Friday, September 25, 2015

The set up, a one world religion visitation

Revelations 13 This historic visit by the new Pope is more than a gathering of the faithful followers of the Catholic religion. It is more than an outward appearance of humility and reaching out to governments and every sect of life. More than enlisting new converts and re-enlistings those who strayed away. This visit has been in the workings for decades, not so much from the present Pope but behind the scenes by the red dragon himself. It was also Pope John Paul the 2nd agenda when he was in the Vatican. It is to unite all governments, all people and all religions to be one. Before the return of Christ the revived Roman empire must be in full swing which means one world government,with one world leader and one world religion, with one leader. The red dragon (Satan) is already raising up the first beast (antichrist) and shortly another beast will emerge the false prophet (religious leader). We are in the season of the church and history that a worldwide set up is taking place. A setting up of the world wide stage which will reveal the antichrist and false prophet. There is also a coming event unlike any witnessed and certainly greater than the Popes visit, he is just a pawn being used in this set up. I am talking about the second coming of Jesus, when every eye will see Him. But before this event happens an apostasy must come first, a falling away from the faith by born again believers (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4). The scriptures are very clear but the exact timing of His coming is not. With the multitude of events that have been taking place just over the last five years one would think we are on the brink of destruction. This Pope may not be the false prophet of Revelation 13:11-18 but he is one that dresses in sheep's clothing and he may not know it but his statements of embracing all religions as one is the same agenda as the Bahai faith which is now considered the largest religion in the world. Can you not see the wolf? he may be walking around in white sheep's clothing with a message of peace, harmony and benevolence, but I see another wolf laying a foundation for the antichrist. These things don't happen overnight, there has been a gradual implementing from the red dragon upon the mindset of the world that they will be ready to embrace this world leader (the antichrist )which will be raised up from a fatal wound and all will worship him. But lets not forget the Fathers agenda who ultimately is allowing these events to take place because in the final battle Righteousness prevails and the King of glory will establish His kingdom with a new heaven and new earth. The antichrist and false prophet will be thrown into the pit alongside the red dragon and there will be no more sin. Many in the church don't care about these coming events and many who are not a part of a local church, for  many various reasons are fine with just living their lives and enjoying being a child of the King. Jesus said in Luke 12:54-56 that they were able to see a change in the weather and it was so. But then He called them hypocrites because they could analyze the appearance of the earth and sky but they would not analyze this present time. I believe it is very important for us believers, saints of God, to know the times and seasons. To be awake that we won't be lead astray by an event that seems so inviting to one that is so vulnerable and not knowing what the scriptures are saying about the end times. Don't be that wild stallion who thinks they can make it on their own without the covering of their master in the form of His authority played out in the greater church body of believers. Come into the yoke of the King that you can be a strong seasoned majestic war horse with eyes wide open understanding these times.(Zach. 10:3)

Friday, September 11, 2015

"Positioning for Revival"

"The waters are stirring the clouds are forming."
In the midst of such violence, suffering and corruption you can (if you are paying attention) see signs of Gods grace being poured out. You may not agree and feel this sister was wrong and could have done it differently in not issuing a license to these two that wanted to get married. But the fact is there is a shift with Christians that are willing to make a stand for what and Who they believe in. Again in our society today if a christian does anything contrary to the culture we will be ridiculed. Case in point, in the pure act of these coaches  baptizing the players of their team, the media and authorities got wind of it and as innocent and God inspired as it was the enemy wants to use the laws of this land to quench the Spirit. There are signs of the Spirit moving in greater proportion than normal, which is an oxymoron, what is normal with the Spirit? The wind of the Spirit is blowing over certain social areas in this world and Gods providence seems to be paving the way for a full appearance of His glory in the form of an awakening. As it was in the days of Naomi, Gods divine providence is stirring, shifting our plans, moving us into such a time as now! Unknown to Naomi, God was going to do a work in her life that would send a ripple affect throughout history. We don't always understand why, or what God is doing in our lives and the different events or places He uses in order to fulfill His purposes. But even as Naomi and her family was being positioned to receive an outpouring, I see a positioning taking place in peoples lives that will have a ripple affect leading to revival! Gods plans and timing are different than ours. For most of us we would think that an outpouring would have been here by now, after all there has been in many circles intercession, prophecies, praying for His rain to fall upon this land. Many have given up and are not sure how to pray and are now in a drought or famine that has left them discouraged, hungry and thirsty not knowing which way to turn. Many churches are either on the brink of closing or in need of much remodeling. Many are being uprooted from their land because of war. So it was with Naomi and her family, different circumstances but same need for God to move and open up providential doors. As famine set in Gods hand was upon them as they were moved to leave their land and go to another. When the Spirit directs, leading us to another place whether physical or spiritual there always seems to be collateral damage. During the time in Moab Naomi lost her husband and two sons, but before her sons died they both married Moabite woman, giving Naomi two daughter's-in-law. Was it the famine that was the catalyst for this family to move to another country, or was it the providence of God that used the circumstance of a famine to bring Naomi and her family to a country that was outside of the blood line. After Naomi's husband and sons died she received word that the Lord had visited His people in giving them food.  Naomi returned to Bethlehem with her daughter-in-law Ruth at the beginning of the barley harvest. Gods providence was still at work returning Naomi to her people. You may say why? Why did God take them to another country and bring them back full circle? Because in Gods timing He brought the harvest and during that time Ruth met Boaz who owned the land that Ruth gleaned in. Is that it? No! Ruth was a Moabite, and because Boaz was a kinsman redeemer it was lawful for Boaz to marry Ruth and have a son whose name was Obed, who was the father of Jesse who was the father of David. Jesus was born outside the blood line, making it even more remarkable that Christ is our Redeemer making it possible for all who are outside the Jewish blood line to come and be grafted in. This was an outpouring of Gods providence, grace and redemption and it is in this vein that I see God positioning people places and events for one of the greatest outpourings leading up to Christ our Redeemer, catching up His bride into heaven. 
Revival doesn't come the way we might expect and lives seem to be uprooted and moved around more than we want. But when you begin to see His hand being stretched out over the waters of humanity and the hearts of His church, its time to pay attention and come along side with what God is doing. When God is about to do something big in the form of revival much shaking and upheaval are always present. We are about to experience another massive earthquake that will collied with these turbulent times. Just as there was the massive San Francisco earthquake, there also came in the same year the Azusa street revival. Even as there was a shift in culture through the hippie generation, God poured out His Spirit and revival came being labeled the Jesus movement. There are already tremors happening! Creation is already shifting, groaning, being ripped apart in every direction, waiting eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. We are already living in turbulent times, hearts failing because of fear. The whole pacific rim will light up with so much activity that will be life changing leading many to the Rock of their salvation(Romans 8:19). Shouldn't we His people be crying out like Habakkuk 3:2  "O Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of these years" To stand in His presence,watching, preparing and trusting that not only His church, but nations are being guided by His divine providence! I believe the Spirit would say " The church is being positioned for an outpouring of unprecedented proportion. Church buildings will not hold the masses, for new places of gathering will be formed, but the main thrust will be "in every house they will gather". For the Lord will astonish the west and surprise the east. Can I not release My Wind into every unspoken area of society. Can I not humble every nation and raise up the humble and contrite. Can I not bless those who have the ability to help and do, but require judgment to those who can help but don't. For the outpouring will not be utopia, but a cleansing, a flooding and removing of the dross. For My church will be removed from high and lofty places to be down in the drenches serving the vast sea of souls that is coming in like a huge wave driven by the Spirit and given into open hands of the prepared and radiant."(Isaiah 60)
 A new season for the church is about to burn through the candlesticks igniting afresh first love intimacy with Jesus. The Word will burn within the hearts of the bride and the lukewarm will become a blaze of His glory. The salvation of our God is going to rain down and the dry land will become fertile and we will enter in as the harvest begins. For the reapers and sowers will be as one, and the highways and byways will flow with the wine of the Spirit.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

