Monday, February 23, 2015

"Look Jesus is breaking out into a dance"

Visions of the night; You may say I am a lunatic, crazy, full of wine. I would admit this vision is not what I would see in the natural. Blame it on the medication I am taking for an allergic reaction to something, or maybe the music I was listening to, but this is what I saw. As I was lying down just kicking back meditating on Him and listening to some tuns I began to see Jesus high and lifted up with the glory of God showing all around Him. In heaven with all the heavenly host looking down on the earth full of darkness, but the song I was listening to "God is here" was coming from worshipers being lifted up into heaven.
Then what was so astonishing, with so much madness, chaos, violence, and wars on all sides, Jesus was breaking out into a dance that surprised me to the point I began to weep, wanting so much to be with Him in the dance. It was like a dance that I could only do with Him in His presence. Motions and movements that could only be created in heaven that have been waiting for a moment it time when heaven and earth would collied again, causing the most violent  one to bow down to Him and become a new creation.
It wasn't the waltz or any slow dance, He the Messiah , the King of kings and Lord of lords was breaking out in moves, I mean His legs were like coming up to His chest and swaying with the Wind, but it was nothing like I've seen on earth. As He move it was like the glory of God moved with Him. Everywhere His arms would turn in the direction of some darkness on earth, lightning would shoot forth from His hands illuminating this area with His Spirit. Rain would begin to fall upon this place in the form of fire. It was flowing like a river of glowing lava  through out these dark areas. Everyone that would move close to this event could see Jesus in the center. As they came closer the rain got heavier and they would begin to dance as the Spirit lifted them up.(Jeremiah 31:1-13)
Then He begins to motion to me to join Him in the dance. He spoke and said "Don't let this world consume you son but draw close to Me and I will teach you the heavenly dance the dance that we can dance together. This is the dance that brings heaven on earth and invites all that will to join in the dance of life."Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in My Father believe in Me. In My Fathers house the are many mansion, if it were not true I would have told you so. I have gone away to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to Myself that where I am you will be also.(John 14:1-3)

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