Sunday, November 20, 2016

"A strong wind is blowing! A healing of the land is coming"

Have you humbled yourselves, prayed, looking to Christ and turned from your wicked ways so that He would heal your land? Even if I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among you. If you seek My face I will hear from heaven! (2 Chronicles 7:13-14) King Ahab was killed in battle and Jezebel was thrown from her palace window by her own servant's.This marked the end of a corrupt machine that had plagued Israel, but the continued cleansing of a ruined nation. Once a nation abandons its heritage it loses the ability to discern the difference between right and wrong. The very makeup of the nation and individual conscience is affected. This machine, this dynasty, brought such corruption and witch craft from Jezebel, that it turned the hearts of the people from worshipping the One true God to worshipping Baal (2 Kings 9:22).
Jezebel was responsible for killing the prophets of God (so she thought), but Obadiah hid one hundred of them in caves. There is such a parallel between this history of Israel and this season that America is going through. As Jehu was anointed king over Israel he was given a mandate and appointed to strike down the house of Ahab, fulfill the prophetic word concerning Jezebel "that the dogs shall eat Jezebel,"and eradicate Baal out of Israel. As he approached Jezreel, Jehu was seen driving furiously (2 Kings 9:20). After the initial cleansing of the dynasty he went on to cleans the nation of all their harlotry's and the worshipping of Baal. Jehu wasn't a perfect vessel but God used him for a season to bring reformation to the nation. I am sure this was no easy task and there was much resistance from a people who were so entrenched in their idols, false worship and the manipulation and domination of Jezebel. I see God doing something similar in America
with the government and the people. There is an act of God taking place in our nation that is like a shot being heard around the world. I see God using this newly elected president to bring reform to the governments and help usher in an awakening for this country, of which we are long overdue. God has destined America to be a platform for the end time harvest. This president elect is driving furiously( giving a stormy or turbulent appearance) to accomplish all that has been put on his heart and chosen to do. He doesn't now what is behind his driving force but it seems to be taking him into places that others would not dare go. strong heavenly Wind is approaching and colliding with the earthly wind, that will be renewed to hold up a godly standard ( Song of Songs 4:16). For at the right time God will release the flood waters of heaven that will overturn the cauldron of the witches brew! HIS LOVE BREAKS THROUGH THE DARKNESS! THERE MUST BE A SHAKING BEFORE AWAKENING!!
There will be much resistance, mostly because our country has been under such a dark evil cloud, tangled in lies, corruption, manipulation and domination in and from the government, which has influenced the people causing the heart to turn from godly fundamentals and the worshipping of the only true God, to follow after the Jezebel spirit of this age. The heart never likes change especially when it is comfortable with complacency. The voice of the true prophets have been silenced for a season, only in preparation to come out of the caves, for God is about to release an army of true prophets and prophetic people that have been set aside for such a time as this. America is about to embark on its finest hours according to the kingdom of God. These will have one mandate and one voice crying in the wideness of this nation to turn the hearts of the people back to the One True God,Yahweh. This new Jehu has been anointed to change and bring this country to a staging point for awakening by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is a vessel appointed by God, who has the opportunity to be used greatly by God for a season. Like Jehu who was not perfect and would not give up certain sins, this new president also is not perfect, but God will give him an invitation to have a complete turn around from his past. For God will test the heart of the people, and it will reveal what is gold and what is dross. The gold will have discernment for this time, seeing what God is doing and pray for this man that he will continue to drive furiously. This shaking will affect the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the intellect and the unschooled. Every church, ministry and religious organization will fill the magnitude of this tsunami like outpouring. Prepare your hearts church! Awake bride! For as this heavenly Wind approaches it will split apart the cloud of darkness from the people
 and eyes will be opened, they will see the lies, turn to the Truth and an Awakening will emerge, swallowing up darkness for a season. There is much activity back at the witches cauldron, but the force, the anointing, the Wind is causing an enormous wave to build and will crash over the darkness of this nation that has spread over the earth opening a door that will bring forth His end time harvest to all the world.

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