When we thrash about with rusty swords it is the result of being dull of hearing, which can lead to an unwillingness to take the time having them sharpened and cleaned to discern good and evil. Fighting haphazardly (aimless) is due to our lack of growth which leads to nearsightedness, in turn causing ones faith to be shipwrecked. Many have allowed their conscience to be seared with a branding iron, that has allowed darkness to creep in, causing their love to grow cold or worse lukewarm, luring them into a deep sleep. One of our callings as a church is to encourage one another while it is day, but for many of us we cannot distinguish the night from the day. But the Lord says "I do not sleep nor do I slumber. I have called you out of darkness into My marvelous light, but you keep dragging the darkness with you, walk as children of Light. You have allowed the spirit of this age to consume your thoughts, shaking you from your moorings, causing you to drift away from the word and your calling (Hebrews2:1). "I will rise up says the Lord and not be silent, because My bride needs to make herself ready! I will come forth like a Mighty Wave in the midst of the storm to make my bride brave!
Come up out of the valley of Elah, Goliath has been defeated.
Even as David took up the sword of Goliath and cut off his head, you to must be aggressive towards the weapons that the enemy has formed against you. It is in our knowledge of who we are in Christ that will disarm and refute every weapon formed against us. Responding with a sharp two edged sword will cut off the lies, strategies, influences, obstacles and unbelief that have caused you to stumble and retreat. David running from Saul came to Ahimelech the priest who gave David the sword of Goliath which was put away in the temple. This was a reminder of his past victory and that he didn't need to run from Saul (future battles). We too need to be reminded of the past victories that we won't lose heart and run from the mission that our Father has called us to. Elah means terebinth trees, large shade trees. The battle between David and Goliath was fought in the valley of large shade trees. In the heat of the battle there will always be distractions that will cause your eyes to wonder to a quiet shady place far from the battle. Don't fall to the temptation of the shade trees of this life, luring you away from victory and holding you captive in an old battle that God has already made you victorious in. For He is your Keeper and your Shade( Psalms121:5). The older generation must hold their ground fighting for the younger. For the enemy fights against this generation to lead them away from godly instruction and wisdom by blinding them from the truth and tempting them with the enticements of this world. The Spirit would say "many times you have come to the crossroads of your journey not knowing which way to go and the Spirit has lead you in the right way." Let go of the sin that so easily entangles, so you can run the race with endurance that is set before you. If you have run with the footman and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses. This life is a race and how we trust and obey will dictate our victories and how we finish. Fixing our eyes on Jesus will give us the power to rise above the flood waters of this age and enable us to swim in the deep waters of the Spirit. Even as Elijah was empowered by the Spirit to out run Ahabs chariot the Spirit will enable you to out run the storm that is intensifying and not be weary, walking and not fainting. For the Lord says "you belong to Me and no other, for you will gain new strength as you rely on Me and no other."(Hebrews10:25;12:1;Jeremiah 12:5;1Peter2:9; 2Peter 1:1-15;1Samuel17:49-51;1 Sam.21:9)
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Shout it out!
"Love Reign O'er Me"
Faith"s journey has taken him through many valleys seen many mountain tops. He has witness such activity in the Spirit that has astonished the naked eye. Been educated in hearing the voice of Light and felt the warmth thereof. Knowing that even his name suggest mountain mover, wall jumper, sea walker. But there are those times those seasons, those desperate intervals, where consumed by loneliness feeling unloved, unwanted. Needing once again to hear, be reassured of Loves warmth breathing upon his face. He could not hold it back any longer but with all his strength pouring out from within the cry for help, no for intimacy, came forth "Love Reign O'er Me". Silence was the response and it seemed like forever. What have I done that you would leave me, that you would not answer my cry. I need to hear to feel to be consumed in your Love. Exhausted from his pleading he begins to fall asleep under a tree that lacked any shelter. Suddenly awakened by a spirit, perhaps an angel saying, "your plead was heard but your request was delayed because of the darkness that held it back, but now the way is clear, hear the voice of Love!
Like many waters being released from a reservoir of unmeasurable depth but with a sound that one could faintly hear, Faith heard again that warm soothing, peaceful and assuring Voice of Love Reigning over him like warm rain. Drenched this time with Love, Faith is now ready to journey on pursuing the city of Lights. Walking now illuminated by this moment he pauses and reflects, His voice of Love is not always in the magnificent power that he has seen in the past, but can be felt and heard in a whisper and touch like a feather.
Faith"s journey has taken him through many valleys seen many mountain tops. He has witness such activity in the Spirit that has astonished the naked eye. Been educated in hearing the voice of Light and felt the warmth thereof. Knowing that even his name suggest mountain mover, wall jumper, sea walker. But there are those times those seasons, those desperate intervals, where consumed by loneliness feeling unloved, unwanted. Needing once again to hear, be reassured of Loves warmth breathing upon his face. He could not hold it back any longer but with all his strength pouring out from within the cry for help, no for intimacy, came forth "Love Reign O'er Me". Silence was the response and it seemed like forever. What have I done that you would leave me, that you would not answer my cry. I need to hear to feel to be consumed in your Love. Exhausted from his pleading he begins to fall asleep under a tree that lacked any shelter. Suddenly awakened by a spirit, perhaps an angel saying, "your plead was heard but your request was delayed because of the darkness that held it back, but now the way is clear, hear the voice of Love!
Like many waters being released from a reservoir of unmeasurable depth but with a sound that one could faintly hear, Faith heard again that warm soothing, peaceful and assuring Voice of Love Reigning over him like warm rain. Drenched this time with Love, Faith is now ready to journey on pursuing the city of Lights. Walking now illuminated by this moment he pauses and reflects, His voice of Love is not always in the magnificent power that he has seen in the past, but can be felt and heard in a whisper and touch like a feather.
