Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Faith is rising declaring judgment to the darkness"

Can faith rise? Can it rise past disappointment, discouragement, a longing to see but can't. There is a certain faith that moves beyond borders. That is not an earthly faith, but heavenly sent, given to those that have chosen to follow Christ and walk in the realm of the supernatural. This faith comes from hearing His word and responding to it. This faith is rising!! This faith is casting off fear!! This faith is believing The Father to the extent that one would walk against the current darkness of apathy, injustice, wickedness and stand crying out for a end time harvest. This faith has fixed its eyes upon Him who rewards those who diligently seek Him, despite the present evil age that hates everything that is holy, righteous, loving and full of the Spirit, that would march to the very gates of hell if need be. This faith rises as one is transformed in His presence and sent forth to accomplish what they have heard! For the Spirit is saying God is bringing judgment on the darkness and all who practice in the caldron of darkness. For I will strike down the high and mighty who lead my people astray by CASTING OUT ALL THAT IS HOLY AND ALLOWING THE FLOOD OF FILTH TO INVADE MY SANCTUARY! But I am releasing My prophets to speak with one voice declaring My truth and bringing the disobedient to the obedience of God. For I am going to cause My church to rise up in these last days with such faith that will shake and awaken the fruit that is ready for harvest. My church will overturn the witches brew and ride the wave of anointing into the harvest field. The stage is being set for this Karios season of which darkness is trembling, because they know that God is about to uncover and overturn the den of thieves. The church must be on board with the mind of Christ knowing the times and the seasons, because any deviation will cause unbelief and the seeds of faith to fall along the way side where the birds of the air with snatch them away. When God is about to do something new, the enemy unleashes new attacks to discourage the church. Many have passed on to be with the Lord and the mantle of these prophets is falling to the church and to individuals. Who will be like Elisha and say"where is the God of Elijah" and strike the rivers causing an anointing to break loose on the church. Who wants it bad enough to walk in the place destine for you despite the attacks of the enemy? A veil of death is upon this country and God will use the church to tear down that veil and release a healing to this nation. A high level of the prophetic is coming to the church and those that walk in faith will swim in this level. The witches caldron is full of poison and it will take this unusual season of anointing to overturn and clean out the enemies schemes. We will see a season that we haven't seen before! An access into the supernatural that will catapult the church to a Revelation 4:1 anointed experience! Now faith is the substance, or assurance of things hoped for, the evidence, or conviction of things not seen Hebrews 11:1 

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