Friday, August 12, 2016

'The hungry will be filled'

Some would say I am partial or playing favorites, believe me that isn't the case. The Father wants to bring awakening to all, but there is also something He is looking for, something that will move His heart towards any nation that so desires and hungers after righteousness. God is looking for repentances! A people, a nation that would humble themselves crying out to Him for forgiveness and turning from their wicked ways. When I saw Christ the Redeemer coming through the fog in Rio a previous picture came back to me. The picture was Christ turning from America and looking towards Mexico and South America. I couldn't understand why Jesus would do that, until I saw this statue and a scripture came to me from Mathew 5:3;6 Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven and vs. 6 Blessed our those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied. What is the difference between America and Mexico/ South America? It is the defiance, the arrogance and the fatness that has turned America away from their Creator and caused God to look for a nation that He can reward who will diligently seek Him with all their heart. As I sit here in our home away from home, in Los Osos I am looking at these big pigeons that we call fat boys eating the seed in the bird feeder.  I think all the pigeons in Los Osos flock here feeding from that feeder. They know Who their source is and where to get their food and be satisfied. Unlike many of us humans who look to what we sow and what we gather into barns that is our source. The more we sow the more we reap and the more we store up. It becomes our strength and dependance, and the more we have no need to turn to our Creator in thankfulness for His provision. America must be broken that we will turn back to God and be once more a nation under God recognizing Him as our provider! I am not saying there isn't other nations that would be inclined to turn from their sin, but these are the two that the Spirit has put on my heart. These are the two that I personally have had touch with. And it is these two that seem ready to give all, surrender all, to be filled with His righteousness. I believe their poorness of spirit, their lack of arrogance is causing Jesus to turn towards them and the Father is about ready to pour out an awakening on these nations. God is calling nations to humble themselves and repent. Christ is calling His church to stand in the gap for nations, for America. We must acknowledge this and be obedient to the call! Part 2 (part 3) will God turn away from America?

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