Friday, October 31, 2014
"Hidden in a field to be a symphony"
The Heavenly Symphony Psalms 137:1-8 This song is a prophetic word about the captivity of the Jews in Babylon and their reminiscing on how good it was when they had the freedom to worship the Lord in their beloved Zion and laminating because of their captivity and everything taken away from them. Even their captors demand songs to torment and harass them. I believe this Psalm is also a prophetic word for us today! Yes we live in a free country and have the freedom to worship anytime and anywhere. I don't believe we as Christians have been lead away from our country and held captive in a foreign land( as of yet). But there is a captivity that we fall into when we allow the enemy of our souls to persuade us that what we have to offer up to the Lord is not good enough and does not sound like a professional musician or singer, so we just hang up our instruments of worship and just be quiet. The Lord would say why have you put away your songs and instruments of worship and sat down in discouragement, fear and defeat?
Do you not know that you were created to worship Me with all that is in you and all that I have given you! Do you remember when you would come into that secret place and in the congregation and pour out your heart in worship and be filled with the Spirit. Do you remember when you would open your mouth and I would fill it with heavenly songs and heaven language. Do you remember when you would pick up your instruments and play Me a song and I would fill it with anointing that would break the chains of the captive. Has the enemy dragged you away and consumed you with the cares of this life and held you captive to this present darkness. You have been told that you can't sing in the Spirit. you can't prophecy, you can't play your instruments of worship unless you belong to a worship team. But I say"Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord."(Psalms 150:1-6)
You say, look at all this darkness that covers the people and seems to grow stronger everyday. I say, worship Me in My mighty expanse in My mighty deeds in My excellent greatness. If you have run with footman and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses(Jer.12:5-6). If you can't worship in Spirit and truth you are in captivity. If you can't walk in the prophetic you are in captivity. If you are falling down in a land of peace how will you do when you are flooded with darkness. If there is no place for you where you are "Come to the Light" and I will make a way where there seems to be no way. You say only if I had wings I would fly away to some secluded place far away from this mess. Oh cast your eyes upon Me my beloved
I am your Redeemer, your Radiance, that loves you with an unfailing love. Though the waters rise to flood stage and the mountains crumble you will not be shaken in Me. I have given you the voice of heaven and the gift of worship with anointed instruments. Go take those weapons back from the enemy. Those instruments that are sitting in the corner collecting dust, they belong to you and come with your mouth full of praise and I will cause My Spirit to fill you with the new wine of worship. "Your freedom is only a song away"! Its your heart being captivated to Me. The kingdom of heaven is not about buildings and institutions those things can hold you captive. Its about Christ in His church building, equipping and release the church to the nations. The heart of the Father is to give you strength to shake off the chains of those captors, renewing the heart, tuning up the instruments of worship and filling His children with the sounds of heaven. Look to Me the author and finisher of your faith. Its not about a great performance and striving to make a name for ourselves. It is the pure worship that He desires, He deserves and He embraces the heart that cares not for the things of this world, but giving glory to the King. The mindset of the institutional church is to worship within the four walls, hidden in a building.
The mindset of the Father is His church hidden in the field of the world, that we may be a symphony to the nations. Its the broken vessels those contrite hearts that bring forth a pure sound that rises to the throne room of the Father. We must stop spending so much time on the exterior of the house and surrender to the good work that He has started in us!
"Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord"
Do you not know that you were created to worship Me with all that is in you and all that I have given you! Do you remember when you would come into that secret place and in the congregation and pour out your heart in worship and be filled with the Spirit. Do you remember when you would open your mouth and I would fill it with heavenly songs and heaven language. Do you remember when you would pick up your instruments and play Me a song and I would fill it with anointing that would break the chains of the captive. Has the enemy dragged you away and consumed you with the cares of this life and held you captive to this present darkness. You have been told that you can't sing in the Spirit. you can't prophecy, you can't play your instruments of worship unless you belong to a worship team. But I say"Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord."(Psalms 150:1-6)
I am your Redeemer, your Radiance, that loves you with an unfailing love. Though the waters rise to flood stage and the mountains crumble you will not be shaken in Me. I have given you the voice of heaven and the gift of worship with anointed instruments. Go take those weapons back from the enemy. Those instruments that are sitting in the corner collecting dust, they belong to you and come with your mouth full of praise and I will cause My Spirit to fill you with the new wine of worship. "Your freedom is only a song away"! Its your heart being captivated to Me. The kingdom of heaven is not about buildings and institutions those things can hold you captive. Its about Christ in His church building, equipping and release the church to the nations. The heart of the Father is to give you strength to shake off the chains of those captors, renewing the heart, tuning up the instruments of worship and filling His children with the sounds of heaven. Look to Me the author and finisher of your faith. Its not about a great performance and striving to make a name for ourselves. It is the pure worship that He desires, He deserves and He embraces the heart that cares not for the things of this world, but giving glory to the King. The mindset of the institutional church is to worship within the four walls, hidden in a building.
The mindset of the Father is His church hidden in the field of the world, that we may be a symphony to the nations. Its the broken vessels those contrite hearts that bring forth a pure sound that rises to the throne room of the Father. We must stop spending so much time on the exterior of the house and surrender to the good work that He has started in us!
"Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord"
Monday, October 27, 2014
In Him there is no darkness
"Never Never Land" The path on which Faith has been traveling mysteriously took a turn, unaware Faith has become disoriented and has stumbled into a valley called Never Never Land where the town of "Compromise"has lured many in. Here the occupants live in fantasies never coming to the truth, lured in by a light that has captured reality putting a veil of darkness over their eyes. Faith realizing the pull like a magnet struggles to get back to the straight and narrow for the inviting spirit is so strong it is taking all his strength to break loose. Then he remembered where he put his Compass and like a bolt of lightning breaking through the darkness his steps become firm and his direction sure, he flees from this valley running to the Light! (Psalms 86;11;1 John1:5)
Thursday, October 23, 2014
"Grieved or Calloused/Open or Closed" The situation of events that seem to be happening daily throughout the world can leave you in such a place as to become so hardened towards people that the goodness in you can be turned to sour grapes. and the grace and mercy that was bestowed in you can be diluted with bad wine. We have been called to be a blessing but the blessing many times seems to be tested with unbearableness. Revelation 3:10 Jesus is admonishing the Philadelphia church to hold fast to what they have.
What did they have? Vs.8 says they were given an open door which no one could shut, because they kept His word and didn't deny His name. What does this have to do with grieved or calloused. I believe that there is also a door before us and it can be opened or shut by the way we react to this world and respond to His voice. We don't keep His word and deny His name when we become callouss to the atrocities, sorrows, poverty and the needs of this world. Jesus said the Philadelphia church had little strength, but they weren't governed by their strength when it came to His word and His name. I believe many have become callouss towards this world. Working with my hands most of my life has produced these callouses that aren't as sensitive to the elements any longer and this can happen to our hearts, but that can change. Even as Jesus cried out over the city of Jerusalem, moved in His spirit over the unbelief and refusal of the visitation that was before them(Matt 23:37).The Spirit will come to those calloused hearts and change them to grieving in the spirit that will lead to intercession that will bring obedience to His word and confessing His name before men. Once more grace and mercy will flow and the callousness will become soft like babies skin. Once more you will hear the voice of the Spirit and feel and intercede for the people as the Spirit moves through you.
Come into His presence let the Spirit carry you into the throne room and those closed squeaky heavy doors, those calloused hearts will open suddenly. You may have beautiful doors in front of you that beacon you to go through, but if they are shut they are shut for a reason and should not be opened until the Lord does. When the Lord opens the doors it is effortless because He did it. What He has set before us becomes light because His burden is light and His yoke is easy(Matt. 11:30). A great testing has come upon the world and the spirit of this age wants to take away your crown. But the Lord says to him that overcomes I will make them to be a pillar in the temple of My God. Jesus opens doors when we decide to embrace His presence, touching the people of the world with the Fathers heart, denying ourselves and surrender to His will and Lordship.
Come into His presence let the Spirit carry you into the throne room and those closed squeaky heavy doors, those calloused hearts will open suddenly. You may have beautiful doors in front of you that beacon you to go through, but if they are shut they are shut for a reason and should not be opened until the Lord does. When the Lord opens the doors it is effortless because He did it. What He has set before us becomes light because His burden is light and His yoke is easy(Matt. 11:30). A great testing has come upon the world and the spirit of this age wants to take away your crown. But the Lord says to him that overcomes I will make them to be a pillar in the temple of My God. Jesus opens doors when we decide to embrace His presence, touching the people of the world with the Fathers heart, denying ourselves and surrender to His will and Lordship.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
"Psalms 126:5-6 For I will visit the missionary/evangelist the ones that have their eyes on Me, with one hand towards heaven and the other in their bag of seed. You who are truly spending your lives sowing in tears, I will rain upon you with joyful anointing. He who goes through the fields of this world weeping for the lost and planting yourselves in the beaten down fields of suffering will bring forth a reaping to a hundredfold. Even as Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, the the Holy Spirit breathed into John and anointing him in the womb who would come forth as a forerunner turning the hearts of the fathers back to the children, making ready a people prepared for the Lord.(Luke1:41)For I will come to you and breath upon you and your sufferings will be turned into joyful thanksgiving and the seeds sown in secret will reap a harvest of humble souls and mighty warriors. Even those seeds that were scattered on the wayside but coated with tears of faith will come forth drenched in strong anointing for
they will outrun the harvesters and dance with those who tread grapes. For the vats will be full of new wine overflowing and rushing like a swift river into the streets of sorrows and misery, causing the souls of humanity to spring forth reborn, full of the Spirit, lavished in His grace and mercy. (Amos 9:13)
For the heart of the Father goes beyond the range and distance of our eyes, but chooses to impart His plans to those who humble themselves, seek first His kingdom. For out of a broken and contrite heart comes fruitfulness. The missionary/evangelist and those with such hearts will walk in the signs and wonders proceeding the coming outpouring!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Monday, October 6, 2014
Signs of the coming outpouring: "Squishy pumpkins, Smashing idols, Many Waters" Th...
Signs of the coming outpouring: "Squishy pumpkins, Smashing idols, Many Waters" Th...: "Squishy pumpkins, Smashing idols, Many Waters" There has been a lot of things affected here in California because of the drou...
