Tuesday, August 23, 2016

"Come full circle"

"Come full circle" as the church has progressed over the centuries starting out with simple devotion to Jesus it has taken on a different form or mindset that is grieving the Spirit and causing much perplexity among the true believers of Christ. The mother of harlots which is the religious system that Jesus spoke about and Paul the apostle contended with the church in Galatia, has crept in and  become a strong luxuriant vine choking the very live out of true disciples of Jesus. But there is a call from the Spirit to come out of that system the great whore and do not participate in her sins. Many have been hurt and have left churches, but there is a migration of true believers coming back to grass roots Christianity. The Spirit is bringing the bride back around to simple devotion to their Bridegroom. There is a stirring in the hearts of saints to be that remnant that is living for Christ and desiring to know and serve Him not a religious system! It is this migration of believers that the Spirit will build up to be that one voice (even as John the Baptist) crying out in the wilderness of nations preparing the way of the Lord. Calling the rebellious back to the ways of God. Making a stand for that which is true and righteous. For Jesus is purifying His church! The dross will be removed and gold will emerge pure and brilliant.

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