Tuesday, September 27, 2016

"All in a days work"

1 Kings 13:15-17 As I am now inhabiting a less desirable hotel room on the edge of a town that has been built on the ground of a desert, I find myself crying out in the Spirit to drench this wind battered town with the wind of the Spirit. Raising up Intercessors from this desert town that they would cry out to God to bring a revival to this parched land. I find that you can make a skanky room into a wonderful place of the Fathers glory. God help the next occupants of this room. Get them Lord!! So as I walked out the door of my enchanted room I noticed the parking lot was loaded, (pun intended) which was empty when I checked in. I know it was about 3:30am but I was awake and just got through wrapping things up with my session in prayer. Not convinced I shot the arrows at the right targets, l went to check out and I asked the night clerk why so many cars? He informed me that they were most likely at the festival and checked in late. I asked him what festival? He said that it was a gathering of vendors showing their items, such as pipes,etc. you know all the paraphernalia that is linked to cannabis. Oh I said, got it. Hum I think I hit a few targets. As much as I didn't want to stay at that hotel the Spirit nudged me on. God has a sense of humor🙂.

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