Friday, September 25, 2015

The set up, a one world religion visitation

Revelations 13 This historic visit by the new Pope is more than a gathering of the faithful followers of the Catholic religion. It is more than an outward appearance of humility and reaching out to governments and every sect of life. More than enlisting new converts and re-enlistings those who strayed away. This visit has been in the workings for decades, not so much from the present Pope but behind the scenes by the red dragon himself. It was also Pope John Paul the 2nd agenda when he was in the Vatican. It is to unite all governments, all people and all religions to be one. Before the return of Christ the revived Roman empire must be in full swing which means one world government,with one world leader and one world religion, with one leader. The red dragon (Satan) is already raising up the first beast (antichrist) and shortly another beast will emerge the false prophet (religious leader). We are in the season of the church and history that a worldwide set up is taking place. A setting up of the world wide stage which will reveal the antichrist and false prophet. There is also a coming event unlike any witnessed and certainly greater than the Popes visit, he is just a pawn being used in this set up. I am talking about the second coming of Jesus, when every eye will see Him. But before this event happens an apostasy must come first, a falling away from the faith by born again believers (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4). The scriptures are very clear but the exact timing of His coming is not. With the multitude of events that have been taking place just over the last five years one would think we are on the brink of destruction. This Pope may not be the false prophet of Revelation 13:11-18 but he is one that dresses in sheep's clothing and he may not know it but his statements of embracing all religions as one is the same agenda as the Bahai faith which is now considered the largest religion in the world. Can you not see the wolf? he may be walking around in white sheep's clothing with a message of peace, harmony and benevolence, but I see another wolf laying a foundation for the antichrist. These things don't happen overnight, there has been a gradual implementing from the red dragon upon the mindset of the world that they will be ready to embrace this world leader (the antichrist )which will be raised up from a fatal wound and all will worship him. But lets not forget the Fathers agenda who ultimately is allowing these events to take place because in the final battle Righteousness prevails and the King of glory will establish His kingdom with a new heaven and new earth. The antichrist and false prophet will be thrown into the pit alongside the red dragon and there will be no more sin. Many in the church don't care about these coming events and many who are not a part of a local church, for  many various reasons are fine with just living their lives and enjoying being a child of the King. Jesus said in Luke 12:54-56 that they were able to see a change in the weather and it was so. But then He called them hypocrites because they could analyze the appearance of the earth and sky but they would not analyze this present time. I believe it is very important for us believers, saints of God, to know the times and seasons. To be awake that we won't be lead astray by an event that seems so inviting to one that is so vulnerable and not knowing what the scriptures are saying about the end times. Don't be that wild stallion who thinks they can make it on their own without the covering of their master in the form of His authority played out in the greater church body of believers. Come into the yoke of the King that you can be a strong seasoned majestic war horse with eyes wide open understanding these times.(Zach. 10:3)

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