Friday, June 10, 2016

"Serving up fresh bread and new wine"

You don't know what is fresh until you taste fresh and you can't experience new wine until you drink it. Making several trips to South America on ministry one of the highlights for me as far as eating was going to the bakery and getting fresh bread. The taste and texture was so fresh it melted in my mouth. But I also found that fresh bread would become stale by the next day. If I wanted more fresh bread I would need to go the next morning and get more. Exodus 16:20 God rained down manna every morning, it was their bread for that day. They were told not to store up but gather only for that day because it will become rotten.
1Corinthians 10:4 says that Jesus was the spiritual rock in the wilderness that they drank from. For us today Jesus is the Bread of life, He is the Word, the manna that we are to consume of daily. We can not depend on Sunday morning sermons to get us through the week, it will become stale we must feast daily in order to be nurtured and grow. Jesus said in John 7:37-39 out of our inner most being will flow rivers of living water. Whether we are preaching, teaching or ministering in the prophetic we must be feasting on fresh bread and drinking new wine daily. It can't be feel good words, they must be from the Bread of life. If not, we will be giving and ministering out from our lives that are stale, moldy and of no substance.
Only those who have tasted fresh bread and drank new wine will know the difference. For the world is able to devour you, are you prepared and immersed in the Spirit to walk above it all with victory? Jude 1:20 says to build ourselves up in our faith praying in the Spirit. What is or should I say Who is the new wine? Is it not the Spirit! Jesus sent the Spirit into the
hearts of His church, and to all those who desire to be baptized in the Spirit will receive power to stand against the tide of this present darkness! Paul said in Ephesians 5:18-19 not to be drunk with wine, but to be fill with the Spirit. Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with our hearts to the Lord.
Its not the wine of this world that will give us joy, but being filled with His presents . Consume with His fire, that will give us joy for evermore. Karabashindi!!

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