"Recognizing the approaching outpouring"

We may be closer than we think to one of the biggest revivals this world has ever seen, but many may miss it or not recognize it even if it was right under their nose.
Luke 24:13-35 is such a dynamic reference about the disciples walking down the road on their way to Emmaus and discussing what had happened to Jesus and all the circumstances that had taken place in the last three days. Then with out any warning Jesus walks up being unrecognized by them and enters into their conversation. I had a similar experience this last Sunday as my wife and I were taking the dogs on their favorite Sunday morning walk. As we were walking we stopped to talk with one of our neighbors, who also was walking his dogs. While we were conversing a man walked up said a few words about the dogs and walked on. Making our last stretch for home, again we saw this man on the other side of the street coming our way. As he got closer he began asking us about our dogs, and there seemed to be a familiar sound to his voice. We then crossed the street and realized he was no stranger. It became clear, as my eyes focused this was a brother who lives in the neighborhood and one with whom we spent much time in ministry. You might be thinking why didn't you recognize him the first time as he passed by. Good question, and I've tried to put myself in the place of the disciples as Jesus came up to them and they didn't recognize Him either. Let me offer some, hopefully Spirit lead insight as to this situation and how I believe it coincides with the approaching outpouring. I think not paying attention to our surroundings plays an important part, but being consumed by them will cause cataracts of unbelief to form.
The scripture says that the eyes of the two disciples were prevented from recognizing Jesus. After Jesus was resurrected His appearance was a little different, even Mary Magdalene, Joanna and the mother of James mistaken Him for the gardener at the tomb. These two were very much into discussing the events of the last three days. There are signs that point the way to different events or moves of God that we as His church can be looking for. I don't believe Jesus purposefully prevented the two from seeing Him. I believe partly because His appearance was a little different and because they didn't believe or were looking for their resurrected Lord. (Perhaps because I haven't seen or spent much time with my brother and because we were involved conversing with someones else is the logical reason for not recognizing him, but I see a spiritual application.)The two disciples were focusing on the way they thought He was going to bring deliverance to Israel which caused unbelief to accrue which can prevent one from seeing what God is doing right before their eyes. It wasn't until Jesus began walking with them that their heart's burned within them as He opened up and explained the scriptures concerning Him and it wasn't until the breaking of bread that they finally recognized Him. If we are to recognize the move of God and in particular the approaching outpouring, we must be connected to the Vine, constantly growing in Him, so we can continue knowing Him. Not everyone that was following Christ before His death believed and were connected. The thing about these two on the road to Emmaus, they were leaving Jerusalem because of discouragement, fear of the Roman soldiers and what might happen to them. They also didn't believe that Jesus rose from the grave. There are two important facts about a revival: the word of God and Christ Jesus as Savior. What I see right now preceding the outpouring is many other beliefs and religions are being mixed into the gospel consequently another Jesus is being preached. Jesus is not being recognized in the world and in many churches because their eyes are preventing them. Peter said in Acts 3:21 that there will be a period of restoration of all things. I believe the main catalyst in this outpouring is the pure unadulterated scriptures which will open the eyes of the unbelieving, that they will recognize the Christ the Anointed One. The hearts will burn again with conviction and heaven will release an aroma of salvation that will take the main stage. Prior to the outpouring will be much upheaval. The pale horse of death is galloping through nations, cities and every unlikely place. A spirit of recognition has plagued this nation and others, manifesting itself into killings, robberies and destruction. Many of these lone wolfs have been possessed, being wrapped in a blanket of violence, have thrown open Pandora's box and the spirit of hate and prejudice has been released. But this spirit of recognition has cloaked itself well as it has crept into the church, not in the form of hate and violence, although there has been those isolated events, but in the disguise of fame, alluring many upfront ministries, enticing them, and causing them to fall to the temptation of recognition/attention. Jesus didn't announce Himself as he walked with the two disciples. I don't believe ministries need to flaunt or announce themselves in order to gain attention which will produce a recognition that is man birthed. I believe there will be such a cleansing of the church and local ministries even to the extent that ministries will close in order for the Spirit to build a fresh work. Jesus said if I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men to Myself(John 12:32). I am a product of the Jesus movement/revival and I have seen and learned that there are certain seasons and events that begin to come full circle just before God sending a revival. Is God bringing another Jesus movement? I don't believe so. If we are building upon the foundations of past outpourings we may be in danger of not recognizing the move of God as it passes before our eyes. Every move of God is unique and serves to restore, bring glory to Him and release His plans for that generation and the future. In 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated. Just prior was the cold war/Cuban crisis. In 1965 we had the Watts riots in Los Angeles, which about the same time we began placing soldiers on Vietnam soil. Encircling all this was the hippie-drug-free love epidemic powered by the invasion of hard rock music with rebellious lyrics that began a new culture. Then the Spirit was poured out in the form of the Jesus revival, which was a counter culture. This world is ripe for an Awakening, for the Spirit to be poured out and flood nations with the cleansing blood of Jesus. Are we the church so consumed with the circumstance and affairs of this life and the way we think the move of God should be, that our eyes have become spiritually blind, preventing us from seeing the huge wave of outpouring coming our way.
I pray that the fires of intercession be re-ignited and the spirit of revival be birthed in the forerunner, thrusting them forth with the mindset to release prophetic intercession over the church, believing that the scales of unbelief would fall away and that all attention would be given to Jesus, causing His church to be able to recognize the signs of coming revival!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

