Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A blast from the heavens will declare the glory of God. Bright shinning planets not seen with the
naked eye since the birth of Christ, are once again revealing the beauty of Gods creation. Again Gods is speaking through His creation, along with the multitude of events taking place regularly, that the return of Christ is soon. We spend so much time looking at the earthy disorder that we fail to put our eyes heavenward. Could it be that even as the Bethlehem star directed the wise men to the birth of Christ that again its time to look up for our redemption is near. For great terror and fear are upon the hearts of men and many are running here and there looking for safety but not finding it. The Father of lights with the voice of many waters warns the inhabitants to come into the Ark, there they will be safe. For the storm will intensify and the flood waters will rise, but in the Ark they will be saved from the destruction that is to come. The great institutions are crumbling and that which governments considered impregnable will be torn down. For nations are in an uproar because they have denied the only One who can rescue and save them from the dust storm of darkness. Rulers take a stand against the Lord and His Anointed casting away the righteous standards that can bring healing to the nations. But God in His mercy and love, not willing that any should perish extends His salvation through Christ. But the time table has been set and the terrible day of the Lord is coming. Even as it was in the days of Noah the coming of the Lord will be. These are the days of Elijah for the church! To be that voice of redemption, salvation and warning that He is near.

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