Friday, July 3, 2015

"A word before the word." I know that sounds a little, well perhaps very strange and maybe it is my way of evading or procrastinating from the enviable. It is true I've had this word on my heart and on paper for months, not this word but the one coming after this word. Oh my, I think I am losing some of you already, or maybe I am just losing my mind. That is it, we must first lose our minds in order to have or walk in the mind of the Spirit. The prophetic can be so strange and yet so powerful, but to get to the latter one must understand the strangeness and what comes with the nature of the prophetic gift.
                                              Elijah has got to be one of my favorite mentors, examples of one walking in the calling and not always having his game face on, so to speak. So I am in the book of Revelations working on the word that supposed to come after this word (see already I am using the word suppose as if it may or may not come after this word) and the Spirit leads me back to, you guest it, 1Kings 17 where Elijah has just spoke a word of a drought coming. Its not always fun and games being one of Gods servants in this modern age. I think today we have down played the office of a prophet to the extent that many who are called to this office have a desire to be excepted and embraced, even speaking those words that are popular and what people want to hear, reaching the emotions but lack the anointing to reach the spirit. Elijah was not that kind of servant! He was labeled by Ahab as "the troubler of Israel"only because Ahab didn't like what he spoke. This word is about Gods provision and not just His usual provision but that which is provided miraculously. I look at Elijah's life and many other patriarchs such as Abraham, Joshua and Moses who God provided for but many times at the last minute, or at their weakest state, or with Elijah being directed to another town in order to get just his daily essentials. With Elijah business wasn't as usual, he was an in season out of season servant. I look at Elijah as a type of Christ a forerunner of how the church today should be moving and relying on the provision of the Father. I am going to throw in a big billboard sign here and will clarify later what I mean. "The landscape of the church is changing" Some of us have gotten it! We have realized that His provision doesn't come because of our good works, or how faithful we are to any local church. It is and comes from the Father of lights, His love, grace, mercy and our obedience. Remember Elijah after speaking concerning a drought coming was told by God to go to the brook Cherith and there he would be provided for. It was Elijah's obedience to the Father that he was able to receive Gods provision and a miraculous one at that. We in the church today think Gods provision only comes through the tithes and offerings given on a Sunday morning Wrong!! That according to old testament law is only 10%, Elijah was a forerunner to the new covent, he surrendered all and because of that God continued to lead him to provision. Provision and greater provision comes to a christian and local church when we embrace wholeheartedly the new covent teaching of All. Surrender of all that we have and walk in the obedience that our Father desires. Elijah could have stayed where he was at with the settlers of Gilead and perhaps only receiving basic provision and missing out on the miraculous that God had for him. Where are you at with the Fathers provision in your walk. Are you still trusting in the basic understanding that He will bless and provide IF I give my tithes? Or are you hearing the real heart of the Spirit saying move on from here, go to a new place, I will provided to you the miraculous. The brook dried up and the ravens stopped coming to feed Elijah because it was time to go to another place of provision and continue in what God had called him to do. Has the brook dried up for you? Not sure how long Elijah relied on those ravens and the brook. But because of Gods plans, where Elijah was naturally and spiritually wasn't working anymore. He hasn't left you, He is still leading you to greater provision. Listen to His voice! He may be taking you to another place and at the same time preparing you to be used in His miracles for someone who needs His provision. Look up! God through the Spirit is re-aligning the church. He is taking His bride out of the old structures, old provision, that the church can be set free to really walk in their true callings. Like Elijah the church is about to walk from that dried up brook to the miraculous releasing of Gods provision in the form of heavy rain. Don't let the natural keep you from the supernatural. Don't be bound up with the mindset of 10% when the Spirit is saying All. We can't give 10% of our lives and expect a hundredfold. Let the expensive perfume flow. Let the Standard of our giving monetarily and spiritually be wholeheartedly All that the Spirit would ask of us, and Gods provision will be poured into your lap in good measure shaken together, and running over. Walking in the mind of Christ can be exciting and an eternal adventure!(Luke 6:38)

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