Sunday, November 6, 2016

"Visions of the night"
Sounds of swords clashing against each other. Loud noise like the sounds of many wings fluttering angels flying in midair. The angels of God are in battle with the demons of hell. Angels filling the heavens, but darkness seems to be prevailing. A sound from above the heavens, like thunder saying "Hold your ground a little longer till it is time to break Satan's power. As I looked I saw a large pot or caldron with many people forming a circle around the pot dressed in suits and ties. They had large sticks stirring what was in the pot, as the one who seemed to be the leader would pour into the pot from jars of different ingredients, as the rest would stir and chant some dark mystical tune. As I looked beyond the large pot I could see armies of angels clashing with demons, which looked like the demons were prevailing. I heard one of the angels saying to me " come closer". Then I looked and could see beyond the battle lines something of greater significants than the large pot. The angels were not trying to break though the defenses of darkness, but were defending something greater. As I focused on what I was beginning to see, I heard sounds and voices like strong prayers of declaring and petitioning. Sounds of groaning, travailing mixed with repentant wailing. Then there was a moment of silence, it was like all of heaven was quiet. Then I could hear a loud cry of a baby like one just being born, the sound of life echoed throughout heaven and earth. Now I could see clearly what was more significant than what was happening back at the witches brew. A wave was coming and building in height and width which seemed to be powered or enabled by the very presences of God. As this wave was coming closer I looked back at the pot and the battle that was going on there. The people gathered around the pot were stirring faster as to break this anointing and keep the wave from coming. At the same time many angels were gathering around the saints who were praying to protect them and encourage them speaking into their ears. Again I heard the loud thunderous voice saying" Hold your ground I will soon crush Satan under your feet".

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