"Wolf hunters or God seekers"

The seduction is real but the out cry against it is weak if any. For many in the church have been and continue to be deceived and led astray by leaders of nations, churches, organizations  and cults who have an appetite for success, building their kingdom, embracing many eastern religions and philosophy's while imparting it to the flock. These are those that Jude spoke about in his epistle. These certain persons, who crept in unnoticed into the early church's love feast, are doing the same thing not only in society but in the last days church. If the church is only looking at the outward appearance, then what they will see is another one dressed in the same clothing as they. Jesus said "Beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves" (Matthew 7:15). It is hard to recognize something that is inward!
We must hear in the Spirit what they are speaking, and see in the Spirit the life they are living, based upon the scriptures, in order to discern by the Spirit if they are a wolf or a sheep. We are not called to go hunting after wolves, but to beware of them so that we won't be captured and devoured by their smooth alluring words. These are those that Jude described as clouds without rain, and if there is no rain being poured out in your assemblies then the Spirit is not there, and if the Spirit is not there than that church has become vulnerable to words that speak to the emotions, tickling the ears and opening the door to sorcery, imagination, visualization, which can captivate and paralyze any local church. Ground without water and cultivation will crack and become fallow, unable to bring forth good fruit. Jesus said that good fruit comes from a good tree and bad fruit comes from a bad tree. He said we would know them by their fruits.(Matt. 7:17-20) We speak of revival and an outpouring coming, which I believe is coming, but there is a revival going on right now that many are not aware of and if they were have become so paralyzed by this witchcraft, that they are unable to rise up against this cloud of deception. If I speak of a revival of deception then that means it has already existed in a previous time and is now being revived, fueled up by the enemy himself, to continue deceiving many. Paul in Acts 20:29 was warning the church in Ephesus to be on their guard because savage wolves will come in and not spare the flock. Even those close to us and members of our family have fallen into this web of seduction which has led them away from their once surrendered life to Christ. These are now wondering aimlessly because they have put away the truth, listening to the lie, have fallen asleep, becoming vulnerable to be devoured by the enemy. Our defense is to be God seekers and all His righteousness. Let us not forget what the Spirit spoke through Peter "for those to turn away from the knowledge of Christ and become entangled again, the last state will become worse for them than the first."(2 Peter 2:20) We need to understand that wolves and sheep aren't always necessarily individuals, but also governments and nations and churches. These entities, these institutions are to be the watch dogs, the protectors of society, the peacemakers, caregivers, examples of Christ to the church. But throughout history we see that many have crept in unaware and built their kingdoms and empires with the blood of martyrs and the riches of seduced nations. A narcissistic lone wolf has crept into the political arena and will trump many. He will divide with arrogant cunning speech, tickling the ears of the weaker. He will be a bulldozer for a season and hold the cards. Can God use a wolf? God can use anyone He wishes in His master plan, whether to open the eyes of a nation, or to humble a nation and bring an end times outpouring and the culmination of all things. The church is snowballing towards apostasy, but Elijah's cloud of outpouring is just on the horizon. The enemy would like nothing more than for the church to spend  time hunting wolves. I've never seen sheep hunt wolves, but I have seen them gather as one to their Shepherd. Jude 1:20 says that we are to build ourselves up on our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.  The war room must be filled with intercessors that will stand against this defiling army of demons and stand unshakable with the blood of Jesus and the word of their testimony. The difference between a wolf and a sheep is a wolf is a hunter and a killer not sold out or surrendered to Christ, but is a sell out to his country or church. We have in this world today whether it be in the church or prowling the streets of society lone wolves or even a pack of wolves, that are determined to shred the life of a weak nation, church or one sheep that has gone astray, in order to satisfy their hunger. The sheep are dumb and need to be listening to their shepherd in order to stay alive and protected. Jesus told His disciples as well as us to be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. A wolf is boastful, arrogant, self-centered, always dividing the sheep to prey on the weaker. His or her words are cunning speaking what appeals to the emotions until one is captivated. All this is done through the guise of sorcery leading one away from the truth. I hear the Spirit saying "Stand firm in the faith having your loins girded with Truth" . As with Rehoboam (1Kings12) he acted foolishly by being partial to his generation as opposed to the generation of his father Solomon. If Rehoboam was sold out to Gods will he would have chosen the wisdom of the older generation and the people would have served him gladly. But he was a sell out to the people, the law and because of that he was at war tell he died. Rehoboam was a wolf in his day, only caring for themselves and acquiring kingdoms. We may be in the 21st century but the heart of man is still desperately wicked above all things. There is a parallel between this account and the church today. Jesus is making up His treasured possession (the church) ironing out the wrinkles and cleaning up the spots. The influences of this age have been strong against the church and a millennial generation has arisen. Many are leaving the wisdom of the older generation, the truth of the gospel of Christ and latching on to this lukewarm generation, absorbing this culture, even changing the gospel that it will be less offensive, in order to build their church. Many are having their ears tickled with words that they want to hear, rather than what the Spirit is saying.  Gods grace has become the cure all for our actions making it the norm to sin without any consequences. The conviction of the Spirit has been turned into something that is negative that must be avoided with positive words. True repentance has been swallowed up through smooth easy listening words of compromise leading one away from being convicted of their sin. Many are being lead away from sold out to Gods proven principles and buying into plans that will change the landscape of the local church in an unhealthy way. Jesus said in Matt. 24;3;24 "make sure that no one misleads you". Jesus then said that prior to His coming there would be a great deception. We are ripe for His coming and an awakening! The church is slowly being manipulated away from trusting God and the plans He has for them, to visualizing, imagining and dreaming where they want to be, allowing their minds to take over and imagination to take root which is sorcery. Let us not forget that God will not abdicate His lordship to the power of our minds. We are to seek only the mind of Christ and His mind is not materialistic, it is not focused on success or wealth. Christ mind is focused on the glory of God and obedience to His word. Paul said in 2 Corinth.10:5 "that we are to destroy imaginations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God." The heart of the believer is being deceived and many who had a strong commitment to the gospel are slowly being turned from sold out to Jesus to selling out from what they were raised in and wanting something new. Many churches are being transformed from a Spirit filled/lead first love ministry to a multilevel mega business. From a church whose mandate is to reach all nations with the gospel, to building their own kingdoms with salaries that would knock your socks off, with the justification of "and greater works shell you do". When  Jesus comes for His bride there will have been much upheaval. The church will have gone through apostasy. There will be a revival that will include all generations at that time. A restoration of the pure gospel that the last days remnant will walk heart to heart in. For the Son of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. The church will be like calves being released from the stalls. Released from the heavy yoke of religion to walking in the freedom of the Spirit. One cannot fake first love! A wolf can only look and act like a sheep but soon enough that which is inwardly will come out and they will be found out. Our defense, is Christ in us the hope and glory. Being renewed first love with our Bridegroom and connected to the word with obedience will illuminate anything contrary to His kingdom and expose it. Jesus said there would be tares among the wheat, but at harvest time the tares( the stumbling blocks) would be gathered up into bundles and burned but the wheat would be gathered into His barn. (Matthew 13:24-30; 37-43). Take courage beloved and shine forth as stars! Let our ambition be to seek all Of our Father and stand strong in Him and the power of His might! It is time to stand up against this seduction that mediocre christianity be change into a blaze that cannot be quenched!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"Unplugged prophetic word"

