Thursday, July 23, 2015

"Being seduced"

"Let every valley be lifted up and every mountain and hill made low. I will open rivers on the barren heights and springs in the midst of the valleys" ( Isaiah 40:4;41:18) An increase of weather systems are building up in the pacific, which will pound against the pacific coastline and the ring of fire, bringing a geographical change to many areas. Many dry areas will be flooded and the aquifers will rise past their normal levels. These storms will not be a nice easy rain but a hard intense battering on the land that will also bring lose of life and destruction. Gods creation has seen His face and is beginning to rumble and quake knowing that the time is near. Even as the nations gather together, standing against the Lord and His Anointed, His precepts will not change even as the infrastructures crumble. The Spirit is blowing upon hearts preparing for another great awakening. The Eco systems of the deep are changing and moving every which way.  There is a groaning of all creation as it waits eagerly for the redemption of our body. "I hear the Spirit saying
"Come out from the seduction and crippling grip of Babylon and move into total dependency upon the Spirit." For Babylon will fall and receive of the plaques allotted. America is not the ancient revived new age Babylon, but is as every nation being seduced by its great wealth and resources. We have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality. A voice from heaven is calling His people to come out of her that we will not participate in her sins and receive of her plaques.( Rev. 18:2,4) These radical changes in the weather is God speaking to the cultures and life styles of nations, that they must come out of the poison influence of Sodom, surrendering to the Lordship of Christ, receive the truth and be cured.
For this world's religious system is being powered by the dragon himself, luring  many away from all that is holy, righteous and Christ centered. The bride must be awakened out of her sleepy tolerant state, that their eyes can be opened to see the Jezebel which is leading many servants astray. This is way all that can be shaken will be shaken that only that which is surrounded to Christ will remain. Do not let these storms of this world harden your heart causing you to turn away from what you have been called to. Let the Spirit continue to change you that you can be that beautiful bride adorned with splendor. No more crawling around in the dirt of this life and tarnishing your garments. He is lifting you up out of the muck and mire and clothing you with garments of praise. It is time for the bride to be the clarion call of the Spirit to the whole church and to the nations,"Come out of mystery Babylon and run into the Mountain which will not be moved.                                    "For the jars of clay are being filled with new wine that can be poured out to all!" 

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