"Squishy pumpkins, Smashing idols, Many Waters" There has been a lot of things affected here in California because of the drought. One of those areas is the agriculture business in the San Joaquin valley. This is the season that you go out to pick up a nice pumpkin for decoration or to make a tasty pumpkin pie. What has taken place in some fields is that the pumpkins, because of the lack of consistent water and the hot season they have developed prematurely, causing them to become a squishy overripe mess. As I thought about these pumpkins the Spirit showed me that there is something far more destructive than the bad gourds. We also spiritually can be affected with the lack of water mixed with intense heat (trials of life). There is an interesting verse in Isaiah 32:20 "How blessed will you be, you who sow beside all waters. I've been in the Fathers vineyard for awhile and have seen good and bad fruit. I understand the importance of the pruning of branches, cultivating of the soil and the watering that is vital for growth. These seasons of the vinedresser (The Father) tending to a surrendered heart (the branch) will develop good fruit. Whether it be grapes or pumpkins or our hearts, droughts and hot weather will come, but we must sow ourselves into the water of the word. Responding to His love will ignite a desire to plant ourselves into an ongoing relationship with Jesus that will bring constant watering of His word in our lives. We can't depend on the water from a week ago or even yesterday, it is that consistent input and output that will cause us to produce fruit that will last. Hot seasons (trials) will come, but if we are constantly drinking in fresh water the droughts of life will not turn us into squishy pumpkins. But that's not all, it also says beside all waters. It is not only from the preaching of the word that brings water. Now I understand that faith comes from hearing the word, but hearing is not contingent on hearing from the pulpit only. Another dimension of hearing, water flowing and faith building is in relationship with our Bridegroom that opens our hearing to the voice of the Spirit in that secret place (Psalms 27:5). It is that communing (prayer/meditation) with Jesus through the Word and the Spirit that will fill you and release living waters upon a dry and thirsty land. Plant yourself into the soil of the word that you can be cultivated, watered, nourished by the voice of Jesus and the working of the Spirit. It is important that the heart be planted by the streams of water (Psalms1:3) in order to yield its fruit in its season. We can't allow the soil of our hearts to become cracked and dry from the heat and lack of water. It is in those dry and cracked areas of the heart that idols begin to form and the heart begins to seek after the dry waters of this live that will surly lead one to be unfruitful. Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of the vinedresser and He will prune, smash, sweep away the idols in your life and exalt you at the proper time(1Peter 5:6). Jesus said in John 15 that without Him we can do nothing. Our being used and having fruit that will last is contingent upon our connection to the Vine and our surrendering to the work of the Spirit in our lives. I believe the Spirit would say "plant yourselves into the Many Waters of Christ for in Him you will prosper, and be a well watered garden. Be patient for the early and later rain, for He will bring forth the precious produce(James 5:7). You will hear the voice of Many Waters and He will drench you with His word and the Spirit preparing you for the droughts of this life.The darkness that covers the people will be flooded by Many Waters and the glory of the Lord will cover the earth. He is calling His bride into His chambers, "Come dine with Me"
When we are clothed with power from on high His voice will be like many waters, we will not be squishy pumpkins hoping to survive on the water drops of this life, but fountains of fire and water (Isaiah 41:18). All the waters of this life cannot quench the thirsty soul and the desire for true love (Song of Songs 8:7). " Let the one who is thirsty come" (Rev.22:17). Only in Christ Who's voice is like the sound of many waters can one be full of peace in these days of great testing!(Revelation 1:15)
When we are clothed with power from on high His voice will be like many waters, we will not be squishy pumpkins hoping to survive on the water drops of this life, but fountains of fire and water (Isaiah 41:18). All the waters of this life cannot quench the thirsty soul and the desire for true love (Song of Songs 8:7). " Let the one who is thirsty come" (Rev.22:17). Only in Christ Who's voice is like the sound of many waters can one be full of peace in these days of great testing!(Revelation 1:15)
Monday, September 29, 2014
"The sound of wild intercession" What is that sound? What does it look like? Sounds of heaven are released like thunderous waves of the Wind, fervent worship, unknown tongues that pierce the heart shattering the forces of darkness, groaning from a whisper to volumes of intense noise that causes the spirit within to fly. Twirling, dancing, total thrashing of arms and hands, jerking of head. Total abandonment of self as flesh is aligning with the Spirit. To the natural man total confusion, in the Spirit orchestrated order. What happened to the wild ones? Intercession has gone from wild stallions, young calfs released from the stalls, eagles flying above it, to an orchestrated prayer time that seems to fall short of what the Spirit was wanting. Has a religious spirit crept in unaware dressed up as an angel of light, to dampen, suppress, systematically change the atmosphere from an anointing, flowing like a rushing river to a trickle. You can't lasso a stallion, young calfs need to get out of the stalls, eagles can't be caught to clip their wings. These kind of intercessors need a place to run, fly, to frolic in His presence. The world fights battles in the natural, but the saints fight darkness with divine power sending the forces of darkness back to the gates of hell. Declaring over the intercessors "restoration of the wild ones"!! Do you hunger, is your spirit being stirred to free fall into deep waters of Spirit that will take you above it all and give you strategies that will halt the black hours of death? A gathering of intercessors with a prophetic voice is forming even now in the Spirit. They will come out of that religious atmosphere, set free to pour into the heavenly bowls the prayers of the Spirit to change the course of peoples, places and events.
"Oh that My bride would come away with Me and spend the night running through the heavens with the anointing of the Spirit, drenched with the fragrance of intercession. Welcome to prophetic intercession! Come to the heart of the Spirit! The Spirit and the bride say come!
"Oh that My bride would come away with Me and spend the night running through the heavens with the anointing of the Spirit, drenched with the fragrance of intercession. Welcome to prophetic intercession! Come to the heart of the Spirit! The Spirit and the bride say come!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
"Birthing Part1" In the church this process spiritually speaking is described in the word as it is in the natural. When the Spirit came into Mary who gave birth to the Son of God, it wasn't in a few days. The process took the nine months that it usually takes to give forth a baby. When the Spirit comes into the believer at the time of conversion there is also a time, a season before we give birth to the work of the Spirit. There are times when we feel we are getting close and wanting this work to come forth that we begin to push to soon, thus prolonging the process or even worse we end up aborting or giving birth prematurely. In these few post I will share what the Spirit has put on my heart concerning the need for the prescribe time and the seasons we and the local church must go through to give birth to a healthy work.
