Monday, June 20, 2016

A fire ragging

A fire ragging"
With all these fires burning it takes a lot of man power and money to put them out. Some are started by arsine others by weather. A fire when left burning can continue to burn everything in its path. They can be very devastating to livestock and structures. James 3:5 says that a great forest is set aflame with just a small fire. Verse 6 the tongue is a fire and will burn us up and everyone else if we can't control it.  These fires do have a positive side, that after the burn life begins to spring up from the midst of the ash and rubble. There is another fire that comes from the Holy Spirit that will burn up the chaff of our lives and allow only the wheat to remain. An unquenchable fire that will burn away the dross so only the gold will be left. This gold from the Spirit comes in liquid form. John 7: 38 says "they who believe in Me from their innermost being shall flow rivers of living water." The more we allow the Spirit to be that fire in our lives the less the tongue will devour our life and others. Let us be those fire starters of the Spirit engulfing the flames of the tongue. It is the fire of intercession that can douse or stop the flames of a natural blaze roaring towards towns and cities. It is the Fathers will to execute the petitions of the church to put a halt to devastation. As we surrender our tongues to the control of the Spirit the effect of our prayers will be fruitful. Pray without ceasing!!Let the waters of intercession flow!!

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