Shaduamonda, shaduamonda, kerabashandi, For the tin men of this world and the darkness that looks to be prevailing is no match for the King of glory. For even in the days of Moses, as the children of Israel were being pursued by the enemy to devour them, the Spirit would say I will come to you, defend and rescue you as I rescued Israel and the horse and rider were drown in the flood that I brought down upon their heads. For the Storm of the Lord will break out among you and flood down upon the heads of injustice and wickedness. Darkness will be unable to stand in My rain that will come and you will be lifted up from the mirky waters of deceit. It is time to let go of your strength that is no match against this cloud of hate and violence and come into the Tower that is higher then all, a Tower of refuge and a Tower of strength against the enemy. I will walk with you through the fire and heal you. But listen, beloved! Behold, He is coming, climbing on the mountains who is this that comes leaping on the hills. For you will be taught to also dance on the hill tops and run upon the mountains of despair and fear. For come now My beloved, My righteousness into your strong Tower and be safe. For I AM the One that runs before you. With great joy I come running to you. There is no obstacle to great that I cannot break through. Though I seem to delay I will come and fill you with My presence that will take you leaping upon the hills like a calf being released from the stalls. Let us dance together in the midst of this darkness, for My glory and love will overcome the darkness and you will be changed. Song of Songs 2:8; Psalms 61:3; Proverbs 18:10

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Father I must be bold in this season and in particular with the fire storms that are causing much destruction and hardship. Father I am being compelled by Your Spirit to stand now against these ragging demons of fire and call forth your miraculous into the midst of devastation. Spirit prepare me to speak forth the word of command to bring the Father glory in the midst of darkness.............

                  Father thank you for the call upon my life and the task you have set before me. When you tell me to speak I don't always know or see the outcome, but I trust in your Divine Providence to guide me and to activate what you choose to, in order to fulfill your will and plans upon people, places and events. So now Father of lights " I command the rain clouds to form over the Pacific and tons of water would now be raised up to fill these clouds. Spirit of God drive forth by Your wind to the states of Washington and California, to every threatening fire storm that is ragging uncontrolled, even those rouge fires that are being guided by evil forces to bring havoc to Your forest, wild life, property and human life. I say storm of the Lord come forth and crush the head of the enemy.
Supernatural Rain drench, Miracle Rain flood the dry land. I command supernatural strength to the firefighters and all that are involved, that they be endowed with your strength. I speak forth the broken arrow affect in this situation. That all the human forces would convene on these areas, but mostly Your heavenly host would now come forth and bring divine assistance into these circumstances. Giving strength to the weary, and to those that lack might, increased power. For the young and vigorous who are stumbling, that they will gain new strength. For the young and older stand up as soldiers. You will mount up with wings like eagles. You will run and not be tired, You will walk and not become tired. I command these fires to retreat, back off and dissipate, in Jesus name!!! I call forth Your salvation to all close acquainted, or affiliated that they who don't know You Christ will sense Your love, protection, and Your working and come to You.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

"Awake O north wind His love is unstoppable! "

Jeremiah 23:19 Behold the storm of the Lord it will go forth like a whirling tempest upon the heads of  wickedness crushing the demons of fire and destruction. I am going to show up in the natural as a sign of what I am doing supernaturally. The usual will be changed into the unusual, the predictable to the unpredictable and the dry seasons into wet seasons. For this reason I say to you do not be anxious for your life as to what you shall eat or drink, nor for your body as to what you shall wear. Is not life more than food and clothing. Look at the birds of the air they neither sow, reap or gather into barns and yet your heavenly Father provide for them. Are you not worth more than they? Matt. 6:25-26. You have been shaken by the wisdom of man, and your vision diluted by their knowledge that has brought fear upon you, saying "you must do this and that in order to survive this dryness in the land" But the Spirit would say " Because they think their wisdom is greater than My provision and they turn to their strength rather than trusting Me, I will break the backs of the prideful, confound their strategies, casting aside their plans and move upon the land with miraculous signs that will confound the wisdom of the intellect! Even the mighty among you will say "not because of anything that we have done" For every tower of Babel shall be tore down, for I will not be contained. The high places will be astonished when they see gushers of My grace being poured out upon every dry place. For the darkness is no match for My gloryMy love is unstoppable and My grace abounds even more in the darkness.  For I will encamp around those who fear Me and will rescue them from the fire balls that surround them.Psalms 34:7 Even as the fire storm rises up like a giant dust cloud, He will come like a rushing stream which the Spirit drives.
If My working depended upon your faith you would be defeated and without hope. But I am coming in the heat of the season, to a dry and thirsty land. Prepare your hearts to freely receive of the grace of the Lord. For He is about to open up the flood gates of heaven and many will be surprised, dumbfounded and amazed by His abundant love and grace!Watch now and see what I am about to do. Don't let the wisdom of this world govern your future. Some have given up and given in leaving you hopeless and despondent. But the Lord will gather the four winds and bring storm after storm of His grace, gathering His people as one, flushing out the spirit of control and bringing life to your dry places! This is a Karios season when the church will be unpacked and changed by My presence. It will be like a sprinkle to open up the pours of the heart, then a steady shower, to a flooding. You will abandon the structures and formats, legalistic mindsets, to walk free in your calling having total abandonment from dependency on this life to follow Christ unashamed as He intended! You will look and behold Me and be radiant (Psalms 34:5)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

"Being seduced"