"Birthing the work of God in our lives Part 2" Luke 1:41when Mary was pregnant with Jesus the God/man, she went to visit her cousin Elizabeth and at Mary's arrival the baby leaped in her and she was filled with the Spirit. We are earthen vessels but God through the Spirit births His work in us and through us. Luke 2:39 and Jesus continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him. Even as Jesus was growing in the natural He was also growing in the Spirit. Jesus from the beginning of His birth was laying a foundation of the work of the Spirit as it would be in the life as a believer. Jesus revealed that blue print to Nicodemus in John 3:5 unless you are born of the Spirit you cannot enter the kingdom of God. There are times of seemingly quick growth and other times it will take longer to birth a new work in our lives. Even as the Spirit overshadowed Mary and she conceived by the Spirit we as born again believers have become pregnant by the Spirit and the work of God has been conceived in us waiting for the right time to come forth. Like Jesus our involvement with God the Spirit will mature us in the kingdom of heaven. How we receive this new birth and respond to the Spirit will dictate our journey in Christ. It is very possible to get the cart before the horse, pushing when we should be breathing, forcing when we should be waiting. In the kingdom of heaven a healthy pregnancy is nurtured in the Spirit which will produce a fruitful work!
"Are you tired of being pregnant?"Part 3 Though there is a season of waiting, (which is actively pursuing Christ) praying, (preparing our hearts) moving towards what we believe is a new work of the Spirit in our lives, we get overwhelmed wanting this season to be over. Nothing seems to fit or work anymore and we get edgy even tempted to look for a substitute, something else that looks and feels like a new work. We at times feel barren and wanting to give up we look for an artificial way to produce that work of the Spirit. It is during these times that the birds of the air (Matt.13 demons) fly in to steal seeds of faith and hope, tempting you to leave that place of Spirit nurturing that you need to give you strength preparing you for delivery. Even as Mary and Joseph needed to go to Bethlehem because of the census, she was with child but only engaged. This in itself could have put her in a place of feeling uneasy, uncomfortable, incomplete and wanting this season to be over. But her place was that deep union with God that kept her steadfast. The days were completed and she gave birth, in a stable an unlikely place, but very much ordained but God. Are you feeling uncomfortable, nothing seems to be working? Don't look for a substitute or give up, the Spirit brings forth at the right time and at the right place. Perhaps you are at place that you feel pregnant with the work of God but nothing is happening. There are times when the Spirit will move you to a different location in order to bring forth the birth. Many times its finding that new place in Him that will bring forth the work of God in you(John 3:8). Gods time and ours are different! He will take us through the whole season until we are ready. When it is time the travailing begins with groaning deep in our spirit(Rom.8:26). Our intercession is turned to loud cries as the Spirit begins to push forth the work of God. This is crucial we cannot get in the way by taking control, rushing through this time can cause a premature work which will be unhealthy. We must learn to breath, for God causes all things to work together for good(Rom.8:28)This is in our personal walk, in the local church it is magnified, now it is the whole church gathering with one heart to see the Spirit bring forth a particular work, such as revival. Coming up," birthing is a community of believers collaboration".
" Fire upon the water" As I was watching the news on all the fires with pictures of the devastation, there was one pic that stood out, showing a lake with the reflection of the fire on it. "I hear the Spirit saying; a new place of intercession, your brook has dried up a new place I will give to you."A new atmosphere I will create. A fire started in Elijah as he prophesied drought upon the land. As Elijah journeyed to the brook of Cherith a season of provisional intercession was released and only that which Elijah needed was provided. Before the waters flow the fire will purify. The Spirit will gut us before He releases the waters of revival. Provision came to Elijah in the form of a raven feeding him even as he himself went through the word that he spoke. As we speak words we many times are the ones that embody that word, that we become a vessel of experience and not just of word. The brook dried up and God moved him to another place of provision. Has your brook dried up? Has your waters of intercession feel like the burning fire? Burning purifies the heart that the water can flow with anointing. Many of us want the glories of victory, but run from the trenches of agony. Its the groaning of the Spirit in us that is causing flesh to die and our spirit to fly . You may be going through the fire but your water is coming. The Spirit lead Elijah to another place of provision that expressed itself in the supernatural. Elijah was heading to one of the most dynamic events in his ministry and the Spirit was preparing him for it. Have you been sensing a tugging to come away from that dry place. The Spirit is inviting you to a deeper place that you can be prepared for an event that will take all of you surrendered to Him. There is more to be refined, the purging of the Spirit in our lives brings clarity direction and release. As Elijah was crouched down on Mount Carmel the fire of intercession was being released upon the hard rain that was coming. Before the rain came Elijah saw it and was pushing the work of God upon the earth. Even his position suggested that he was in travail giving birth to the work of God. There has been a grinding, a sanding of edges in our lives that we can be that pliable church-intercessor, that will soak up the rain of the Spirit and let it flow through the drought-land. The fire must proceed the water that they both can become one. Love sick for Jesus makes life and ministry a joy. There is a hibernating of, a brooding over the dream before the season of release comes. The drought will end and the hard rain will be released. Push, Push, Push this is the time to push forth the work of God in our lives. Push from the overflow of the Spirit He will bring delivery. It is time to go deeper, if you are touching bottom you still depend upon yourself!! Let go!!
"Birthing the work of God in our lives Part 2" Luke 1:41when Mary was pregnant with Jesus the God/man, she went to visit her cousin Elizabeth and at Mary's arrival the baby leaped in her and she was filled with the Spirit. We are earthen vessels but God through the Spirit births His work in us and through us. Luke 2:39 and Jesus continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him. Even as Jesus was growing in the natural He was also growing in the Spirit. Jesus from the beginning of His birth was laying a foundation of the work of the Spirit as it would be in the life as a believer. Jesus revealed that blue print to Nicodemus in John 3:5 unless you are born of the Spirit you cannot enter the kingdom of God. There are times of seemingly quick growth and other times it will take longer to birth a new work in our lives. Even as the Spirit overshadowed Mary and she conceived by the Spirit we as born again believers have become pregnant by the Spirit and the work of God has been conceived in us waiting for the right time to come forth. Like Jesus our involvement with God the Spirit will mature us in the kingdom of heaven. How we receive this new birth and respond to the Spirit will dictate our journey in Christ. It is very possible to get the cart before the horse, pushing when we should be breathing, forcing when we should be waiting. In the kingdom of heaven a healthy pregnancy is nurtured in the Spirit which will produce a fruitful work!
