Thursday, August 20, 2015


Father I must be bold in this season and in particular with the fire storms that are causing much destruction and hardship. Father I am being compelled by Your Spirit to stand now against these ragging demons of fire and call forth your miraculous into the midst of devastation. Spirit prepare me to speak forth the word of command to bring the Father glory in the midst of darkness.............

                  Father thank you for the call upon my life and the task you have set before me. When you tell me to speak I don't always know or see the outcome, but I trust in your Divine Providence to guide me and to activate what you choose to, in order to fulfill your will and plans upon people, places and events. So now Father of lights " I command the rain clouds to form over the Pacific and tons of water would now be raised up to fill these clouds. Spirit of God drive forth by Your wind to the states of Washington and California, to every threatening fire storm that is ragging uncontrolled, even those rouge fires that are being guided by evil forces to bring havoc to Your forest, wild life, property and human life. I say storm of the Lord come forth and crush the head of the enemy.
Supernatural Rain drench, Miracle Rain flood the dry land. I command supernatural strength to the firefighters and all that are involved, that they be endowed with your strength. I speak forth the broken arrow affect in this situation. That all the human forces would convene on these areas, but mostly Your heavenly host would now come forth and bring divine assistance into these circumstances. Giving strength to the weary, and to those that lack might, increased power. For the young and vigorous who are stumbling, that they will gain new strength. For the young and older stand up as soldiers. You will mount up with wings like eagles. You will run and not be tired, You will walk and not become tired. I command these fires to retreat, back off and dissipate, in Jesus name!!! I call forth Your salvation to all close acquainted, or affiliated that they who don't know You Christ will sense Your love, protection, and Your working and come to You.

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