Saturday, October 8, 2016

Had a dream last night; I was in a town in Mexico. It seemed to be during a festival with many people and tables full of food. As I was standing watching the festivities someone came up to me and said they wanted me to come and preach. I stood there a little surprised knowing that I didn't speak very good espanol but they seemed to insist. The Spirit told me to stand on one of the tables. As I stood there I began to speak about how God was moving in ðŸ‡²ðŸ‡½. Then I couldn't contain myself I began to cry over the people. Without hesitation the people began to cry aloud. The Spirit was communicating far beyond what I could think or imagine. I believe this is a prophetic dream concerning an awakening coming to Mexico because of the cries, the deep groaning of intercession from His people!

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