlooked is the one deed that is being used in a very seductive way. In this level witch craft take on the form of someone operating with a counterfeit spiritual authority. Using a spirit other than the Holy Spirit to dominate and manipulating you through a control spirit. If we are not alert and dressed in readiness we will not hear or see what the Spirit wants to reveal to us. Don't allow your house to be broken into. Don't let the season of the witch keep you from going deeper in Christ. We must recognize what is taking place, stand against it in the authority of Christ and pull down the spirit of sorcery. On a wider scale America is allowing their house to be broken into, namely the White House. The caldron is being stirred and the witches brew is being poured out onto the governments of this nation, causing them to cower under a control spirit that is leading this nation down the wrong path. Continue to fight the good fight of faith in word and deed. Build up your most holy faith praying in the Spirit. This is your weapon against the spells and distraction of the enemy. What does the church's season look like? A church of readiness! Lamps lit! Eyes wide open! Burning for Jesus! An army of warriors fighting in the Spirit! If we know what true spiritual authority is we won't be mislead with the counterfeit. True spiritual authority is given not taken! Jezebel took authority away from Ahab because he was controlled, manipulated  and dominated. Thus causing him to cower under a spell of her witch craft ( 2 Kings 9:22 ). Ahab lost vision because he stop serving God, did evil in the sight of God, married Jezebel and worshipped Baal. It is no different in these last days. For the christian who used to  serve the Lord but is caught up in the influences of this world they have become vulnerable to the prowling enemy. They like Ahab not being dressed in readiness will get snared by witch craft. It could be in the church, your job, friendships and even high ranking offices. America is being snared because we have forsaken God, exchanged our christian principals that this nation was founded on and are embracing the progressive mindset, which is liberalism, which is humanism, which is taking God out of everything and exchanging Him with self, re-building the tower of Babel. You can be sure of this, there is a real enemy and he hates the christian and everything they stand for. It is the spiritual battle that we who are alive must fight and this battle matters. God supports His saints in the spiritual battle! If we try to defeat Satan on his battle field we will lose. We who are alive and dressed in readiness need to pray for those who are asleep. Blessings as you pursue Christ!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

"Visions of the night"
Sounds of swords clashing against each other. Loud noise like the sounds of many wings fluttering angels flying in midair. The angels of God are in battle with the demons of hell. Angels filling the heavens, but darkness seems to be prevailing. A sound from above the heavens, like thunder saying "Hold your ground a little longer till it is time to break Satan's power. As I looked I saw a large pot or caldron with many people forming a circle around the pot dressed in suits and ties. They had large sticks stirring what was in the pot, as the one who seemed to be the leader would pour into the pot from jars of different ingredients, as the rest would stir and chant some dark mystical tune. As I looked beyond the large pot I could see armies of angels clashing with demons, which looked like the demons were prevailing. I heard one of the angels saying to me " come closer". Then I looked and could see beyond the battle lines something of greater significants than the large pot. The angels were not trying to break though the defenses of darkness, but were defending something greater. As I focused on what I was beginning to see, I heard sounds and voices like strong prayers of declaring and petitioning. Sounds of groaning, travailing mixed with repentant wailing. Then there was a moment of silence, it was like all of heaven was quiet. Then I could hear a loud cry of a baby like one just being born, the sound of life echoed throughout heaven and earth. Now I could see clearly what was more significant than what was happening back at the witches brew. A wave was coming and building in height and width which seemed to be powered or enabled by the very presences of God. As this wave was coming closer I looked back at the pot and the battle that was going on there. The people gathered around the pot were stirring faster as to break this anointing and keep the wave from coming. At the same time many angels were gathering around the saints who were praying to protect them and encourage them speaking into their ears. Again I heard the loud thunderous voice saying" Hold your ground I will soon crush Satan under your feet".

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"Just dreaming eating your pillow or the Spirit speaking to you"

