Thursday, May 26, 2016

Appealers or squealers

What can one say about the state of these United States or the rest of the world? One might say things are looking rather bilk, but it will get better. Or you could say the sky is falling we'er all domed run for your life. Many are blaming this person or that person, this government or that leadership. It seams like many are trying to outdo each other in being heard or making it a point to tell on one another about their past, present and future mistakes, issues and reasons why they should not be running for any high ranking office. What it sounds like is a bunch of squealers trying to tell the teacher about Tommy. What is even worst is the atmosphere that is being created to the masses and now you have multitudes squealing on one another. As christians, ( when I say christian I am talking about a believer in Christ, a follower of His life, teachings and character.) shouldn't get so wrapped up in the affairs of this life (2 Tim. 2:4) that has the potential to take us away from what we should be doing. Praying and appealing to God the Father is and should be our #1 priority. Protesting and voicing our opinions can put us into the arena of a fleshly war when according to scripture our warfare is a spiritual one. This is where the power is! This is where we can be heard! This is where we can make a difference! Our position is to appeal to our Father on behave of this nation, or any other nation, person or event. If God chooses to place His people in the political atmosphere it would probably be along the lines of a Daniel, Joseph or Nehemiah, who were appealers to God trusting that He would make the changes according to His will.They didn't seek an office they were placed in it by God. Philippians 4:6-7 says Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request ( your appeals, your entreaties) be made known to God. We don't need to be anxious about who's going to get into a political office, or what store or company is expressing their right to allow certain people to use their facilities etc. There is a spirit of anxiousness spreading and it needs to be cut off and replaced by His peace working in and through His people. Our position as followers of Christ need to fight these battles on our knees and His peace which surpasses all comprehension will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. We are in this world, but we are not of this world. We as followers of Christ, if we are to bring salvation to a lost and dying world, we first need our hearts to be changed that we can have the mind of Christ to do that which Christ would do. Let us commit to being appealers and stop squealing over issues that are much to big for us to handle in our own power. And only God will listen to His people who are seeking Him with all their heart and will change in His timing!

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