"Let every valley be lifted up and every mountain and hill made low. I will open rivers on the barren heights and springs in the midst of the valleys" ( Isaiah 40:4;41:18) An increase of weather systems are building up in the pacific, which will pound against the pacific coastline and the ring of fire, bringing a geographical change to many areas. Many dry areas will be flooded and the aquifers will rise past their normal levels. These storms will not be a nice easy rain but a hard intense battering on the land that will also bring lose of life and destruction. Gods creation has seen His face and is beginning to rumble and quake knowing that the time is near. Even as the nations gather together, standing against the Lord and His Anointed, His precepts will not change even as the infrastructures crumble. The Spirit is blowing upon hearts preparing for another great awakening. The Eco systems of the deep are changing and moving every which way.  There is a groaning of all creation as it waits eagerly for the redemption of our body. "I hear the Spirit saying
"Come out from the seduction and crippling grip of Babylon and move into total dependency upon the Spirit." For Babylon will fall and receive of the plaques allotted. America is not the ancient revived new age Babylon, but is as every nation being seduced by its great wealth and resources. We have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality. A voice from heaven is calling His people to come out of her that we will not participate in her sins and receive of her plaques.( Rev. 18:2,4) These radical changes in the weather is God speaking to the cultures and life styles of nations, that they must come out of the poison influence of Sodom, surrendering to the Lordship of Christ, receive the truth and be cured.
For this world's religious system is being powered by the dragon himself, luring  many away from all that is holy, righteous and Christ centered. The bride must be awakened out of her sleepy tolerant state, that their eyes can be opened to see the Jezebel which is leading many servants astray. This is way all that can be shaken will be shaken that only that which is surrounded to Christ will remain. Do not let these storms of this world harden your heart causing you to turn away from what you have been called to. Let the Spirit continue to change you that you can be that beautiful bride adorned with splendor. No more crawling around in the dirt of this life and tarnishing your garments. He is lifting you up out of the muck and mire and clothing you with garments of praise. It is time for the bride to be the clarion call of the Spirit to the whole church and to the nations,"Come out of mystery Babylon and run into the Mountain which will not be moved.                                    "For the jars of clay are being filled with new wine that can be poured out to all!" 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

        A warning to the church for protection and announcement of restoration by the Holy Spirit!   The Landscape of the church is changing and the events of these last days are assisting in this change. There seems to be a migration taking place of coming in, and going out of the church. A biblical definition of the church is, we born again Christians are the church and it is we that come into a house of prayer, assembly, or local building that houses a portion of the church, during our Wednesday and Sunday meetings (traditional days) Ephesians 5:27. Now when I say there is a migration coming in and out of the church it could very well mean that many are leaving the faith and going after strange doctrines, which is true, this is why we must continue to keep our eyes opened and heavenward. But there is this migration of people streaming into certain local churches that seem to be speaking a different (language) message, one of easy listening and non-offensive. What ever the migration of the culture is many of these local churches feel the need to adapt into that culture thus being excepted. But the Spirit is saying you are to be like Christ, Who was, and is, and will always be counterculture. I see yet another migration coming out of the local church that seems to have the guidance of the Spirit upon it. I know this sounds dangerous and tradition would say, how can this so called migration be something that has the guidance of the Spirit, or anything endorsed by Christ, they should be in church? Believe me I've said the same things and have even stepped into this migration or part of the church, but because of tradition and pressure from leaders I re-assimilated back into something that seemed to be yet fading. Now the church of Jesus Christ is not fading, but in fact it is coming alive with greater revelation as we draw nearer to Christ catching up His church. But Christ through the Spirit is addressing elements and structures in the local church redefining or should I say restoring back to where it began and this migration of coming out of something that is fading is the beginning of the landscape of the church changing. Jesus is calling for first love and doing the things we did in the beginning. Simultaneously there is a warning by the Spirit to be wise pertaining to churches. Even as the early church was protected from the persecution by a scattering for a season, I see big churches and small being dismantled and reformed into many more effective ministries.  Not that there won't be local churches anymore, but the mindset and heart of believers and leaders will be meshed together by the Spirit and what the church was in the early church will emerge. The tables of the money changers will be turned over and the extravagant performances of doing church will be surrendered, exchanged for His very presence. The Spirit is already leaving many churches because He is grieved by so much strange fire (flesh). Many have been hurt by the church, disappointed, discouraged to the point that they have left. These same people who have gone through and are going through much purging, repentance, surrender, are now finding they can still be alive, called, used and sent out to those around them, thus being the true church. Will these saints come back into the local church? probably not, unless the local church goes through the same season allowing the Spirit to come in and change the landscape starting with the heart. The local church is not that sacred place of safety that it was thought to be. Even as it was in the early church a great persecution broke out after the death of Steven and the church was scattered(Acts 8:1). In our modern day church could there be a persecution taking place of the saints and the local church becoming a target? Could there be a warning being given by the Spirit of impending danger, and at the same time reforming the church to be more affective in these last days? We are not to live in fear but to be wise knowing that His plans are not to harm us, but are for our welfare to give us a future and hope. The mark or sign of the Spirit moving in this migration of coming out of the traditional, institutional, high performance church is this. As the church was scattered from Jerusalem throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria the church continued going about preaching the word of God(Acts 8:4). Protection and restoration is here will the church listen and live? Come out from among them and be not yoked together with those who do not believe, of a different heart and speak a different gospel.
                                "And Jesus after entering Jerusalem came into the temple and after looking around, He departed."

Monday, July 6, 2015

" Eyes wide open"
An awakening is about to hit Europe this summer! Sleepy churches will come alive and move into the market place, bringing the life of Christ to the rich and poor. The ripple effect of this wave will flow into Poland shaking, rattling the dead bones and bringing to life those that have been dead for years. Auschwitz, Krakow,Warsaw, cities of death and war scares will be changed into cities of Light. The churches of peace will be visited by the Prince of Peace. The word of the Lord will flow like a strong river through cities ravaged by war and hate. Airports will be full of many coming to drink from the Spirit that has awakened and opened many closed doors.