"Are you tired of being pregnant?"Part 3 Though there is a season of waiting, (which is actively pursuing Christ) praying, (preparing our hearts) moving towards what we believe is a new work of the Spirit in our lives, we get overwhelmed wanting this season to be over. Nothing seems to fit or work anymore and we get edgy even tempted to look for a substitute, something else that looks and feels like a new work. We at times feel barren and wanting to give up we look for an artificial way to produce that work of the Spirit. It is during these times that the birds of the air (Matt.13 demons) fly in to steal seeds of faith and hope, tempting you to leave that place of Spirit nurturing that you need to give you strength preparing you for delivery. Even as Mary and Joseph needed to go to Bethlehem because of the census, she was with child but only engaged. This in itself could have put her in a place of feeling uneasy, uncomfortable, incomplete and wanting this season to be over. But her place was that deep union with God that kept her steadfast. The days were completed and she gave birth, in a stable an unlikely place, but very much ordained but God. Are you feeling uncomfortable, nothing seems to be working? Don't look for a substitute or give up, the Spirit brings forth at the right time and at the right place. Perhaps you are at place that you feel pregnant with the work of God but nothing is happening. There are times when the Spirit will move you to a different location in order to bring forth the birth. Many times its finding that new place in Him that will bring forth the work of God in you(John 3:8). Gods time and ours are different! He will take us through the whole season until we are ready. When it is time the travailing begins with groaning deep in our spirit(Rom.8:26). Our intercession is turned to loud cries as the Spirit begins to push forth the work of God. This is crucial we cannot get in the way by taking control, rushing through this time can cause a premature work which will be unhealthy. We must learn to breath, for God causes all things to work together for good(Rom.8:28)This is in our personal walk, in the local church it is magnified, now it is the whole church gathering with one heart to see the Spirit bring forth a particular work, such as revival. Coming up," birthing is a community of believers collaboration".
" Fire upon the water" As I was watching the news on all the fires with pictures of the devastation, there was one pic that stood out, showing a lake with the reflection of the fire on it. "I hear the Spirit saying; a new place of intercession, your brook has dried up a new place I will give to you."A new atmosphere I will create. A fire started in Elijah as he prophesied drought upon the land. As Elijah journeyed to the brook of Cherith a season of provisional intercession was released and only that which Elijah needed was provided. Before the waters flow the fire will purify. The Spirit will gut us before He releases the waters of revival. Provision came to Elijah in the form of a raven feeding him even as he himself went through the word that he spoke. As we speak words we many times are the ones that embody that word, that we become a vessel of experience and not just of word. The brook dried up and God moved him to another place of provision. Has your brook dried up? Has your waters of intercession feel like the burning fire? Burning purifies the heart that the water can flow with anointing. Many of us want the glories of victory, but run from the trenches of agony. Its the groaning of the Spirit in us that is causing flesh to die and our spirit to fly . You may be going through the fire but your water is coming. The Spirit lead Elijah to another place of provision that expressed itself in the supernatural. Elijah was heading to one of the most dynamic events in his ministry and the Spirit was preparing him for it. Have you been sensing a tugging to come away from that dry place. The Spirit is inviting you to a deeper place that you can be prepared for an event that will take all of you surrendered to Him. There is more to be refined, the purging of the Spirit in our lives brings clarity direction and release. As Elijah was crouched down on Mount Carmel the fire of intercession was being released upon the hard rain that was coming. Before the rain came Elijah saw it and was pushing the work of God upon the earth. Even his position suggested that he was in travail giving birth to the work of God. There has been a grinding, a sanding of edges in our lives that we can be that pliable church-intercessor, that will soak up the rain of the Spirit and let it flow through the drought-land. The fire must proceed the water that they both can become one. Love sick for Jesus makes life and ministry a joy. There is a hibernating of, a brooding over the dream before the season of release comes. The drought will end and the hard rain will be released. Push, Push, Push this is the time to push forth the work of God in our lives. Push from the overflow of the Spirit He will bring delivery. It is time to go deeper, if you are touching bottom you still depend upon yourself!! Let go!!
Saturday, September 13, 2014
"Surf's up" can you feel it, that excitement, that stirring, the talk that is going around. Hey dude we got some major swells coming.. far out! As waves are approaching surfers are preparing for that great ride and yes that perfect wave. Can you feel it, that rumbling that stirring? Have you been sensing something big coming? Put your ear to the ground and eyes to the heavens there is a huge wave approaching and it is bringing an awesome awakening with it. Wake up church for even the nations are perplexed over the roaring of the sea and the waves. This is gnarly man! People are fainting from fear and expectation of the things that are coming, and the heavens that are shaking. Grab your board dudes quite snoozing and prepared for the big wave. Luke 21:25
Friday, September 5, 2014
Like the sight of a monster dust cloud swiping across the dry desert bringing terror upon a city and engulfing everything in its path, is this present evil age that has been lurking behind the scenes is now coming out onto the stage making itself known to the whole world. Who and what is this evil that is picking up steam and hitting the shores of the church and society like a tsunami. Paul describes it as a perversion, a deserting of Christ for a different gospel(Gal.1:4-6). We also read in (2 Corinth. 4:4) that the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel. Romans 12:2 do not be conformed to this age. But who is fueling this engine that at present is bringing terror to many nations? Bringing division amongst fundamentalist and charismatic alike? Pounding hard on the shores of society and church alike with the institution of marriage and lifestyles? We can differently link much of it to our sinful natures that when left unchecked or unredeemed can produce a vacuum sucking life out of our very existence. But there is also one that with his hordes of evil armies has produced a wave of deception,violence, death and perversion that has captured and lead astray whole cities, countries and nations. As we read Revelation 12&13 we see that it is non other than Satan himself, the prince of the power of the air, who has fought against Gods plans for mankind from the beginning. But there is another wave coming that will for a season overpower this present darkness opening up the waterfalls of heaven bringing a season of revival to people, places and events that will thwart and disarray the forces of darkness. A season of salvation and anointing that will recapture what the enemy has stolen, setting many free from the chains of darkness and this present evil age. The church must be aggressive in their warfare, cutting off the heads (high places) of the enemy, fighting the good fight of faith (unlike the wisdom of some who are all talk), interceding for one another and society, sending darkness back to the gates of hell (Isaiah 60). Could it be that another awakening is just on the horizon? Has the church become so paralyzed by this age that their eyes have become blind and ears dull of hearing what the Spirit is saying. History does repeat itself and revival, outpouring always seems to come onto the stage of deep darkness.