Isaiah 29:8 "And it will be as when a hungry man dreams and behold he is eating: But when he awakens his hunger is not satisfied." Dreams can be complicated, confusing, exciting, soothing, funny or just down right disturbing. I've had my share of all the above and many times some of those dreams turned out to be God by the Spirit speaking to His child. My latest which I should label as an episode, (because I've had numerous ones of the same series ) has to do with our food source or the lack of it.  As my wife and I were walking through a grocery store we were surprised, noticing that the shelves were empty. Again we found ourselves going through what seemed to be a huge food bank or food supply outlet. Looking around we again saw that the shelves were empty with nothing to eat. As I went further down the isle behind a small wall like structure I found what seemed to be a small container ( like the ones you would get when ordering fries and catchup), but the contents tasted like sower cream. I could hear my wife cry out "let me have some." I'll let you draw your own conclusions, but I'll share what the Spirit has put on my heart. I know it sounds crazy and I've heard all the names one would get by sharing something like this, especially if that one is saying " I believe God is speaking and warning the church of great tribulation that is coming. Also this dream is two fold one of which is a spiritual famine and I am also hearing the Spirit say that America is heading for a physical famine, which will encircle or come from a huge financial downward spiral. There I said it. I am not sure if this is all the states or confined to a few, but the church doesn't need to fear, just be sensitive and prepare for what God would have them to do in these days. Yes there are already famines in isolated areas many of which are impoverished, but to have a mighty nation that exports tons of food to other countries experience a famine is going to create panic and chaos. Now you can't dip to far into Revelations without finding that the food source's are being used to bring judgment to the people who continually rebel against  the grace and mercy of God ( Rev.6:8 ). You can also open the gospels such as Luke 21:11 that says in the last days there will be plaques and famines in various places. Now many can concede to the judgments found in the old testament, but when it comes to the new testament, the new covenant and the work of the cross we can't agree to the judgments of God. Even the alter in Rev. 16:7 proclaimed that God's judgments are true and righteous. Perhaps you believe that Jesus will come and take the church before anything major like a national or even global famine occurs. Well let me remind you that even Elijah had to endure the famine and drought of his day, but God was continually providing for him. I believe God will use the church during these tribulation times to, as He used Elijah, to by the power of the Spirit release miracles to a dry and thirsty land. Even the early church after being warned of a great famine coming took up an offering to help the brethren. Again I believe there will be a shaking before an awakening. Already we see various places throughout the world being hit with famines and plaques, but it will come close to you. Jesus said "that these events will lead to an opportunity to testify!" Again I believe God is saying prepare and be prudent. Even as Joseph was used to store up food for Egypt preparing for a famine, so the church is to be those storehouses of food. Jesus said that we are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has become tasteless it becomes worthless.(Matthew 5:13) I believe the Fathers desire is to see all come to repentance and His intentions are to bring judgments to all that interfere and rebel against His love and plans trying to build their own city and tower of Babal to a heaven that doesn't exist.(Gen.11:3-4) I know that God is preparing the nations through dreams and visions. Preparing for what? For an awakening! For the Spirit will move upon the hearts through dreams revealing the hunger of the soul and for their need to be filled and satisfied.When nations, governments and the people stop running from God and start running to Him they will be satisfied and God will relent from those judgments. We as a church hold in our hands the bread of life to feed the hungry soul. but we also have a command to feed the hungry and poor around us. When this famine hits will you be prepared in your spirit to give from your storehouse. Is your storehouse being stocked up and replenished daily. There is a spiritual famine occurring right now that many are blind to or haven't enough oil in there lamps to be that blessing that Christ has called us to be. Jesus called His generation a "crooked and perverse generation," what is He calling our generation? Paul in Philippians 2:15 says that we are to be children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, so that we can appear as lights in the world.When the Son of Man comes will He find faith? (Luke 18:8)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Ephesians 6:10-18 Contrary to what is normal thinking or what the world considers natural struggles, our struggles as christians are not against flesh and blood. Yes, it is true because we are in this world we can be influenced by the normal cares of this life, but we are not of this world, whereby we need to bow to the wisdom of this worlds structure or wisdom. Our battle is one that can't be seen with the naked eye, but the results of our warfare will come into view as the schemes of the enemy are revealed. Schemes of the enemy can be defined as such; a clever but dishonest plan or program of action that is crafty and secretive. Again if we are not clothed with our whole spiritual armor we will get hit where we are vulnerable with the flaming missiles of the evil one.We can't stand firm without our armor. Once we have done everything by putting on the full armor, we than can stand firm. The one element that is listed at the end of our armor being described, is the most important, because with out the saturation of prayer the armor will not fit properly and your confidence to engage in the battle will be shaken. Verse 18 says "with all prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit. Prayer and intercession will uncover and reveal the schemes of the evil one and give you the strategy on how to battle or resist the enemy. Verse 10 is just as important as prayer perhaps more because we can only be victorious in His presence and our strength can only come from the Lord. So saint come into His presence and as you linger in Him the Spirit will fit you with your For He is the your seamster and He will make your armor to fit exactly the way it should. All He ask is that we stand, surrender, saturate in word and prayer and we will come forth as warriors fit for the Masters use!
The Antioch church. I often wondered what that looked like and how it was formed during the early church dispensation. Acts 11:19-30 gives a pretty good picture of the early stages of how that church had its beginnings. I have looked for a representation, a model of that early church in these last days and churches that could be a another Antioch. I've seen and have been involved with a few over the corse of my years and long to see more. Though there are many good churches that possess certain callings, missions birthed by the Spirit, there are few if any that have or are willing to walk in the DNA of the early Antioch church. But the same Spirit that lead the disciples to form a community of believers in Antioch seems to be doing something similar with the believers in a small town in Mexico, Baja California. The town is Tecate, the church is Rhema. I've made three journeys now and every trip is different, but everyone is Spirit breathed. What I have continued to see and witness is the  grace of God that covers this body of believers and the call to obedience to preach Jesus to their community. They are coming into their second year and doors of opportunity have opened up, along with souls being added to them. Just like the first Antioch the Spirit is bringing different leaders to encourage and strengthen the work. It is interesting and amazing to watch God through the Spirit breath upon a group of saints and because of their faith and obedience to His word gold is beginning to be seen. As they continue in His will honoring the King, God will continue adding considerable numbers of souls bringing attention to Christ as a church that is an ideal model of the early Antioch church to this generation. With longing for my next visit! Blessings to you my long distance home church!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Exodus 30:8 Mingling with the outer courts will never satisfy the longing of the soul. For The Father has called you to be a priest before Him. Him that dwells in the most holy of holies. To offer up sweet incense upon the alter of our heart. That we as a royal priesthood would offer up the sacrifice of our lives as a sweet aroma for the souls of men, that through our service before The Father of lights where there is no variableness nor shadow of turning, so that they which are lost would be redeemed by the blood of Christ. Is it not our responsibility as His chosen to first remove the log in our own eye that than we can see clearly to remove the speck in our brothers eye. For the Spirit would say "hide yourself in most holy place that you can be refined and come forth as gold and reflect His glory!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Had a dream last night; I was in a town in Mexico. It seemed to be during a festival with many people and tables full of food. As I was standing watching the festivities someone came up to me and said they wanted me to come and preach. I stood there a little surprised knowing that I didn't speak very good espanol but they seemed to insist. The Spirit told me to stand on one of the tables. As I stood there I began to speak about how God was moving in 🇲🇽. Then I couldn't contain myself I began to cry over the people. Without hesitation the people began to cry aloud. The Spirit was communicating far beyond what I could think or imagine. I believe this is a prophetic dream concerning an awakening coming to Mexico because of the cries, the deep groaning of intercession from His people!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Bruce Angelo
23 hrs
Before the rain ☔️ comes you see it and before it thunders you 👂🏼 it. Because of Christ and the Spirit which works in you, you are supernatural. Faith is stirring within you because He has planted the seed of faith. Before it manifests in the natural you see it in your spirit. As you become more aware of His presence within you the doors 🚪 of unbelief will shut and the doors 🚪 of "all things are possible to them that believe" will open! For even now I can hear the sounds of revival and see the new wine 🍷 flowing from the everlasting fountainhead rushing into the dry places bringing refreshment to the weary souls. So be encouraged saint for He is coming and He won't delay!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Hosea 6:3 "He will come to us like the rain." Have you desired, even been so dry and thirsty for the rain ☔️ that you could taste it, dream about it, or been jealous 😒 when others are getting drenched while you remain so dry? There is a secret to experiencing The Spirit coming like the rain, even Jesus walking in that dry place where you are. First verse of Hosea 6 "come let us return to the Lord." Those dry places can be the Father's loving hand of discipline on our lives that are designed to bring us back into His presence and will. When we surrender our will and return to His plans and desires for us we to will move from outside the fountain of the Spirit to underneath His drenching rain and we again will enjoy dancing 💃 in the ☔️! So the Spirit is saying "you are invited to come, return to that place that has been destined for you and run with renewed strength and not get tired. For My plans are to prosper you not harm you. Return to Me and these days will not overcome you, but you will be My overcomer, and I will grant to you to sit down with Me on My throne!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