Friday, July 3, 2015

"A word before the word." I know that sounds a little, well perhaps very strange and maybe it is my way of evading or procrastinating from the enviable. It is true I've had this word on my heart and on paper for months, not this word but the one coming after this word. Oh my, I think I am losing some of you already, or maybe I am just losing my mind. That is it, we must first lose our minds in order to have or walk in the mind of the Spirit. The prophetic can be so strange and yet so powerful, but to get to the latter one must understand the strangeness and what comes with the nature of the prophetic gift.
                                              Elijah has got to be one of my favorite mentors, examples of one walking in the calling and not always having his game face on, so to speak. So I am in the book of Revelations working on the word that supposed to come after this word (see already I am using the word suppose as if it may or may not come after this word) and the Spirit leads me back to, you guest it, 1Kings 17 where Elijah has just spoke a word of a drought coming. Its not always fun and games being one of Gods servants in this modern age. I think today we have down played the office of a prophet to the extent that many who are called to this office have a desire to be excepted and embraced, even speaking those words that are popular and what people want to hear, reaching the emotions but lack the anointing to reach the spirit. Elijah was not that kind of servant! He was labeled by Ahab as "the troubler of Israel"only because Ahab didn't like what he spoke. This word is about Gods provision and not just His usual provision but that which is provided miraculously. I look at Elijah's life and many other patriarchs such as Abraham, Joshua and Moses who God provided for but many times at the last minute, or at their weakest state, or with Elijah being directed to another town in order to get just his daily essentials. With Elijah business wasn't as usual, he was an in season out of season servant. I look at Elijah as a type of Christ a forerunner of how the church today should be moving and relying on the provision of the Father. I am going to throw in a big billboard sign here and will clarify later what I mean. "The landscape of the church is changing" Some of us have gotten it! We have realized that His provision doesn't come because of our good works, or how faithful we are to any local church. It is and comes from the Father of lights, His love, grace, mercy and our obedience. Remember Elijah after speaking concerning a drought coming was told by God to go to the brook Cherith and there he would be provided for. It was Elijah's obedience to the Father that he was able to receive Gods provision and a miraculous one at that. We in the church today think Gods provision only comes through the tithes and offerings given on a Sunday morning Wrong!! That according to old testament law is only 10%, Elijah was a forerunner to the new covent, he surrendered all and because of that God continued to lead him to provision. Provision and greater provision comes to a christian and local church when we embrace wholeheartedly the new covent teaching of All. Surrender of all that we have and walk in the obedience that our Father desires. Elijah could have stayed where he was at with the settlers of Gilead and perhaps only receiving basic provision and missing out on the miraculous that God had for him. Where are you at with the Fathers provision in your walk. Are you still trusting in the basic understanding that He will bless and provide IF I give my tithes? Or are you hearing the real heart of the Spirit saying move on from here, go to a new place, I will provided to you the miraculous. The brook dried up and the ravens stopped coming to feed Elijah because it was time to go to another place of provision and continue in what God had called him to do. Has the brook dried up for you? Not sure how long Elijah relied on those ravens and the brook. But because of Gods plans, where Elijah was naturally and spiritually wasn't working anymore. He hasn't left you, He is still leading you to greater provision. Listen to His voice! He may be taking you to another place and at the same time preparing you to be used in His miracles for someone who needs His provision. Look up! God through the Spirit is re-aligning the church. He is taking His bride out of the old structures, old provision, that the church can be set free to really walk in their true callings. Like Elijah the church is about to walk from that dried up brook to the miraculous releasing of Gods provision in the form of heavy rain. Don't let the natural keep you from the supernatural. Don't be bound up with the mindset of 10% when the Spirit is saying All. We can't give 10% of our lives and expect a hundredfold. Let the expensive perfume flow. Let the Standard of our giving monetarily and spiritually be wholeheartedly All that the Spirit would ask of us, and Gods provision will be poured into your lap in good measure shaken together, and running over. Walking in the mind of Christ can be exciting and an eternal adventure!(Luke 6:38)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A blast from the heavens will declare the glory of God. Bright shinning planets not seen with the
naked eye since the birth of Christ, are once again revealing the beauty of Gods creation. Again Gods is speaking through His creation, along with the multitude of events taking place regularly, that the return of Christ is soon. We spend so much time looking at the earthy disorder that we fail to put our eyes heavenward. Could it be that even as the Bethlehem star directed the wise men to the birth of Christ that again its time to look up for our redemption is near. For great terror and fear are upon the hearts of men and many are running here and there looking for safety but not finding it. The Father of lights with the voice of many waters warns the inhabitants to come into the Ark, there they will be safe. For the storm will intensify and the flood waters will rise, but in the Ark they will be saved from the destruction that is to come. The great institutions are crumbling and that which governments considered impregnable will be torn down. For nations are in an uproar because they have denied the only One who can rescue and save them from the dust storm of darkness. Rulers take a stand against the Lord and His Anointed casting away the righteous standards that can bring healing to the nations. But God in His mercy and love, not willing that any should perish extends His salvation through Christ. But the time table has been set and the terrible day of the Lord is coming. Even as it was in the days of Noah the coming of the Lord will be. These are the days of Elijah for the church! To be that voice of redemption, salvation and warning that He is near.

Friday, June 26, 2015

America the beautiful! Continues to be blessed by the Father of lights, but embraces the lie and falls deeper into deception making the lie its truth. But soon Truth will appear and defeat deception, the father of lies and all darkness with the two-edged sword coming forth from His mouth! (Revelation 1:6) What lie will be able to stand in the presence of eternal Truth? What darkness will be able to cloud, dissipate or hide from His glory? Only the righteous, redeemed of the Lord, wash by His blood will be able to stand in His presence when He appears. Though America may be proud of its decisions and many cultures are rallying with excitement, the day of reckoning is coming. Those who have been swallowed up by this dust storm of darkness will not be able to stand upon the law of the land. America has failed to trust God the Father and look to His laws and will. Saints, we are in this world , but we are not of this world. We look to our real home where we have already been enrolled into heaven. So be strong and courages for the Lord your God He is with you and He is mighty to save!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

"A miraculous season is approaching"! Can you hear the Spirit speaking to the church? Prepare your hearts for this wave of unearned grace that is about to be poured out on your dry land. The Spirit would say "You have been toiling, laboring to the extent of depending on your own strength for a move of God upon your hearts, your church, this nation and the world. But you have forgotten an element of the Fathers grace and mercy that goes beyond all you can do. He shows up after you have exhausted all your resources, in His time releasing His plans. My moving doesn't depend on your great worship gatherings, sacrifices or intercessions, calling upon Me to move. You have been called to prayer, seeking my heart, but this is a time when I am moving beyond the normal seasons to lighten the burden and pour out when you would lest expect it! The Father has shown up through the power of the Spirit at various times displaying His radiance, because of the church desiring His presence. But don't forget He is God and He can move beyond any petitioning that comes from His children. This is a Karios time that the Father is about to bring. This is not only a season being released because of the  prayers of the saints overflowing from the bowls! But this is primarily our Father stepping in beyond all that we can ask or think and releasing heaven upon us. For the Lord would say "I am a Great God, a Father who brings the rain upon the righteous and unrighteous alike!             
Watch now and see what I am about to do. Don't let the wisdom of this world govern your future. You have given up and given in leaving you hopeless and despondent. But the Lord will gather the four winds and bring storm after storm of His grace, gathering His people as one, flushing out the spirit of control and bringing life to your dry places! This is a season when the church will receive revelation into their spirit. It will be like a sprinkle to open up the pours of the heart, then a steady shower, to a flooding. You will abandon the structures and formats, legalistic mindsets, to walk free in your calling having more of Christ to follow as He intended!
I am going to show up in the natural as a sign of what I am about to do supernaturally. The usual will be changed into the unusual, the predictable to the unpredictable and the dry seasons into wet seasons. For this reason I say to you do not be anxious for your life as to what you shall eat of drink, nor for your body as to what you shall wear. Is not life more than food and clothing. Look at the birds of the air they neither sow, reap or gather into barns and yet your heavenly Father provide for them. Are you not worth more than they? You have been shaken by the wisdom of man, and your vision diluted by their knowledge that has brought fear upon you, saying "you must do this and that in order to survive this dryness in the land" But the Spirit would say " Because they think their wisdom is greater than My provision and they turn to their strength rather than trusting Me, I will break the backs of the prideful, confound their strategies, casting aside their plans and move upon the land with miraculous signs that will confound the wisdom of the intellect! Even the mighty among you will say "not because of anything that we have done" For every tower of Babel shall be tore down, for I will not be contained. The high places will be astonished when they see gushers of My grace being poured out upon every dry place. For the darkness is no match for My glory. My love is unstoppable and My grace abounds even more in the darkness. Even as it rises up like a flood He will come like a rushing stream which the Spirit drives.
If My moving depended upon your faith you would be miserable and without hope. But I am coming in the heat of the season, to a dry and thirsty land. Prepare your hearts to freely receive of the grace of the Lord. For He is about to open up the flood gates of heaven and many will be surprised, dumbfounded and amazed by My abundant love and grace!
Isaiah 59:19; Matthew 6:25-34; 1Corinthians 1:18; Isaiah 19:3

