Monday, November 7, 2016

"The witch"s brew"

There is a darkness that is crippling many local churches and high governmental offices. It is like a cancer oozing that if not identified and corrected will fester and immobilize the total church body and our nation.  What is this darkness and what is the root of it? Galatians 5:17; For the flesh sets or lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh: for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please or wish! This is the root for yielding to the flesh and verse 18-21 are the deeds that come forth. One of which I believe is being overlooked due to its name and seemingly obscure placement. Luke 12:35-40 There is a season that seems to sneak into our lives! A time that I call "the season of the witch." We become unaware of it due to our business, and certain distractions that come when our regular schedule's or lives are disrupted more than usual. Disrupted, meaning things going wrong on a continual basis, and the fruit or what happens during these things going wrong that you can't explain is a depression that begins to rule your life that you can't kick. Before this depression enters in you get hit with something that discourages you. It shakes you from your normal time in the word and you take a break from being with Jesus. It is like the enemy has cast a spell and causes us to step away from being alert and makes us lukewarm in our walk. There are other elements that come into play, like loss of vision, confusion, disorientation, withdrawal, despair and defeat. Jesus said to be dressed in readiness and keep your lamps lit! Whether it be summer activities, new jobs or just dealing with family issues, know this that your adversary the enemy looks around for someone to devour. Devour meaning, (like a lion eating its prey) and Sorcery (witch craft) being that deed of the flesh that is usually overlooked is the one deed that is being used in a very seductive way. In this level witch craft take on the form of someone operating with a counterfeit spiritual authority. Using a spirit other than the Holy Spirit to dominate and manipulating you through a control spirit. If we are not alert and dressed in readiness we will not hear or see what the Spirit wants to reveal to us. Don't allow your house to be broken into. Don't let the season of the witch keep you from going deeper in Christ. We must recognize what is taking place, stand against it in the authority of Christ and pull down the spirit of sorcery. On a wider scale America is allowing their house to be broken into, namely the White House. The caldron is being stirred and the witches brew is being poured out onto the governments of this nation, causing them to cower under a control spirit that is leading this nation down the wrong path. Continue to fight the good fight of faith in word and deed. Build up your most holy faith praying in the Spirit. This is your weapon against the spells and distraction of the enemy. What does the church's season look like? A church of readiness! Lamps lit! Eyes wide open! Burning for Jesus! An army of warriors fighting in the Spirit! If we know what true spiritual authority is we won't be mislead with the counterfeit. True spiritual authority is given not taken! Jezebel took authority away from Ahab because he was controlled, manipulated  and dominated. Thus causing him to cower under a spell of her witch craft ( 2 Kings 9:22 ). Ahab lost vision because he stop serving God, did evil in the sight of God, married Jezebel and worshipped Baal. It is no different in these last days. For the christian who used to  serve the Lord but is caught up in the influences of this world they have become vulnerable to the prowling enemy. They like Ahab not being dressed in readiness will get snared by witch craft. It could be in the church, your job, friendships and even high ranking offices. America is being snared because we have forsaken God, exchanged our christian principals that this nation was founded on and are embracing the progressive mindset, which is liberalism, which is humanism, which is taking God out of everything and exchanging Him with self, re-building the tower of Babel. You can be sure of this, there is a real enemy and he hates the christian and everything they stand for. It is the spiritual battle that we who are alive must fight and this battle matters. God supports His saints in the spiritual battle! If we try to defeat Satan on his battle field we will lose. We who are alive and dressed in readiness need to pray for those who are asleep. Blessings as you pursue Christ!

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