"All in a days work"

1 Kings 13:15-17 As I am now inhabiting a less desirable hotel room on the edge of a town that has been built on the ground of a desert, I find myself crying out in the Spirit to drench this wind battered town with the wind of the Spirit. Raising up Intercessors from this desert town that they would cry out to God to bring a revival to this parched land. I find that you can make a skanky room into a wonderful place of the Fathers glory. God help the next occupants of this room. Get them Lord!! So as I walked out the door of my enchanted room I noticed the parking lot was loaded, (pun intended) which was empty when I checked in. I know it was about 3:30am but I was awake and just got through wrapping things up with my session in prayer. Not convinced I shot the arrows at the right targets, l went to check out and I asked the night clerk why so many cars? He informed me that they were most likely at the festival and checked in late. I asked him what festival? He said that it was a gathering of vendors showing their items, such as pipes,etc. you know all the paraphernalia that is linked to cannabis. Oh I said, got it. Hum I think I hit a few targets. As much as I didn't want to stay at that hotel the Spirit nudged me on. God has a sense of humor🙂.
Matthew 25:5 Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. Saints it is not time to pull down the covers, fluff up the pillow and jump into bed and fall asleep. Don't let your heart grow cold, even lukewarm. For the spirit of this age will blow your flame out if you don't come into His presence and be continually ignited by the Spirit. The Spirit is saying "Come make war on the flesh that wants to rise up and drag you away". For every addiction must be renounced and surrendered to the lordship of Christ. For the Spirit says,"Then you will come alive, I will anoint your eyes and you will walk with eyes wide open. For the flame will be reignited and your first love wholehearted devotion will be rekindled. Come My beloved and I will fill you with the oil of gladness and pour you out on a dry and thirsty land. You will see and posses the good land! Return to your first love and My anointing will break the grip of the enemy!
"O Intercessor, you who stand in the presence of the Spirit between God and man, nothing will go your way, but everything will go the Fathers way. For a surrendered heart cries out for His will to be done not yours". So wipe the tears of disappointment from you eyes and bow to His appointments. For your mourning will be turned to laughter as you embrace and release the Spirits arrows to the targets that the Father has assigned to you. For the head of darkness will be crushed under the feet of them who walk by faith, clothed with the Spirit, drenched with the blood of Christ and ready to do anointed warfare towards fortresses and all who rise up against the knowledge of Christ.

Friday, September 9, 2016

"A paradigm shift/Total dismantle/Re-arranging the furniture/Adorning the bride of Christ


