Saturday, May 28, 2016

"A bumper crop year"

John 21:5-6  Knowing somewhat of the history of the church, the commitment, struggles, ups and downs that you as leaders and the church body has gone through, the Spirit has prompted me and lead me to this scripture with the heading or theme of this word."A bumper crop year." Peter and the disciples had just finished fishing all night. They fished in this sea many times and many times received their portion of fish, and many days of no bits and empty nets. This was one of those times when Jesus manifested Himself as He spoke to them from the shore, " Children you do not have any fish do you?" Not only did Jesus appear to them again but gave them something tangible as a convincing proof. I believe the Spirit is agreeing with the need and desire of this church. You have labored in this field for years and you seem to come up short or at best your nets never seem to be full. The invitation and direction of Jesus to the disciples was the most important words spoken to these disciples at that time, and their obedience to His voice and direction brought a bumper crop of fish that could not be hauled into the boat. His words were simple, " Cast the net on the right hand side of the boat."The disciples had fished for many years and I am sure they had thrown their net on the right hand side before. But it was this time, a Karios time, that because of their obedience and Jesus showing them that it doesn't matter how many times you have done the same thing before,when the Spirit is directing you to do it again you will reap a harvest. They fished all night in their strength, but when they surrendered to the voice of Jesus at the right time, they hauled in or should I say dragged in more than they could handle. I believe The Spirit is going to bring a change to the leadership and church body, that if you recognize His voice and obey, you as a church will experience a bumper crop. Casting your net on the right side may mean returning to your first love and doing those things you've done in the beginning in His strength. I see the Spirit moving the church first as individuals to a place of unreserved total yielding to the voice of the Spirit. I see the church expanding and moving to different areas of the city. I believe the body needs to know that the Spirit has not left the church and is very much ready to lead this church into a bumper crop season. Jesus through the power of the Spirit will manifest Himself as the church yields to His direction. He will bring healing to marriages and bring life to the ruins. Can you hear His voice, He's calling forth to each one in the church, come into My presence, throw yourself into my hands and you will be full.
                                                                                 Blessings to you Bruce

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