For the fields are already turning golden/white for harvesting. We cannot look upon the dark storm that wants to distracted the church from their purpose and destiny. Christ by the power of the Spirit is bringing a wake up call to the bride! It is not a time to snooze under the juniper tree like Elijah did, because of despair and the controlling spirit of his day, but to awaken and eat what the Spirit puts before you for the journey is great and without His nourishment we will be unable to accomplish the task. For the Bridegroom is calling His bride "awaken my love and come away with Me. Let go of the mandrakes of this life that will surly deceive and distract leaving you barren and fruitless. But arise now let us go into the cities and vineyards and see what is blooming that we may harvest for the Father. Under the apple tree on this life I am coming and awakening you from your slumber that you may birth sons and daughters more numerous than you can count" (Isaiah 54).
It is time to enlarge (make ready) the place of your tent, (where you are) stretch out and prepare for the outpouring! Many will say that you are crazy, peculiar. but even as Noah heard the call and prepared ahead of the flood, so you church are to hear the call of the Spirit and prepare for perhaps one of the biggest and may be the last outpourings before the church is taken, (caught up) to be with their Bridegroom forever
For the fields are already turning golden/white for harvesting. We cannot look upon the dark storm that wants to distracted the church from their purpose and destiny. Christ by the power of the Spirit is bringing a wake up call to the bride! It is not a time to snooze under the juniper tree like Elijah did, because of despair and the controlling spirit of his day, but to awaken and eat what the Spirit puts before you for the journey is great and without His nourishment we will be unable to accomplish the task. For the Bridegroom is calling His bride "awaken my love and come away with Me. Let go of the mandrakes of this life that will surly deceive and distract leaving you barren and fruitless. But arise now let us go into the cities and vineyards and see what is blooming that we may harvest for the Father. Under the apple tree on this life I am coming and awakening you from your slumber that you may birth sons and daughters more numerous than you can count" (Isaiah 54).
It is time to enlarge (make ready) the place of your tent, (where you are) stretch out and prepare for the outpouring! Many will say that you are crazy, peculiar. but even as Noah heard the call and prepared ahead of the flood, so you church are to hear the call of the Spirit and prepare for perhaps one of the biggest and may be the last outpourings before the church is taken, (caught up) to be with their Bridegroom forever
Friday, August 15, 2014
"Soiled garments"
Christ through John addressed the seven churches in Revelation, one of which He seemed to exhort very strongly. Revelations 3 paints a very good picture of one of the churches that we in these last days should hear as Jesus is urging, appealing, exhorting the church of Sardis to wake up.
This church in Sardis had a name of being alive, but Christ said they were dead. There are many churches today big churches that have the appearance of a church on the move, that have great plans of going forward. Building plans, needing more property to house more people, with more services. I don't believe Jesus was exhorting this church in Sardis for all that they were doing but because of what they weren't doing and relying on their works that gave the appearance they were alive. Our works, ministry, service all the outward signs of a radiant church will not last if the bride has lost her love for the Bridegroom. We have been joined to Christ by the Spirit as a pure virgin bride. Are we still a virgin? Have our eyes been for Him only? Are we tired of the dirt of this world that soils our garments? Have we been deceived by the enemy leaving the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ? Sardis was a pagan city with idol worship and orgies that began to creep into the church to the degree that it became acceptable. I saw this woman wearing this bridal dress that was all soiled from crawling around in the dirt of life, because she was unable to take a stand against the idols of this day and walk with the garments of salvation. I believe it goes even deeper. The infrastructure of the church became weak, they preached a diluted gospel, the christian faith was being compromised and Jesus told the church of Sardis to strengthen the things that remain. I believe they lost vision and purpose and forgot what they had received and heard. Jesus was calling this church to repent so that they could wake up and continue with the vision that was given to them. She started out with the love of Christ, but because of persecution and lack of devotion, she began to embrace and worship the idols of that day which soiled her dress and took away the brilliance. Many have a lamp of profession in their hands but not in their heart. I believe as Jesus spoke to the church of Sardis to wake up, He is calling His bride today to wake up out of her slumber and put on the garments of salvation(light her lamps) and the robe of righteousness and stand up in the midst of the idols and orgies of this day and proclaim Christ. As it says in Hosea 6 "Come let us return to the Lord" Though your garments be soiled they will be washed in His blood. For it is His love and mercy that leads us to repentance. Fresh water will flow once again as your devotion to the Bridegroom is rekindled! The fire of the Spirit will burn in you for Christ alone and He will lead you in joyful adoration serving with fresh zeal.You will again walk as a bride adorned with jewels and the Lord will cause righteousness to spring up before all nations( Isaiah 61:10-11). Now we all are vulnerable to a form of godliness which is only an outward appearance, which can only bring attention to ourself our ministry and not the King whom we serve. But true godliness doesn't deny the power of God and the moving of the Spirit and will bring fruitful brilliance that will radiate Christ(2Tim.3:5). When we begin putting the word aside, stop praying, fellowship or being a witness, we become a prey for the enemy and gradually get swiped up by the spirit of this age, our garments become soiled. It is Christ alone that is our Hope, not Christ and a little of this world. Christ said " If you deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me then you are my disciples"(Mark 8:34). Matthew 25:1-13 Christ compares the kingdom of heaven to ten virgins. There were five prudent and five foolish. The prudent had their lamps filled with oil and also took oil in flasks as they went out to meet the bridegroom. The foolish only took oil in their lamps. They all became drowsy and slept as the bridegroom delayed.