"And seeing a lone fig tree by the road He came to it and found nothing on it except leaves only." (Matt 21:19) I've been struggling with this word for awhile, couldn't seem to get the heart of what the Spirit was saying. It is important that the watchman make sure that their hearts are right before they call out to a nation. This scripture always puzzled me and the same account is in Mark 11:13 which says, He was hungry and found on this fig tree nothing except leaves. Not just leaves but big green ones. At first glance reading it would seem that because this tree didn't provide for His hunger Jesus cursed it. We need to understand that Jesus wasn't just tootling down the road, became hungry and because this one tree not having any delicious rip figs to stop His hunger, cursed it from ever being able to produce again. No, it is bigger than that. It was because "it had leaves but no fruit." Jesus often used parables when speaking and what He said and did many times had a prophetic meaning, speaking of future events. I believe this account also speaks of  future events. Before the encounter with the fig tree Jesus road into Jerusalem that day on a donkey and went into the temple and the scripture says "after looking all around" He departed for Bethany with the twelve. You wouldn't think that these two events, the fig tree and the temple were related in any way but they do immensely. What did Jesus see looking around the temple and why didn't He stay and do some teaching? What Jesus saw in the temple may seem to the church today as obscure, or out dated and not worth being concerned about, because those things don't happen today, or do they? (verse 15-16). This wasn't the first time Jesus entered the temple. In Johns account He came to Jerusalem during passover and went into the temple. In this account Jesus cleansed the temple. This is the second visit to the temple after His triumphal entry. Apparently Jesus choose another day instead of this day being perhaps Sunday. On the next day as verse 12 says which was perhaps Monday,  Jesus and the disciples came to Jerusalem and He entered the temple. You would think that the ones in charge when seeing Jesus again would have remembered the first time He came and followed Him and His disciples out of the temple and had a total encounter with the Messiah. What was so disturbing to Jesus that He had to come back another day to deal with this situation in the temple? What happened on His first visit, was happening again. It was time again to make a stand for His Fathers house! Uncovering the spiritual orgy! A system had been established that wasn't pleasing to God. A system that wasn't created overnight, but one that was formed and controlled by a religious spirit. A whole lot of money was being exchanged, bartering with God, convenience. merchandising and people going in and out through the temple just to get to their destination quicker. This excessive indulgence of one stop, easy listening, all you need church, was drawing the crowds yearly on their pilgrimage to Passover. This temple where God showed up, which was designated to be a holy place, a place where all could come and pray was changed into a business, a place where as Jesus described it as "a den of thieves, a house of merchandise"(John 2:16). Let me insert this again. Israel like the fig tree had early opportunities to accept Christ but rejected Him thus had no fruit. The chief priests and scribes made everything so convenient that the people need only to show up during passover and buy their doves for sacrifice in the temple. The priest took away the importance of the personal sacrifice, giving the people convenience at a high price and filling the priest's pockets at the same time. The people became accustom to it and after all "why use our doves and lambs when we can get them at the temple". This scripture came into play as Jesus began to cleanse the temple. " Zeal for Thine house will consume Me." All that the religious system had was big leaves (outward appearance,) but no fruit. It was obvious that Jesus didn't speak the same language as the chief priests and scribes. He didn't fit into their culture or network, so anything He said or did came across as negative, not on the same page as they, of course sacrileges and against their interpretation of the Law. His approach and delivery was  offensive and would never be asked to come back again. But Jesus did came back to the temple to upset the cart, the big business of the money changers, to again cleanse the temple and reminding them that this was the Fathers house. Jesus didn't win any awards for His delivery and the way He handled the situation. Jesus was making a stand for His Fathers house! It wasn't just this temple that Jesus came to cleanse, but the house of Israel. He was also speaking prophetically to the early and latter days church. There will be a shaking prior to an awakening! The reasons why Jesus cursed the fig tree, was like the fig tree that looked healthy with all its green leaves it was unable to bring forth good fruit. The religious leaders were only concerned with the outward appearance. They were only concerned with what they could profit, keeping everything under their control. Because of their blindness they were unable to bare fruit, and recognize Christ the sacrificial Lamb standing before them in the temple.  The church is being judged of its religious spirit!  Many local church's have become so convenient, all we need to do is show up. The place of worship has taken on a different DNA than the early church and their places of worship. Everything that we need can most likely be found or purchased at what has been termed the mega church, or the greater body of Christ. We the church have in many ways become so dependent on the church structure that we have lost our dependency on Christ. Then, like now it was the numbers that created an illusion that there was much fruit, God was in the house. Not only were the chief priest and scribes setting up an enterprising business, but also a monopoly of sort. Is not Jesus asking us this day to provide the sacrifice and He will provide the fire? Has the church brought wood hay and stubble as the sacrifice and not the best for our King?  Have the tables of the money changers become the church structure of  today? A place of entrepreneur's, investors in the next great move of God and preachers or worship leaders. Christ died and ascended into heaven and He sent the Spirit into the believers heart and we became the temple of God. It was never intended for the local church to take the place of Christ in us. There is nothing a local church small or big can do that can take the place of the very presence of Christ. It is the presence of the Spirit that will bring life to the church not the church structure. Has the four walls become a god to the church that only through the church can one be used and do the works of Jesus. I believe there are times in the life of the Church that God through the power of the Spirit comes and begins to shake things up in our own lives that have become more important than the presence of Christ. There is a paradigm shift in the present functioning of the local church. Christ through the Spirit many times will come and look around the temple, surveying the condition of the heart and come back another time to bring a cleansing. This can include the structure or system of any church. There are no limitations as Christ walks among the lamp stands. There is a vast community of believers with a feeling of not belonging, not a part, not