Tuesday, June 7, 2016

"A higher calling in the Father's kingdom"

"Second class citizens"
Do you feel like a second class citizen in life or even in your home church? Taking a flight recently I was ready to board my flight, but was told that all groups needed to wait until first class boarded. As I walked down the aisle to get to my seat I had to walk past first class. Noticing more leg room, bigger reclining chairs and of course more service. Finding my seat I sat down in economy section, small seat, very little to no leg room and service was something you had to pay for. By the time I reached my destination I felt like a second class citizen. As I reflected upon this experience the Spirit began to speak to me and said " This is how many in the body of Christ feel especially the women". I got the feeling of being a lower class person from those who were in first class. i find that not only the men of a church but also those leaders in the church that if they are insecure and or have a lack of knowledge in the scriptures concerning women's role in the church will by their body language and demeanor place the female gender in second class status. This second class status is not biblical nor does heaven embrace it. Galatians 3:28 says that because of Christ there is no separate or second class we all become one in Christ. It is through Christ that we became first class citizens. Ephesians.2:19 we are fellow citizens with the saints and we belong to Gods household. There is plenty leg room in His kingdom. It is the songs of heaven that are sung over male and female alike. Leadership and calling were very much a part of the women in old and New Testament. It is how the church walks this out today that will determine growth in the future. When a church is free from its religious spirit and embrace biblical truth the Spirit will move. Can you imagine what the landscape of a church would look like if women who had pastoral callings were released to fulfill their callings. To me it would be like the Captain of the plane getting on the loud speaker and saying "all you second class you belong in first class, come and fulfill your destiny". I would rather be lifted up and fly with the wings of eagles where there is no partiality. We belong to a Father lights Who gives perfect gifts, with Whom there is no variation or shifting of shadow. James 1:17

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