Thursday, July 23, 2015

"Being seduced"

"Let every valley be lifted up and every mountain and hill made low. I will open rivers on the barren heights and springs in the midst of the valleys" ( Isaiah 40:4;41:18) An increase of weather systems are building up in the pacific, which will pound against the pacific coastline and the ring of fire, bringing a geographical change to many areas. Many dry areas will be flooded and the aquifers will rise past their normal levels. These storms will not be a nice easy rain but a hard intense battering on the land that will also bring lose of life and destruction. Gods creation has seen His face and is beginning to rumble and quake knowing that the time is near. Even as the nations gather together, standing against the Lord and His Anointed, His precepts will not change even as the infrastructures crumble. The Spirit is blowing upon hearts preparing for another great awakening. The Eco systems of the deep are changing and moving every which way.  There is a groaning of all creation as it waits eagerly for the redemption of our body. "I hear the Spirit saying
"Come out from the seduction and crippling grip of Babylon and move into total dependency upon the Spirit." For Babylon will fall and receive of the plaques allotted. America is not the ancient revived new age Babylon, but is as every nation being seduced by its great wealth and resources. We have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality. A voice from heaven is calling His people to come out of her that we will not participate in her sins and receive of her plaques.( Rev. 18:2,4) These radical changes in the weather is God speaking to the cultures and life styles of nations, that they must come out of the poison influence of Sodom, surrendering to the Lordship of Christ, receive the truth and be cured.
For this world's religious system is being powered by the dragon himself, luring  many away from all that is holy, righteous and Christ centered. The bride must be awakened out of her sleepy tolerant state, that their eyes can be opened to see the Jezebel which is leading many servants astray. This is way all that can be shaken will be shaken that only that which is surrounded to Christ will remain. Do not let these storms of this world harden your heart causing you to turn away from what you have been called to. Let the Spirit continue to change you that you can be that beautiful bride adorned with splendor. No more crawling around in the dirt of this life and tarnishing your garments. He is lifting you up out of the muck and mire and clothing you with garments of praise. It is time for the bride to be the clarion call of the Spirit to the whole church and to the nations,"Come out of mystery Babylon and run into the Mountain which will not be moved.                                    "For the jars of clay are being filled with new wine that can be poured out to all!" 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

        A warning to the church for protection and announcement of restoration by the Holy Spirit!   The Landscape of the church is changing and the events of these last days are assisting in this change. There seems to be a migration taking place of coming in, and going out of the church. A biblical definition of the church is, we born again Christians are the church and it is we that come into a house of prayer, assembly, or local building that houses a portion of the church, during our Wednesday and Sunday meetings (traditional days) Ephesians 5:27. Now when I say there is a migration coming in and out of the church it could very well mean that many are leaving the faith and going after strange doctrines, which is true, this is why we must continue to keep our eyes opened and heavenward. But there is this migration of people streaming into certain local churches that seem to be speaking a different (language) message, one of easy listening and non-offensive. What ever the migration of the culture is many of these local churches feel the need to adapt into that culture thus being excepted. But the Spirit is saying you are to be like Christ, Who was, and is, and will always be counterculture. I see yet another migration coming out of the local church that seems to have the guidance of the Spirit upon it. I know this sounds dangerous and tradition would say, how can this so called migration be something that has the guidance of the Spirit, or anything endorsed by Christ, they should be in church? Believe me I've said the same things and have even stepped into this migration or part of the church, but because of tradition and pressure from leaders I re-assimilated back into something that seemed to be yet fading. Now the church of Jesus Christ is not fading, but in fact it is coming alive with greater revelation as we draw nearer to Christ catching up His church. But Christ through the Spirit is addressing elements and structures in the local church redefining or should I say restoring back to where it began and this migration of coming out of something that is fading is the beginning of the landscape of the church changing. Jesus is calling for first love and doing the things we did in the beginning. Simultaneously there is a warning by the Spirit to be wise pertaining to churches. Even as the early church was protected from the persecution by a scattering for a season, I see big churches and small being dismantled and reformed into many more effective ministries.  Not that there won't be local churches anymore, but the mindset and heart of believers and leaders will be meshed together by the Spirit and what the church was in the early church will emerge. The tables of the money changers will be turned over and the extravagant performances of doing church will be surrendered, exchanged for His very presence. The Spirit is already leaving many churches because He is grieved by so much strange fire (flesh). Many have been hurt by the church, disappointed, discouraged to the point that they have left. These same people who have gone through and are going through much purging, repentance, surrender, are now finding they can still be alive, called, used and sent out to those around them, thus being the true church. Will these saints come back into the local church? probably not, unless the local church goes through the same season allowing the Spirit to come in and change the landscape starting with the heart. The local church is not that sacred place of safety that it was thought to be. Even as it was in the early church a great persecution broke out after the death of Steven and the church was scattered(Acts 8:1). In our modern day church could there be a persecution taking place of the saints and the local church becoming a target? Could there be a warning being given by the Spirit of impending danger, and at the same time reforming the church to be more affective in these last days? We are not to live in fear but to be wise knowing that His plans are not to harm us, but are for our welfare to give us a future and hope. The mark or sign of the Spirit moving in this migration of coming out of the traditional, institutional, high performance church is this. As the church was scattered from Jerusalem throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria the church continued going about preaching the word of God(Acts 8:4). Protection and restoration is here will the church listen and live? Come out from among them and be not yoked together with those who do not believe, of a different heart and speak a different gospel.
                                "And Jesus after entering Jerusalem came into the temple and after looking around, He departed."