fitting into the normal church structure, leaving many wondering if there is something wrong with them. A migration of believers is leaving the church structure for something real. This is the beginning of a dismantling so that a newness can be birthed in. Matt 24:1-2 Jesus was telling the disciples that the very temple they were admiring was going to be destroyed with not one stone left upon another. What did the people do when the temple was destroyed? What is the church going to do when the whole landscape of the local church is changed. Hebrews 12: 25-28 says "Yet once more I will shake the heavens and the earth" This "yet once more" denotes the removing of things that can be shaken in order that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. There is much that can be removed in the church and our lives, such as pride, fear, self sufficiency, independence, structures and formats that can keep us from growing. There will be a dismantling of the institutional, traditional church! A shaking is occurring and a transforming of hearts is leading many to return to the Fathers house. An atmosphere of prayer being the main focus in the church.  Setting the body free from the tentacles of the religious spirit and positioning the saints for an awakening. It is the fruit of the Spirit that will remain. Hebrews 4:12 says that the word is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit of both joints and morrow and is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. In short it is Gods word and the Rhema that is the main tool that shakes and shapes our lives transforming us into His image. It is also the circumstances of this life that are used to shake and shape us for His glory(James 1:2-3). The shaking, the trials, causes the hardness of the heart to be broken up, to be tilled up, like hard soil of a field being plowed up and cultivated, preparing for seed to be planted. Hosea 10:12 Break up your fallow ground, for it is  time to seek the Lord. A total dismantle of the mega, self motivating, easy listening gospel, positive mental attitude churches, is coming and anyone in the wake of that cleansing wave will feel the conviction to surrender all that has led them away from true wholehearted devotion. Jesus is adorning His bride, not the church structure. Isaiah 66:1-2 speaks loud concerning Gods attitude towards Israel's pride and arrogance placing to much importance on  the temple. Israel believed  it was impregnable and could never be destroyed. God's answer to their sin of putting the temple as greater than His presence and making it a den of robbers came through Jeremiah 7:11-12 saying "go to Shiloh and see what I did to the place where I made My name dwell at first and see what I did to it because of the wickedness of My people. There is nothing that we could build for God that can take the place of His divine presence in our lives." Jesus also dealt with the same issues concerning the temple in Jerusalem and all the activity taking place in His Fathers house (Mark 11:1-18) Today we have the same challenges just wrapped in different packages. You can always tell when a church is motivated by a religious and elitist spirit when the church becomes the vocal point and closed to the moving of the Spirit. The church has become so sophisticated that everything and everyone must proceed from the local church in order to be recognized, accepted or used. Just because you are a born again christian doesn't mean you are going to be embraced right away. You will need to be acclimated, become part of their culture and speak their language. If you have a gift and want to be used you'll need to purchase your sacrifice at their tables through their network so everything and everyone will be on the same page, what convenience. The church has gone from a place of worship and prayer to a sophisticated network of departments, that for the one who desires simple devotion to Christ on a Sunday morning with like minded brothers and sisters feels like being sucked into a vacuum that unless you are like us you won't grow or be used. It is interesting that most all of Jesus's ministry took place outside the four walls of the local church. Church has become convenient, but at a cost. Has the church drifted away from what Christ had intended? Paul spoke of having simple devotion to Christ, not going beyond the scriptures, trying to produce something that isn't godly or demonstrating Christianity in our own strength. It may be a regular Sunday morning at church, but just like Jesus walked into the temple back than, He is about to come overturn the tables in our lives and the church structure. It may not happen that day or that Sunday, but Monday is ah coming. Christ through the Spirit may show up look around, leave, but than come back another time and deal with the heart and the church. One of the biggest reasons why the temple was destroyed in 70AD was because of Israel's disobedience. Many times because of our continual disobedience and lack of repentance the anointing seems to be lifted and His voice isn't as clear as before. He may have already come to the temple and is rearranging. It is time to take notice, listen, repent of any merchandising, convenience, trying to look good on the outside and allow Jesus to cleans your temple that you can once more hear His voice and walk in the anointing. Is the church a vibrant looking fig tree with wonderful looking leaves but no fruit? The fruit that Jesus was looking for was the fruit of repentance (Luke 3:8). The reason why Israel didn't bare fruit is because they refused the early opportunity to accept the Messiah. 2 Corinthians 6:2 says that now is the acceptable time, now is the day of salvation. I can count in scripture at lest three times that Jesus came to the temple rebuking the priest and people for their disobedience. It was because of their disobedience and failure to repent that God allowed their enemies to come in like a flood and the temple was destroyed. It was their unwillingness to embrace Christ and His kingdom that prevented Him from gathering them like a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. I ask you what are you looking for ? An awakening to fall out of the sky and everything will be utopia? God the Father doesn't work that way. Christ our Bridegroom wants total surrender of our will. We cannot serve God and this world. We can't be married to Christ and still sleep with idols. Matthew 21:44 Jesus is telling the religious people of His day and us, that He is the corner stone and we must fall on Him that we be broken and bear fruit lest the stone fall on us and scatter us like dust. Are you adorning your temple with big leaves, but bankrupt of lasting fruit? The Spirit would say " open your hearts that you can see. You might say, "What do we need to do for the Spirit to come? What must change in order to inherit the kingdom? The rich young ruler asked the same question and Jesus's response was " sell all you have give to the poor and come follow me. What if Jesus asked the local church to close up shop and sell all you have acquired. Disperse the body into various houses throughout the city and all the salaries give to the needy among you. Wow that would be edgy!! Jesus wouldn't ask that of the churches? would He? I believe Jesus is calling His bride to be adorned with prayer. For all local churches to surrender their agenda's and truly come back to wholehearted devotion. Welcoming the Spirit to birth a house of prayer in our hearts and assemblies.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

