Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Matthew 25:5 Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. Saints it is not time to pull down the covers, fluff up the pillow and jump into bed and fall asleep. Don't let your heart grow cold, even lukewarm. For the spirit of this age will blow your flame out if you don't come into His presence and be continually ignited by the Spirit. The Spirit is saying "Come make war on the flesh that wants to rise up and drag you away". For every addiction must be renounced and surrendered to the lordship of Christ. For the Spirit says,"Then you will come alive, I will anoint your eyes and you will walk with eyes wide open. For the flame will be reignited and your first love wholehearted devotion will be rekindled. Come My beloved and I will fill you with the oil of gladness and pour you out on a dry and thirsty land. You will see and posses the good land! Return to your first love and My anointing will break the grip of the enemy!

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