Monday, June 6, 2016

" Cheek slappers and spitters" 
Matt. 5:39 Jesus was telling how one should act when they are slapped on the right cheek. He said to turn your head and offer the other. This was not only a beatitude on how we should respond but also a prophetic word that Jesus spoke about what would happen to Him. It was fulfilled in Matt. 26:67. Last March 2012 the Spirit told me that the opportunity that I was given would not happen. You could say I turned my face and offered the other cheek. When I went on a trip this last Feb. the Spirit warned me in so many words that I would be spit upon. I believe the Spirit warns us ahead of time so we have the opportunity to respond in a godly fashion. Who are those cheek slappers, spitters and beaters? It is not always those in the world and it is not always a physical slap or spit. More often they are your Christian brothers and sisters who use words as spit or actions as their hands that hit our cheeks(heart.) Right now there is a flood of cheek slappers, spitters and beaters that if we retaliate can destroy relationships, prevent the Spirit from moving which can mean a delay of revival or no revival. We must learn to forgive, let go that no root of bitterness can spring up. We must trust our Father to discipline those who have accused wrongly, bitter, jealous or they don't trust the Spirit in you. This season is not over for me yet, but I have learned from similar seasons that I must first die to self and let go of all that I hold on to. Because through these seasons the Father by the Spirit is creating something far greater than I could imagine. Jesus is walking in the mist of His candlesticks purifying and igniting that we can be one shinning as stars before the world. So I wait for Him to fill this place. For when you are so in love with Jesus nothing can take His place.

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