"After the lights go out"

House of prayer; it doesn't seem to carry the importance as maybe a prophetic conference or healing ministry, or a national leadership conference. But what is so ironic is that prayer was one of if not the greatest teachings that Jesus not only taught, lived, but also fought for. It seems that conferences especially with big names attract the masses, even prayer conferences. Don't get me wrong, these are good and needed. But what is more important is what takes place after the lights go out? When the news hits that there is a huge swell on the North shore hundreds even thousands merge to be part of this epic event, many of which participate to be in the wave, riding it for all its worth. But what happens when the huge waves dissipate and only smaller less exciting ones remain as the normal surf? Have those who attended the great conferences, the large prayer gatherings continued to be the prayer warriors for revival they were encouraged to be. Those who went to see the huge swells, well we know most went for the event, but there are those who were inspired to take-up surfing. Those who actually participated certainly went back to their homes and continue riding the waves at their coastal cities? I am sure many were inspired to put on the mantle of prayer and establish a continual meeting with the Father. Lets be honest whether it is a weekly house of prayer meeting or a yearly event held on the North shore. It is in the continual participation, consistent preparation and ernest effectual prayer of that warrior which will move the heart of God and bring a mighty wave of revival. It is the faithful petitioning of that one disciple during the week that will gather many in the house. It was Ananias that the Lord spoke to in a vision concerning Paul the Apostle. And because of Ananias's faithfulness and obedience in prayer the Spirit used him and Paul became one of the great men of God that lead the way for the Gentile nation to the Lord.(Acts 9: 10-19) Conferences are great. Riding or watching the big waves are fun. But when the lights go out and the stage is taken away, everyone returns to their homes. But the call and command to prayer remains! (1Tim.2:1) Blessed is that one whom the Lord finds doing when He comes! For the Spirit will shine upon you and light your way and His glory will be upon you!(Isaiah 60:1

Sunday, August 28, 2016

"The hedge"

Isaiah 5:5; I will remove its hedge and it will be consumed: I will break down its wall and it will become trampled ground. That is a  straight foreword strong word, from God concerning Israel about their unfaithfulness and idolatry. God in His great love and mercy tells why He is going to do this if they didn't return to Him. He starts out through telling a prophetic parable about a vineyard and what He has done for it in order for it to bear good fruit. God called Israel His well-beloved, the apple of His eye. With many other names God gave to His people reflecting His love for them. He says I built a hedge of protection around this vineyard. Removed all the stones, placed it on a fertile hill and put a tower in the middle of the vineyard. Expecting it to produce good grapes, but it only produced worthless ones. This didn't happen overnight but over years with God sending prophets to speak to them wowing and warning them to come back to their Father, but they refused. Instead they rebelled, forsook His commands, followed after idols and false gods. Even offering their children upon the alter of Moleck. His warning was this verse that describes what He was going to do. We see in other places in Isaiah, Jeremiah similar warnings of impending judgment if they did not return to Him. Sadly they didn't return to their Father and the prophecy came to pass. When judgment came they became arrogant and vowed to rebuild what God tore down even stronger. Is God still calling His people back to Him today? The answer is yes! But not only Israel but even America. Why? Because these two nations have similar callings from God. Blessed to be a blessing to all nations. Founded upon Gods principles and promises. If these nations would follow after God and obey His commands He would bless and prosper them that they would be that light to all nations. America like Israel has forsaken God and gone after other gods causing other nations to follow suit, putting the blood of those nation upon America. Has God been sending warnings to America of impending judgment? Has God already in different forms brought judgment to America? I believe He has, but just like Israel we are not listening. Can God bring an awakening to this nation? Of course! With God all things are possible. But the question should be, will God bring an awakening to not only this nation but the whole earth? Again the answer is yes! But when and how is the most important questions"I see a tremendous shaking coming, that will usher in a repentance to this nation." I can recall one important event that nearly brought America to its knees in repentance. It was the 9-11 attack on American soil the day that the twin towers fell and all America saw that our hedges (defenses) were broken down. In the days following many were being stirred, churches were being filled, it looked like this could be the next awakening. But something very troubling happened. Instead of this nation humbling itself and recognizing this was a judgment from God, we rose up in defiance against our enemy declaring we will rebuild even better than before. This caused a shift from what could possibly have been a mighty revival, to perhaps God bringing further judgments. "There was no true repentance." Church leaders got on board and began to preach from the pulpits that this was not a judgment from God but a terrorist attack on our nation. They were declaring half truths which watered down any hopes of a national revival. Since 9-11 this nation has fallen away from God to the degree that it will take a tremendous shaking. God will continue to remove our hedge and break down our walls, (in our financial institutions, governments, production, food sources, medical, defenses, our total infrastructure), to bring this nation to its knees long enough that true repentance will come forth and a mighty awakening will be born. God does not wish that any should parish, but that all would come to repentance. (1 Peter 3:9) Have you personally felt that your hedge has been crumbling? Has God in His love and mercy been allowing certain things to happen in your life in order for His child to come back to Him?  The scripture in Hebrews 12: 4-11 says He disciplines those that He loves. It may not happen right away because God is patient, but when He knows and sees that we are not turning around He will intervene, getting our attention by bringing His discipline. Looking for a true 180 degree shift putting us back on the right path. Church, you who are called by His name, it is our calling and responsibility to cry out in the night watches for this nation. It not a time to hold back but stand and be a witness of rightness. The Spirit is calling us to build up our hedges through intercession, compelling the people to come to the banqueting table. (Luke 14:23). That we would cover the earth with the glory of God and the deep darkness that covers the people will be illuminated with the Light of Christ.Yes these are the days that good is being called evil and evil good. But these are also the days of Elijah! Standing against the religious spirit with the sword of the Spirit. Pointing the way with the word to Christ the messiah and being crouched down on the ground calling forth the rain of awakening!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

"Come full circle"

"Come full circle" as the church has progressed over the centuries starting out with simple devotion to Jesus it has taken on a different form or mindset that is grieving the Spirit and causing much perplexity among the true believers of Christ. The mother of harlots which is the religious system that Jesus spoke about and Paul the apostle contended with the church in Galatia, has crept in and  become a strong luxuriant vine choking the very live out of true disciples of Jesus. But there is a call from the Spirit to come out of that system the great whore and do not participate in her sins. Many have been hurt and have left churches, but there is a migration of true believers coming back to grass roots Christianity. The Spirit is bringing the bride back around to simple devotion to their Bridegroom. There is a stirring in the hearts of saints to be that remnant that is living for Christ and desiring to know and serve Him not a religious system! It is this migration of believers that the Spirit will build up to be that one voice (even as John the Baptist) crying out in the wilderness of nations preparing the way of the Lord. Calling the rebellious back to the ways of God. Making a stand for that which is true and righteous. For Jesus is purifying His church! The dross will be removed and gold will emerge pure and brilliant.

