Friday, September 11, 2015

"Positioning for Revival"

"The waters are stirring the clouds are forming."
In the midst of such violence, suffering and corruption you can (if you are paying attention) see signs of Gods grace being poured out. You may not agree and feel this sister was wrong and could have done it differently in not issuing a license to these two that wanted to get married. But the fact is there is a shift with Christians that are willing to make a stand for what and Who they believe in. Again in our society today if a christian does anything contrary to the culture we will be ridiculed. Case in point, in the pure act of these coaches  baptizing the players of their team, the media and authorities got wind of it and as innocent and God inspired as it was the enemy wants to use the laws of this land to quench the Spirit. There are signs of the Spirit moving in greater proportion than normal, which is an oxymoron, what is normal with the Spirit? The wind of the Spirit is blowing over certain social areas in this world and Gods providence seems to be paving the way for a full appearance of His glory in the form of an awakening. As it was in the days of Naomi, Gods divine providence is stirring, shifting our plans, moving us into such a time as now! Unknown to Naomi, God was going to do a work in her life that would send a ripple affect throughout history. We don't always understand why, or what God is doing in our lives and the different events or places He uses in order to fulfill His purposes. But even as Naomi and her family was being positioned to receive an outpouring, I see a positioning taking place in peoples lives that will have a ripple affect leading to revival! Gods plans and timing are different than ours. For most of us we would think that an outpouring would have been here by now, after all there has been in many circles intercession, prophecies, praying for His rain to fall upon this land. Many have given up and are not sure how to pray and are now in a drought or famine that has left them discouraged, hungry and thirsty not knowing which way to turn. Many churches are either on the brink of closing or in need of much remodeling. Many are being uprooted from their land because of war. So it was with Naomi and her family, different circumstances but same need for God to move and open up providential doors. As famine set in Gods hand was upon them as they were moved to leave their land and go to another. When the Spirit directs, leading us to another place whether physical or spiritual there always seems to be collateral damage. During the time in Moab Naomi lost her husband and two sons, but before her sons died they both married Moabite woman, giving Naomi two daughter's-in-law. Was it the famine that was the catalyst for this family to move to another country, or was it the providence of God that used the circumstance of a famine to bring Naomi and her family to a country that was outside of the blood line. After Naomi's husband and sons died she received word that the Lord had visited His people in giving them food.  Naomi returned to Bethlehem with her daughter-in-law Ruth at the beginning of the barley harvest. Gods providence was still at work returning Naomi to her people. You may say why? Why did God take them to another country and bring them back full circle? Because in Gods timing He brought the harvest and during that time Ruth met Boaz who owned the land that Ruth gleaned in. Is that it? No! Ruth was a Moabite, and because Boaz was a kinsman redeemer it was lawful for Boaz to marry Ruth and have a son whose name was Obed, who was the father of Jesse who was the father of David. Jesus was born outside the blood line, making it even more remarkable that Christ is our Redeemer making it possible for all who are outside the Jewish blood line to come and be grafted in. This was an outpouring of Gods providence, grace and redemption and it is in this vein that I see God positioning people places and events for one of the greatest outpourings leading up to Christ our Redeemer, catching up His bride into heaven. 
Revival doesn't come the way we might expect and lives seem to be uprooted and moved around more than we want. But when you begin to see His hand being stretched out over the waters of humanity and the hearts of His church, its time to pay attention and come along side with what God is doing. When God is about to do something big in the form of revival much shaking and upheaval are always present. We are about to experience another massive earthquake that will collied with these turbulent times. Just as there was the massive San Francisco earthquake, there also came in the same year the Azusa street revival. Even as there was a shift in culture through the hippie generation, God poured out His Spirit and revival came being labeled the Jesus movement. There are already tremors happening! Creation is already shifting, groaning, being ripped apart in every direction, waiting eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. We are already living in turbulent times, hearts failing because of fear. The whole pacific rim will light up with so much activity that will be life changing leading many to the Rock of their salvation(Romans 8:19). Shouldn't we His people be crying out like Habakkuk 3:2  "O Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of these years" To stand in His presence,watching, preparing and trusting that not only His church, but nations are being guided by His divine providence! I believe the Spirit would say " The church is being positioned for an outpouring of unprecedented proportion. Church buildings will not hold the masses, for new places of gathering will be formed, but the main thrust will be "in every house they will gather". For the Lord will astonish the west and surprise the east. Can I not release My Wind into every unspoken area of society. Can I not humble every nation and raise up the humble and contrite. Can I not bless those who have the ability to help and do, but require judgment to those who can help but don't. For the outpouring will not be utopia, but a cleansing, a flooding and removing of the dross. For My church will be removed from high and lofty places to be down in the drenches serving the vast sea of souls that is coming in like a huge wave driven by the Spirit and given into open hands of the prepared and radiant."(Isaiah 60)
 A new season for the church is about to burn through the candlesticks igniting afresh first love intimacy with Jesus. The Word will burn within the hearts of the bride and the lukewarm will become a blaze of His glory. The salvation of our God is going to rain down and the dry land will become fertile and we will enter in as the harvest begins. For the reapers and sowers will be as one, and the highways and byways will flow with the wine of the Spirit.

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