Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"Unplugged prophetic word"

Shaduamonda, shaduamonda, kerabashandi, For the tin men of this world and the darkness that looks to be prevailing is no match for the King of glory. For even in the days of Moses, as the children of Israel were being pursued by the enemy to devour them, the Spirit would say I will come to you, defend and rescue you as I rescued Israel and the horse and rider were drown in the flood that I brought down upon their heads. For the Storm of the Lord will break out among you and flood down upon the heads of injustice and wickedness. Darkness will be unable to stand in My rain that will come and you will be lifted up from the mirky waters of deceit. It is time to let go of your strength that is no match against this cloud of hate and violence and come into the Tower that is higher then all, a Tower of refuge and a Tower of strength against the enemy. I will walk with you through the fire and heal you. But listen, beloved! Behold, He is coming, climbing on the mountains who is this that comes leaping on the hills. For you will be taught to also dance on the hill tops and run upon the mountains of despair and fear. For come now My beloved, My righteousness into your strong Tower and be safe. For I AM the One that runs before you. With great joy I come running to you. There is no obstacle to great that I cannot break through. Though I seem to delay I will come and fill you with My presence that will take you leaping upon the hills like a calf being released from the stalls. Let us dance together in the midst of this darkness, for My glory and love will overcome the darkness and you will be changed. Song of Songs 2:8; Psalms 61:3; Proverbs 18:10

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