Friday, August 12, 2016

'The hungry will be filled'

Some would say I am partial or playing favorites, believe me that isn't the case. The Father wants to bring awakening to all, but there is also something He is looking for, something that will move His heart towards any nation that so desires and hungers after righteousness. God is looking for repentances! A people, a nation that would humble themselves crying out to Him for forgiveness and turning from their wicked ways. When I saw Christ the Redeemer coming through the fog in Rio a previous picture came back to me. The picture was Christ turning from America and looking towards Mexico and South America. I couldn't understand why Jesus would do that, until I saw this statue and a scripture came to me from Mathew 5:3;6 Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven and vs. 6 Blessed our those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied. What is the difference between America and Mexico/ South America? It is the defiance, the arrogance and the fatness that has turned America away from their Creator and caused God to look for a nation that He can reward who will diligently seek Him with all their heart. As I sit here in our home away from home, in Los Osos I am looking at these big pigeons that we call fat boys eating the seed in the bird feeder.  I think all the pigeons in Los Osos flock here feeding from that feeder. They know Who their source is and where to get their food and be satisfied. Unlike many of us humans who look to what we sow and what we gather into barns that is our source. The more we sow the more we reap and the more we store up. It becomes our strength and dependance, and the more we have no need to turn to our Creator in thankfulness for His provision. America must be broken that we will turn back to God and be once more a nation under God recognizing Him as our provider! I am not saying there isn't other nations that would be inclined to turn from their sin, but these are the two that the Spirit has put on my heart. These are the two that I personally have had touch with. And it is these two that seem ready to give all, surrender all, to be filled with His righteousness. I believe their poorness of spirit, their lack of arrogance is causing Jesus to turn towards them and the Father is about ready to pour out an awakening on these nations. God is calling nations to humble themselves and repent. Christ is calling His church to stand in the gap for nations, for America. We must acknowledge this and be obedient to the call! Part 2 (part 3) will God turn away from America?

Sunday, July 31, 2016

"Smoke rising Clouds forming"

When you see smoke you know there is a fire. You may not see the fire yet, but if you continue to wait and look you will see a fire growing bigger. When you see a cloud forming, getting bigger and sky turning darker you know that rain is coming. If you are seeing these in the spirit be encouraged and continue to look and wait, for fire and rain are coming!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

"A forerunners prayer"

Jeremiah 12:5 Father, You are a holy and righteous God! Your judgments are true and Your plans are impeccable. Who can compare to You Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. You allow the wicked to prosper and the darkness to grow thicker. Many are confessing You on their lips but their hearts are far from You. When will you show up and vindicate the righteous? When will You bring judgment and establish Your kingdom? My flesh grows weary but my spirit cries forth Run! The Spirit says don't be tired running with the footman of this age, for you must compete with the horses that run wild with no bridle. If you fall down in the land of peace you must quickly get up, because deep darkness will cover the people. The forerunners of this day must be torches burning, lighting the way for the church, and bringing clarity to the misaligned world.  If you being a torch begin to become dim you must come to Me and be filled with fresh oil and ignited with My Spirit. For the Spirit says He is calling and gathering the forerunners to be a voice of one crying in the wilderness. To make clear the way for the Lord in this wilderness. Preparing the people to have eyes wide open, turning the disobedient back to the way of the Lord. It shall be one voice declaring  revival. One voice crying forth His return. The runners of this day must not be double minded but focused with one heart and vision declaring truth to a crooked nation and lukewarm church. This is the hour Lord that the true worshipers must rise up and adore You in spirit and truth. These are the days when the intercessors must be aggressive in their warfare. Binding up the spirit of confusion and releasing peace to the minds and hearts that have put down their weapons and are walking amously through the valley of Elah. Even as David slue the enemy (Goliath) in the valley of Elah taking his sword, and again later he took it for himself in his defense against the armies of Saul. You to must remember your battles and how the Lord gave you the victory in the many valleys of this life. You must take up your weapons that the enemy has lied to you saying they are lost. Come back to that secret place, you will be empowered, you will again put on the whole armor, ready to once more do battle as a intercessor in spiritual warfare. Father I call forth Your kingdom of priest to rise up! Spirit of God come, quicken them! Bring life to their members! Rise up from the valley of dry bones, and come forth as a mighty army of one voice!Rev. 1:6; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Ezekiel 37; 1 Samuel 17:51;1 Samuel 21:8-9

Monday, June 20, 2016

A fire ragging

A fire ragging"
With all these fires burning it takes a lot of man power and money to put them out. Some are started by arsine others by weather. A fire when left burning can continue to burn everything in its path. They can be very devastating to livestock and structures. James 3:5 says that a great forest is set aflame with just a small fire. Verse 6 the tongue is a fire and will burn us up and everyone else if we can't control it.  These fires do have a positive side, that after the burn life begins to spring up from the midst of the ash and rubble. There is another fire that comes from the Holy Spirit that will burn up the chaff of our lives and allow only the wheat to remain. An unquenchable fire that will burn away the dross so only the gold will be left. This gold from the Spirit comes in liquid form. John 7: 38 says "they who believe in Me from their innermost being shall flow rivers of living water." The more we allow the Spirit to be that fire in our lives the less the tongue will devour our life and others. Let us be those fire starters of the Spirit engulfing the flames of the tongue. It is the fire of intercession that can douse or stop the flames of a natural blaze roaring towards towns and cities. It is the Fathers will to execute the petitions of the church to put a halt to devastation. As we surrender our tongues to the control of the Spirit the effect of our prayers will be fruitful. Pray without ceasing!!Let the waters of intercession flow!!

