Thursday, May 19, 2016

Intercession is more than a weekly meeting, or a gathering of the church to stand and cry out for revival, which is all good. Intercession is also a journey that as one surrenders to the Spirit, that one will never be the same. They will be changed! The shallow waters will not satisfy any longer, and your desire will be totally to ride the waves of the Spirit. Your spirit will be stirred! You'll begin to pour out tears that come from the deep of your spirit, like waves that won't stop. The groaning will be at times so intense, it will feel like a wave crashing down upon you and thinking you can't take anymore, the warmth and assurance of the Spirit comes, and you know your in His presence and your pleasing the Father. The intense time will become calm until the Spirit brings another wave that you will ride until that season is over. The Spirit says Come, surrender and let His waves roll over you! Deep is calling to deep.Psalms 42:7

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