Monday, April 4, 2016

Positioning for revival or settling for dead bones"

"Praying can be a contact sport" Mark 14:34-35
I know in my profession as a gardener I have found that at my age gardening can be a contact sport. For an example, seeing a brick sticking up, hitting it with my foot, falling forward and face planting myself on the ground. Of course as I was going down I recall asking my Father to help me. Getting up dusting myself off and feeling the pain of a bruised rib, I remembered the scripture that says, Jesus  being exceeding sorrowful unto death in Gethsemane, it goes on to say, that He left His disciples about a stone throw away and "fell to the ground". I do believe because of the agony and heavy burden He was carrying He had no strength to stand and fell to the ground, perhaps face down on the ground, He began crying out to the Father "take away this cup from Me, nevertheless not My will but Yours". Yes I believe there are those prayer times and seasons, that because of the weight of the prayer it can be a contact sport. Having no strength left in you, you might find yourself face down on the ground. Have you been in that place, where the Spirit has put such a burden of prayer on you, that it drains you of your physical strength that all you can do is fall or lay flat on the ground crying out to God for that person, place or event.These are the warriors/intercessor's that God is looking for! Christians that will deny self in order to carry the burden full term. Are we carrying a burden for an Awakening so heavy on our spirit that we're willing to give up the momentary comforts of this life to cry out for souls to make an eternal choice? Is apathy and indifference keeping us from our holy commission to reach the lost? We first must have revival in our own hearts. We must leave the sleepy camp of apathy and run to the upper room of revival. Face planting ourselves on the threshing floor until the Spirit blows upon our hearts filling us with power, igniting us do His will! Are you waiting for the pastor to lead you in prayer? If he isn't given to prayer he won't be leading the church in corporate prayer, except for introductory prayer and or just before his sermon. If you aren't a praying church you won't be experiencing revival, but you will be like dead bones seating in pews. Jesus said "let the dead bury the dead". Many may want to see an Awakening come to America, we certainly would agree we need one. But how many who want one are willing to labor, intercede, carrying it to full term? Many have gone into the fields early laboring, others started mid day, still others in the afternoon. Now Christ is calling still more before the day has ended to come and labor in the fields of intercession for all will receive the same reward---Awakening. So let the heart be broken and let the tears flow over matters to great for your understanding. Allow the Spirit to come and form you into that prayer warrior that you have been designed for.

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