Friday, February 13, 2015

"Preparing for a visitation"

2 Kings 4:9-10 Behold now I perceive that this is a holy man of God, passing by us continually. Please let us make a little walled upper chamber with a bed, table, chair, lamp-stand. Bare essentials for the prophetic intercessor? or simply providing a place for a visitation. The landscape of the Shunammite woman and her husband was about to change. She was prominent and wealthy but it wasn't convenient for her and her husband to build an addition for Elisha, but she was barren and in need of a touch from God. Is it time to take inventory of our time and place of intimacy with our Father? What does it take to have a move of God, a visitation of the Spirit in our lives and around us? What is God asking of us that we aren't doing that is keeping Him from releasing to us what we need? Being in the line of fire or close proximity to the prophetic will stir up and release the gifting in others. The Shunammite woman was stirred to give out of her need and the kindness of her heart released an awareness that Elisha was a man of God. I am sensing in my spirit a season of time( Kairos) a passing by, a coming near of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the church. If we recognize and prepare a place to be still and know that this is God, we may have an opportunity to be part of a visitation of God. God through the power of the Spirit is coming to bring a dramatic change to the landscape of the church. I don't believe it is always in the great orchestrated services on Sunday morning or the many events that brings the move of God into our midst. Sometimes a lot of commotion is a distraction from really hearing His voice. Elijah was reminded of that when he heard God in a whisper. Jesus spoke a word concerning this very thing in His day that I believe resonates today( which will be my next blog). This woman was moved in her heart and persuade Elisha to eat and this was where Elisha's needs were met. I believe faith was stirred up in her as Elisha passed by continually. It was God orchestrating this season of His visitation to her. She was prominent perhaps busy with other affairs, but she sensed the presence of God, denied her routine and schedule and took the step that would open the door for a visitation and miracle from God. Has the Holy Spirit been passing by you, but you haven't been aware because the busyness of your life won't allow you to take that step and invite Him in? There is a visitation right now coming near to our lives and will break out into a full scale outpouring. Now is the time to see in the Spirit that we would perceive the outpouring coming closer. He has been passing by regularly waiting for us to acknowledge and invite Him in. He doesn't need all the frills to meet with you. Prepare a place now! Dust off the table and chair, turn on the lamp, open the word and close the door, He is about to visit you and the alabaster box will be broken and the precious oil of the Spirit will anoint you. Like the prominent woman you also desperately need to hear from Him, you need a move of God in your life. This is that season, will you not perceive His passing by and reach out, catch the Wind, receive the miracle and the answer that you need. Don't wait, surrender your schedule to Him now. Draw near to Him now! This is the day of salvation, now is the appointed time and He will draw near to you and change you and your schedules. You will be on a supernatural schedule being blown with the Spirit and seeing the effects. This one passing by need not be a holy man of God, but the Holy Spirit is guiding, using them to bring a blessing, to encourage, to give direction and wisdom in your life. These that God has called also have needs and we are called to give to the needs of the saints (Romans 12:13). God has set those in the body to be a blessing and a gift. They could be your pastor, a nurse, a worship leader or perhaps a gardner( Ephesians. 4:11) You need not be prominent just perceiving and obedient. Entertain those that The Spirit brings your way, for you will most likely be unaware that they could be angels( Hebrews 13:2).The Shunammite was unable to have children and her husband was old. But God through Elisha passed by at the right time and she perceived, responded and by faith received the man of God, which in time God released to them a miracle, a son, no longer barren! There are some now that feel barren both spiritually and physically. There are churches that are struggling and in need of a move of God. Its not always the enemy that is the culprit, but we who need to hear, respond and be obedient to what God is doing.This next move of God is packed with numerous encounters with the Spirit fulfilling those destinies He has for you. Invite the Spirit to come and dine with you, He has an encounter waiting for you! For the Spirit would say " I will test you to see how desperate and serious you are." As I come near to you will you respond and receive Me, or will you say Lord I have faith, I perceive that you are coming near, but wait till it is convenient, then I will be obedient and give to this one in need. The Lord would say"Are you better then the widow who gave all she had?Don't wait till the waters are parted before you step in. Step in and I will give you the faith, courage and resources to not only step upon but ride the waves."

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