Sunday, July 12, 2015

        A warning to the church for protection and announcement of restoration by the Holy Spirit!   The Landscape of the church is changing and the events of these last days are assisting in this change. There seems to be a migration taking place of coming in, and going out of the church. A biblical definition of the church is, we born again Christians are the church and it is we that come into a house of prayer, assembly, or local building that houses a portion of the church, during our Wednesday and Sunday meetings (traditional days) Ephesians 5:27. Now when I say there is a migration coming in and out of the church it could very well mean that many are leaving the faith and going after strange doctrines, which is true, this is why we must continue to keep our eyes opened and heavenward. But there is this migration of people streaming into certain local churches that seem to be speaking a different (language) message, one of easy listening and non-offensive. What ever the migration of the culture is many of these local churches feel the need to adapt into that culture thus being excepted. But the Spirit is saying you are to be like Christ, Who was, and is, and will always be counterculture. I see yet another migration coming out of the local church that seems to have the guidance of the Spirit upon it. I know this sounds dangerous and tradition would say, how can this so called migration be something that has the guidance of the Spirit, or anything endorsed by Christ, they should be in church? Believe me I've said the same things and have even stepped into this migration or part of the church, but because of tradition and pressure from leaders I re-assimilated back into something that seemed to be yet fading. Now the church of Jesus Christ is not fading, but in fact it is coming alive with greater revelation as we draw nearer to Christ catching up His church. But Christ through the Spirit is addressing elements and structures in the local church redefining or should I say restoring back to where it began and this migration of coming out of something that is fading is the beginning of the landscape of the church changing. Jesus is calling for first love and doing the things we did in the beginning. Simultaneously there is a warning by the Spirit to be wise pertaining to churches. Even as the early church was protected from the persecution by a scattering for a season, I see big churches and small being dismantled and reformed into many more effective ministries.  Not that there won't be local churches anymore, but the mindset and heart of believers and leaders will be meshed together by the Spirit and what the church was in the early church will emerge. The tables of the money changers will be turned over and the extravagant performances of doing church will be surrendered, exchanged for His very presence. The Spirit is already leaving many churches because He is grieved by so much strange fire (flesh). Many have been hurt by the church, disappointed, discouraged to the point that they have left. These same people who have gone through and are going through much purging, repentance, surrender, are now finding they can still be alive, called, used and sent out to those around them, thus being the true church. Will these saints come back into the local church? probably not, unless the local church goes through the same season allowing the Spirit to come in and change the landscape starting with the heart. The local church is not that sacred place of safety that it was thought to be. Even as it was in the early church a great persecution broke out after the death of Steven and the church was scattered(Acts 8:1). In our modern day church could there be a persecution taking place of the saints and the local church becoming a target? Could there be a warning being given by the Spirit of impending danger, and at the same time reforming the church to be more affective in these last days? We are not to live in fear but to be wise knowing that His plans are not to harm us, but are for our welfare to give us a future and hope. The mark or sign of the Spirit moving in this migration of coming out of the traditional, institutional, high performance church is this. As the church was scattered from Jerusalem throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria the church continued going about preaching the word of God(Acts 8:4). Protection and restoration is here will the church listen and live? Come out from among them and be not yoked together with those who do not believe, of a different heart and speak a different gospel.
                                "And Jesus after entering Jerusalem came into the temple and after looking around, He departed."

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