Friday, June 10, 2016

"Serving up fresh bread and new wine"

You don't know what is fresh until you taste fresh and you can't experience new wine until you drink it. Making several trips to South America on ministry one of the highlights for me as far as eating was going to the bakery and getting fresh bread. The taste and texture was so fresh it melted in my mouth. But I also found that fresh bread would become stale by the next day. If I wanted more fresh bread I would need to go the next morning and get more. Exodus 16:20 God rained down manna every morning, it was their bread for that day. They were told not to store up but gather only for that day because it will become rotten.
1Corinthians 10:4 says that Jesus was the spiritual rock in the wilderness that they drank from. For us today Jesus is the Bread of life, He is the Word, the manna that we are to consume of daily. We can not depend on Sunday morning sermons to get us through the week, it will become stale we must feast daily in order to be nurtured and grow. Jesus said in John 7:37-39 out of our inner most being will flow rivers of living water. Whether we are preaching, teaching or ministering in the prophetic we must be feasting on fresh bread and drinking new wine daily. It can't be feel good words, they must be from the Bread of life. If not, we will be giving and ministering out from our lives that are stale, moldy and of no substance.
Only those who have tasted fresh bread and drank new wine will know the difference. For the world is able to devour you, are you prepared and immersed in the Spirit to walk above it all with victory? Jude 1:20 says to build ourselves up in our faith praying in the Spirit. What is or should I say Who is the new wine? Is it not the Spirit! Jesus sent the Spirit into the
hearts of His church, and to all those who desire to be baptized in the Spirit will receive power to stand against the tide of this present darkness! Paul said in Ephesians 5:18-19 not to be drunk with wine, but to be fill with the Spirit. Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with our hearts to the Lord.
Its not the wine of this world that will give us joy, but being filled with His presents . Consume with His fire, that will give us joy for evermore. Karabashindi!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

"Set free from a religious spirit brings life and fulfillment"

                          "Part 2 Second class citizens"

There is an element that will pull not only those out of second class status, but will ignite them in their callings.That element is releasing. Even though John the Baptist was the forerunner of Christ, God through the power of the Holy Spirit had no reservations having the Christ child born through the Virgin Mary. Was it not the woman who were the forerunners of the disciples leading the way to the tomb first? Were there not women surrounding Jesus during His ministry, crucifixion, death and resurrection? Was this just to support Him or was this an example of how the woman of His church are to be embraced and released. Just as Jesus was being an example of a Shepard to His future Apostles He was endorsing also that women can walk in leadership and even have pastoral callings. Paul in Romans 16:1 commends Phoebe and honors her as a servant to the church. What do I believe the Spirit is saying to the church? "we need to accept and honor one another and abolish second class status." The church needs to be set free from their religious bondage. Hearts transformed and eyes opened to all that the women are called to. Honoring and releasing them to their gifts and ministry. When the righteous increase the people rejoice. God is all about increase. He wants you to increase in your calling and gift. He wants the church to increase beyond its present growth. His anointing will flow to those who want to increase. He will pour fresh oil on the tiered and weary bringing fulfillment even to the older women who have felt barren of calling. For the Spirit would say "you will experience the pains of birth, but the joy as you are released bring forth the calling as many children will surround you. For you will come up out of your present place and experience a fresh outpouring. Your latter days will be greater then the former.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

"A higher calling in the Father's kingdom"

"Second class citizens"
Do you feel like a second class citizen in life or even in your home church? Taking a flight recently I was ready to board my flight, but was told that all groups needed to wait until first class boarded. As I walked down the aisle to get to my seat I had to walk past first class. Noticing more leg room, bigger reclining chairs and of course more service. Finding my seat I sat down in economy section, small seat, very little to no leg room and service was something you had to pay for. By the time I reached my destination I felt like a second class citizen. As I reflected upon this experience the Spirit began to speak to me and said " This is how many in the body of Christ feel especially the women". I got the feeling of being a lower class person from those who were in first class. i find that not only the men of a church but also those leaders in the church that if they are insecure and or have a lack of knowledge in the scriptures concerning women's role in the church will by their body language and demeanor place the female gender in second class status. This second class status is not biblical nor does heaven embrace it. Galatians 3:28 says that because of Christ there is no separate or second class we all become one in Christ. It is through Christ that we became first class citizens. Ephesians.2:19 we are fellow citizens with the saints and we belong to Gods household. There is plenty leg room in His kingdom. It is the songs of heaven that are sung over male and female alike. Leadership and calling were very much a part of the women in old and New Testament. It is how the church walks this out today that will determine growth in the future. When a church is free from its religious spirit and embrace biblical truth the Spirit will move. Can you imagine what the landscape of a church would look like if women who had pastoral callings were released to fulfill their callings. To me it would be like the Captain of the plane getting on the loud speaker and saying "all you second class you belong in first class, come and fulfill your destiny". I would rather be lifted up and fly with the wings of eagles where there is no partiality. We belong to a Father lights Who gives perfect gifts, with Whom there is no variation or shifting of shadow. James 1:17