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hedge trimming can be very exhausting yet surprisingly revealing!
 As I was trimming this 40 foot hedge at a nearby church I came across a nest of baby birds with their mouths wide open ready for momma to come and feel them. Then the scripture came to me "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? This was a good reminder for me, that it may seem bleak at times and that our provision, the necessities of life are not there. Just like these baby birds,  keep believing with your mouth (heart) wide open, the Father will feel it in due time! Matthew 6;26

Thursday, March 12, 2015

"Preparing the tribulation church"

There is a shaking, a rumbling, a rising up of the bedrock beneath  the present site of the Mosque of Omar. By a decree given this Dome of the Rock that has been built over the original site where Abraham made sacrifice on Mount Moriah, where Solomon built the first temple, and where Herod rebuilt it, will be removed and once again the Jewish temple will take center stage. With its regular sacrifices and grain offerings it will seem like peace has finally come to Israel( Daniel 9:27; 11:31). The corner stone of the temple has stood the test of time and once again Israel will for a season have their holy temple. But the Jewish nation will be deceived. Sudden destruction will come, for the abomination of desolation will stand in the temple proclaiming himself as god and put an end to the sacrifice. Again God will move and reach out over His people that they would come to Him wholeheartedly. He will prepare a place for them in the desert and Christ the true Corner Stone will again come and cleanse the temple and raise up a remnant( Revelation 7:4). There is a gathering of  worriers, intercessors, full of faith and the Spirit that have seen in the Spirit the tribulation church and the importance of this present generation battling on behalf of this place (Jerusalem) and the Jewish nation. There is the voice of the Spirit speaking, now echoing through the streets of Jerusalem and flowing beyond to the church "Make ready in the Spirit a people that will be My witnesses in the time of great trouble." God is beckoning His people to come to Him and for those that do, He will cover them with His wings!
(Psalms 91:4) Have you been putting your ear to the ground? Can you not perceive? there is a dispensation of great tribulation coming that will usher in the end of the age and Christ will return with great glory and make all things new!
                          Because of the revelation given to this present church we have the responsibility to prepare through preaching of the word and prophetic intercession, the tribulation church. The tribulation people are those, Gentile's and Jews that will go through the seven years tribulation after Christ's church has been caught up into heaven. But another church will form! A church of witnesses that know their God will display strength and take action (Daniel 9:32). The enemy is looking to divide and cut off relationship between America and Israel. God is calling forth leaders full of the Spirit, with a mandate to prepare the hearts through prophetic intercession, that this present Jewish nation will turn to the Messiah. God is using Netanyahu to position Israel to have an encounter with Yashua, that an army of Jewish believers will hand off in the Spirit the baton  to the tribulation believers. For the Lord would say "to this present church I will pour out My Spirit and bring a rain that will give power to My bride to pray in the Spirit for every tribe of Israel." For the nation of Israel will be for a season an island , surrounded by many nations, on the brink of destruction. But Yeshua Ha Mashiach is about to make some noise, for He will come and defend His people.
Now is the time for the church to be strong and take action for Israel! So prophesy over every tribe that the dry bones of this people will rise up, come alive, shake off the unbelief and come to their Messiah. For the distress and perilous times of this generation is about to increase like the gates of a dam being opened, bursting forth, flooding every segment of life. But the Lord says " I AM with you I will never leave you or forsake you, even to the end of the age"( Mathew 28:20: Hebrews 13:5). For the King of kings is coming to overturn tables. To establish His kingdom with a new heaven and new earth. For the holy city, new Jerusalem will come down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband (Revelations 21:1-2).

Thursday, February 26, 2015

"Who are you and what are you wearing"

You don't always know what is in someones closet or who they really are until they come out wearing something totally different than who they seem to be. We think that cross dressing is only found in a certain culture in this world. It can be pretty deceptive knowing someone or thinking you know them until they show up in an outfit that doesn't meet their gender. But I understand this because of the darkness we live in the dark that you can't see because many have not come to the Light. But what is more astonishing, or disturbing when you begin to see the same thing in the christian as you see in the world. Perhaps not the clothes cross dressing and changing of genders. I have found even more perplexing, that there are many in the church, the bride of Christ, that after receiving Christ, having tasted of His goodness, made partakers of the Holy Spirit and to know of the age to come, still are cross dressing. You don't always notice them right away, but in time they come out when you would lest expect, their heart is revealed and it is like light has been taken off and darkness begins walking around, displaying the styles of jealousy, strife, control and manipulation.They continue to take off the armor of light, the robs of righteousness and put on the deeds of darkness just to satisfy their flesh. But Paul says in Rom 13:11-14 to put off the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Surrender these clothes of darkness, of drunkenness, sexual promiscuity, strife and jealousy and put on Christ. Do not go into those areas thinking you need to now take off the armor of Light and put on the darkness so you can relate, that will imprison you. How and why can this be Lord? then it came to me. These that keep putting on and taking off Christ have never really surrender. Have never laid a foundation of the secret place with Christ a history of prayer. They have not given all only ten percent which is ninety percent less than what Christ requires, which is all of us. 
We all have baggage with clothes that don't belong on us that needs to be surrendered and exchanged for robs of righteousness. The Lord would say."Come now all you who are heavy laden throw away the old cloths, come into My yoke, for I have clothed and filled you My Spirit. Lay it all down, come bask in the Holy Spirit. Give Me the five loaves and two fishes and I will multiply it and your time in My secret place will be enlarged. Then this urge, this desire, this strife to fulfill the works of darkness will be broken from you and again you will see and walk with your head lifted high and proud to wear the Spirit wherever you are. "You will be clothed with My glory and darkness will be turned to Light.  

