Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"Just dreaming eating your pillow or the Spirit speaking to you"

Isaiah 29:8 "And it will be as when a hungry man dreams and behold he is eating: But when he awakens his hunger is not satisfied." Dreams can be complicated, confusing, exciting, soothing, funny or just down right disturbing. I've had my share of all the above and many times some of those dreams turned out to be God by the Spirit speaking to His child. My latest which I should label as an episode, (because I've had numerous ones of the same series ) has to do with our food source or the lack of it.  As my wife and I were walking through a grocery store we were surprised, noticing that the shelves were empty. Again we found ourselves going through what seemed to be a huge food bank or food supply outlet. Looking around we again saw that the shelves were empty with nothing to eat. As I went further down the isle behind a small wall like structure I found what seemed to be a small container ( like the ones you would get when ordering fries and catchup), but the contents tasted like sower cream. I could hear my wife cry out "let me have some." I'll let you draw your own conclusions, but I'll share what the Spirit has put on my heart. I know it sounds crazy and I've heard all the names one would get by sharing something like this, especially if that one is saying " I believe God is speaking and warning the church of great tribulation that is coming. Also this dream is two fold one of which is a spiritual famine and I am also hearing the Spirit say that America is heading for a physical famine, which will encircle or come from a huge financial downward spiral. There I said it. I am not sure if this is all the states or confined to a few, but the church doesn't need to fear, just be sensitive and prepare for what God would have them to do in these days. Yes there are already famines in isolated areas many of which are impoverished, but to have a mighty nation that exports tons of food to other countries experience a famine is going to create panic and chaos. Now you can't dip to far into Revelations without finding that the food source's are being used to bring judgment to the people who continually rebel against  the grace and mercy of God ( Rev.6:8 ). You can also open the gospels such as Luke 21:11 that says in the last days there will be plaques and famines in various places. Now many can concede to the judgments found in the old testament, but when it comes to the new testament, the new covenant and the work of the cross we can't agree to the judgments of God. Even the alter in Rev. 16:7 proclaimed that God's judgments are true and righteous. Perhaps you believe that Jesus will come and take the church before anything major like a national or even global famine occurs. Well let me remind you that even Elijah had to endure the famine and drought of his day, but God was continually providing for him. I believe God will use the church during these tribulation times to, as He used Elijah, to by the power of the Spirit release miracles to a dry and thirsty land. Even the early church after being warned of a great famine coming took up an offering to help the brethren. Again I believe there will be a shaking before an awakening. Already we see various places throughout the world being hit with famines and plaques, but it will come close to you. Jesus said "that these events will lead to an opportunity to testify!" Again I believe God is saying prepare and be prudent. Even as Joseph was used to store up food for Egypt preparing for a famine, so the church is to be those storehouses of food. Jesus said that we are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has become tasteless it becomes worthless.(Matthew 5:13) I believe the Fathers desire is to see all come to repentance and His intentions are to bring judgments to all that interfere and rebel against His love and plans trying to build their own city and tower of Babal to a heaven that doesn't exist.(Gen.11:3-4) I know that God is preparing the nations through dreams and visions. Preparing for what? For an awakening! For the Spirit will move upon the hearts through dreams revealing the hunger of the soul and for their need to be filled and satisfied.When nations, governments and the people stop running from God and start running to Him they will be satisfied and God will relent from those judgments. We as a church hold in our hands the bread of life to feed the hungry soul. but we also have a command to feed the hungry and poor around us. When this famine hits will you be prepared in your spirit to give from your storehouse. Is your storehouse being stocked up and replenished daily. There is a spiritual famine occurring right now that many are blind to or haven't enough oil in there lamps to be that blessing that Christ has called us to be. Jesus called His generation a "crooked and perverse generation," what is He calling our generation? Paul in Philippians 2:15 says that we are to be children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, so that we can appear as lights in the world.When the Son of Man comes will He find faith? (Luke 18:8)

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