Monday, July 6, 2015

" Eyes wide open"
An awakening is about to hit Europe this summer! Sleepy churches will come alive and move into the market place, bringing the life of Christ to the rich and poor. The ripple effect of this wave will flow into Poland shaking, rattling the dead bones and bringing to life those that have been dead for years. Auschwitz, Krakow,Warsaw, cities of death and war scares will be changed into cities of Light. The churches of peace will be visited by the Prince of Peace. The word of the Lord will flow like a strong river through cities ravaged by war and hate. Airports will be full of many coming to drink from the Spirit that has awakened and opened many closed doors.

Friday, July 3, 2015

"A word before the word." I know that sounds a little, well perhaps very strange and maybe it is my way of evading or procrastinating from the enviable. It is true I've had this word on my heart and on paper for months, not this word but the one coming after this word. Oh my, I think I am losing some of you already, or maybe I am just losing my mind. That is it, we must first lose our minds in order to have or walk in the mind of the Spirit. The prophetic can be so strange and yet so powerful, but to get to the latter one must understand the strangeness and what comes with the nature of the prophetic gift.
                                              Elijah has got to be one of my favorite mentors, examples of one walking in the calling and not always having his game face on, so to speak. So I am in the book of Revelations working on the word that supposed to come after this word (see already I am using the word suppose as if it may or may not come after this word) and the Spirit leads me back to, you guest it, 1Kings 17 where Elijah has just spoke a word of a drought coming. Its not always fun and games being one of Gods servants in this modern age. I think today we have down played the office of a prophet to the extent that many who are called to this office have a desire to be excepted and embraced, even speaking those words that are popular and what people want to hear, reaching the emotions but lack the anointing to reach the spirit. Elijah was not that kind of servant! He was labeled by Ahab as "the troubler of Israel"only because Ahab didn't like what he spoke. This word is about Gods provision and not just His usual provision but that which is provided miraculously. I look at Elijah's life and many other patriarchs such as Abraham, Joshua and Moses who God provided for but many times at the last minute, or at their weakest state, or with Elijah being directed to another town in order to get just his daily essentials. With Elijah business wasn't as usual, he was an in season out of season servant. I look at Elijah as a type of Christ a forerunner of how the church today should be moving and relying on the provision of the Father. I am going to throw in a big billboard sign here and will clarify later what I mean. "The landscape of the church is changing" Some of us have gotten it! We have realized that His provision doesn't come because of our good works, or how faithful we are to any local church. It is and comes from the Father of lights, His love, grace, mercy and our obedience. Remember Elijah after speaking concerning a drought coming was told by God to go to the brook Cherith and there he would be provided for. It was Elijah's obedience to the Father that he was able to receive Gods provision and a miraculous one at that. We in the church today think Gods provision only comes through the tithes and offerings given on a Sunday morning Wrong!! That according to old testament law is only 10%, Elijah was a forerunner to the new covent, he surrendered all and because of that God continued to lead him to provision. Provision and greater provision comes to a christian and local church when we embrace wholeheartedly the new covent teaching of All. Surrender of all that we have and walk in the obedience that our Father desires. Elijah could have stayed where he was at with the settlers of Gilead and perhaps only receiving basic provision and missing out on the miraculous that God had for him. Where are you at with the Fathers provision in your walk. Are you still trusting in the basic understanding that He will bless and provide IF I give my tithes? Or are you hearing the real heart of the Spirit saying move on from here, go to a new place, I will provided to you the miraculous. The brook dried up and the ravens stopped coming to feed Elijah because it was time to go to another place of provision and continue in what God had called him to do. Has the brook dried up for you? Not sure how long Elijah relied on those ravens and the brook. But because of Gods plans, where Elijah was naturally and spiritually wasn't working anymore. He hasn't left you, He is still leading you to greater provision. Listen to His voice! He may be taking you to another place and at the same time preparing you to be used in His miracles for someone who needs His provision. Look up! God through the Spirit is re-aligning the church. He is taking His bride out of the old structures, old provision, that the church can be set free to really walk in their true callings. Like Elijah the church is about to walk from that dried up brook to the miraculous releasing of Gods provision in the form of heavy rain. Don't let the natural keep you from the supernatural. Don't be bound up with the mindset of 10% when the Spirit is saying All. We can't give 10% of our lives and expect a hundredfold. Let the expensive perfume flow. Let the Standard of our giving monetarily and spiritually be wholeheartedly All that the Spirit would ask of us, and Gods provision will be poured into your lap in good measure shaken together, and running over. Walking in the mind of Christ can be exciting and an eternal adventure!(Luke 6:38)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A blast from the heavens will declare the glory of God. Bright shinning planets not seen with the
naked eye since the birth of Christ, are once again revealing the beauty of Gods creation. Again Gods is speaking through His creation, along with the multitude of events taking place regularly, that the return of Christ is soon. We spend so much time looking at the earthy disorder that we fail to put our eyes heavenward. Could it be that even as the Bethlehem star directed the wise men to the birth of Christ that again its time to look up for our redemption is near. For great terror and fear are upon the hearts of men and many are running here and there looking for safety but not finding it. The Father of lights with the voice of many waters warns the inhabitants to come into the Ark, there they will be safe. For the storm will intensify and the flood waters will rise, but in the Ark they will be saved from the destruction that is to come. The great institutions are crumbling and that which governments considered impregnable will be torn down. For nations are in an uproar because they have denied the only One who can rescue and save them from the dust storm of darkness. Rulers take a stand against the Lord and His Anointed casting away the righteous standards that can bring healing to the nations. But God in His mercy and love, not willing that any should perish extends His salvation through Christ. But the time table has been set and the terrible day of the Lord is coming. Even as it was in the days of Noah the coming of the Lord will be. These are the days of Elijah for the church! To be that voice of redemption, salvation and warning that He is near.