"Come now put on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet of salvation!"1 Thessalonians 5:8

Monday, February 23, 2015

"Look Jesus is breaking out into a dance"

Visions of the night; You may say I am a lunatic, crazy, full of wine. I would admit this vision is not what I would see in the natural. Blame it on the medication I am taking for an allergic reaction to something, or maybe the music I was listening to, but this is what I saw. As I was lying down just kicking back meditating on Him and listening to some tuns I began to see Jesus high and lifted up with the glory of God showing all around Him. In heaven with all the heavenly host looking down on the earth full of darkness, but the song I was listening to "God is here" was coming from worshipers being lifted up into heaven.
Then what was so astonishing, with so much madness, chaos, violence, and wars on all sides, Jesus was breaking out into a dance that surprised me to the point I began to weep, wanting so much to be with Him in the dance. It was like a dance that I could only do with Him in His presence. Motions and movements that could only be created in heaven that have been waiting for a moment it time when heaven and earth would collied again, causing the most violent  one to bow down to Him and become a new creation.
It wasn't the waltz or any slow dance, He the Messiah , the King of kings and Lord of lords was breaking out in moves, I mean His legs were like coming up to His chest and swaying with the Wind, but it was nothing like I've seen on earth. As He move it was like the glory of God moved with Him. Everywhere His arms would turn in the direction of some darkness on earth, lightning would shoot forth from His hands illuminating this area with His Spirit. Rain would begin to fall upon this place in the form of fire. It was flowing like a river of glowing lava  through out these dark areas. Everyone that would move close to this event could see Jesus in the center. As they came closer the rain got heavier and they would begin to dance as the Spirit lifted them up.(Jeremiah 31:1-13)
Then He begins to motion to me to join Him in the dance. He spoke and said "Don't let this world consume you son but draw close to Me and I will teach you the heavenly dance the dance that we can dance together. This is the dance that brings heaven on earth and invites all that will to join in the dance of life."Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in My Father believe in Me. In My Fathers house the are many mansion, if it were not true I would have told you so. I have gone away to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to Myself that where I am you will be also.(John 14:1-3)

Friday, February 20, 2015

"A rumbling, a quaking, bam thats it"

1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 With so much darkness in this world you will be shaken from your foundation if not built upon Christ. If it were not for Him we would be a people most miserable and without hope. But because of His death, resurrection and ascension, because God has chosen us to be  sons and daughters of the King and even though we are in this world we are not of this world. For we are going to be caught up with the resurrected saints to meet Christ the Lord in the air and we shall be with Him forever! Something big is coming! There is a rumbling, a quaking of the ground beneath us and the world we live in. It is like an approaching wave in the distance, building in height and breadth as it draws closer. As legions of demonic angels are positioning against myriads of heavens angelic host, it seems that the church has found itself in the middle of this spiritual battle, that in the natural, is beyond our capabilities. It seems like darkness is winning, especially because of our technology, we see and hear what is taking place right before our eyes, exactly what the enemy wants. Brutality, murder, violence, hate crimes, even people being beheaded many of which are christians of the faith. How many times have you thought of giving up, or even dropped your weapons right there on the battle field and began to walk away. When suddenly a voice within you says, "its not time, pick up your sword, I am with you." You're stopped in your tracks by something beyond your comprehension or control.  Habakkuk was in a similar situation as he cried out to God in his day about the violence on every side and didn't see God doing anything about it. But Gods response was "I am doing something in your day that if I were to tell you, you would not believe it (Habakkuk1:5). Even with all the images we see, as believers must see in the spirit, trusting that God's plans are far greater and understand that His ways of dealing with situations will be different from ours, its just a matter of time. What we see taking place in the world today has already been spoken of in the bible and a total melt down of life as we know it is eminent, moving closer to Jacobs trouble, the great tribulation. But Christ is coming for His church! He said when you see these things taking place  "Look up for your redemption draws near."We are in the  beginning of sorrows and the heat has been turned up but Christ our King, the Lion of Judah, is walking in the midst of the fire with us. For He is a consuming fire and His Spirit fills us that we can overwhelmingly conquer through Him. Many throughout history have been persecuted
because of Christ through means of vial acts. Tortured, scourged, stoned to death, crucified upside down, sawn in two and yes beheaded. Why? Because of their love and faith in Christ not loving their lives even unto death. Their reward as is ours is greater than this world could ever offer.  Steven was a brother full of the Spirit and faith doing great wonders and signs for Christ, until his own countrymen couldn't listen to the gospel or take the conviction of the Spirit any longer, so they began to stone him. As he gazed intently into heaven he saw the glory of God and Christ standing at the right hand of the Father. Steven falling down dying from all the stones, said Lord receive my spirit and don't hold this sin against them (Acts 7:54-60). I have no doubt that this recent barbaric act and many others have been orchestrated by the prince of darkness. As with the case of Steven I am convinced it was the same with those brothers, that they saw the glory of the Lord as their spirit's rose to Him (2Corinthians 5:6-9). Satan is the one who robs, kills and destroys and hates everyone that confesses the name of Jesus. These hate groups, terrorist, are no more than gangs being driven by the spirit of anti-christ, preparing the way for the Beast. But the truth is, it is a win win situation for the christian, because of Christ we truly are the victors. For the dragon may kill the flesh but can never kill the spirit! For the Lord Himself shell descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. All the saints including those coptic christians who are dead but in christ will be raised up into heaven, then we who are alive when the rapture occurs will also be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air and so we shall always be with the Lord. The question is, are we the American church ready to lay down our lives for the sake of Christ. Saints it is not a time to magnify the darkness but to magnify the Lord. It is that time to stand for what we believe in and who we confess as Lord of lords and the King of kings in our lives! For the Lord would say " the battle rages on will you dance the dance of freedom in the midst of violence? Or will you be like children in the market place playing the flute and nobody dancing or singing a dirge and nobody weeping. You want things to go your way and you can't see the very presence and plans of God being demonstrated before your eyes. "Come away with Me My beloved My beautiful one and I will show you what is to come" For behold the
winters past the rain is over and gone. The flowers have already appeared in the land; The time has arrived for pruning the vines. For the stars will fall from the heavens, the sky will be rolled up like a scroll  and every mountain and island will be moved out of their places, "but I will never leave you or forsake you. You are My beloved and I love you with an everlasting love"
Hebrews 11; Romans 8:37; Song of Solomon 2:10-12