We can have the appearances of being alive with oil in our lamps but if we are not constantly trimming them with the love of Christ and filled with the oil of the Spirit, waiting for our Bridegroom , we can begin to slumber and the cares of this life will ultimately put us to sleep. There is a shout from the Spirit "awaken church for your Bridegroom is coming! Fill your lamps with first love devotion, watch and serve your King until He comes to take you into the marriage supper of the Lamb."
Sunday, July 20, 2014
"The worshiper" being filled with the intoxicating presence of the Spirit
"The worshiper"
Many of us pride ourselves on certain things that seem to have gotten us through life without to many blunders or mishaps. I would say one of my biggest areas would be that I have been pretty healthy throughout my life with only one major surgery and that being a hernia that was non-evasive out the same day. Being in my sixties now, yes I've come to the conclusion I need to grow up and admit it, I am getting older, senior citizen and recently being faced with another more serious health issue that has left me a bit emotional and concerned. I find in these times a place that I have learn to count on, to carry me though life's storm's. I have found in my Rock, my place of refuge has always been the inner courts, that place of worship that overshadows lives issues. There are times like these(the heath issues) that the Father will use to speak to us, get through to us where we wouldn't or couldn't listen before. I can always tell when I am in His presence. I melt, my whole being becomes surrendered to the Spirit. As I linger, allowing the Spirit to move in me, I become filled and intoxicated. Worshiping is not just a Sunday go to meeting event. A time of orchestrated music that the body can sing along to. I must be honest here, there are times that I depend on the worship leader and team to get me there. The leader can't get me there, I must press in to Him, no matter what songs or how they are being sung. Getting to that place that I enjoy the most doesn't always happen at church, in a corporate setting. But when it does it is very powerful. I am reminded of Lydia in Acts16:14. It says that she
was a worshiper of God and as she listen to Paul her heart was opened. Lydia was a worshiper before she was converted and I believe that just intensified as she followed Christ. When we come into His presence with an opened heart we are changed. The Spirit begins to move in and upon us and we get lost in His presence and the word enters our heart and brings change. That is when we are worshiping in Spirit and truth! There is an intensity from the Spirit, a calling to come away from the issues and madness of this life, and get intoxicated in the Spirit. then the chains of this life will be broken and the church will lead the lost into an atmosphere of triumphal worship that will change them. There are many Lydia's beyond the four walls of the church, that have a heart to worship, they just need the Spirit to open their hearts that they can respond to the word.
Paul and Silas in Acts 16:25 sang songs and worshiped in the late hours being bond up in chains and behind prison doors. I know many times we as believers feel bond up and the chains of this life begin to suppress, depress and paralyze us. But we have a key that will unlock those chains and prison doors! It is called worship. I believe the Spirit is calling the church to such depth of worship that can shake the foundations of the kingdom of darkness and bring heaven to this lost and dying world. Are we willing to put format aside in a corporate setting and allow the Spirit to orchestrate the worship. Are we willing to trust the Spirit to order our steps. Phill. 3:3 says that we are the true circumcision who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh.
In true worship an atmosphere of glory descends upon the worshipers and the eyes and ears are opened to what the Spirit is saying. Our High Priest is calling us into the Holy of holies by His blood that has made the way that we can stand in full assurance of faith having our conscience washed with pure water (Hebrews 10:19-22). This atmosphere releases the gifts and callings in the church that will remove obstacles that are hindering the fainthearted and bond up from receiving. There is a place of surrender of presenting our bodies as a holy sacrifice which pleases the Lord. This offering up of ourselves releases a sweet smelling aroma which touches the Fathers heart and many times can bring His shekinah glory. Worship is so important for the believer and in this atmosphere the heart is changed from hardness to a soft teachable one. Where you would say no to His request in true worship you will melt and say yes to His voice. This Shekinah glory is; He causes to dwell to bring a visitation of His presence to earth. Our Father wants His children to be close to Him. Delighting in His presence, learning of His love and glory. To be filled with the Spirit is our coat of many colors. We can wear this coat anywhere and be in the throne room worshiping whatever we are putting our hands to in service of worship. Worship breaks up the stoning ground and releases the rivers of living waters that brings life (John 4:23-24; 7:38). Madness and chaos can encircle us but being wrapped in the coat of the Spirit is our defense and peace. In His presence there is fullness of joy (Psalms 16:11). From His right hand He releases treasures that will strengthen and equip you to stand against the storms of this life. A life of worship will overcome the valley of death and cause us to see that it is only a shadow. In this life shadows move in Christ there is no variation or shadow of turning (Ps.23;James1:17). In the atmosphere of worship the Spirit illuminates the shadows to see what is really true and what false. You my find yourself surrounded by enemies, but remember He is preparing a table for you. So let us drink deep the wine of the Spirit, shake off the dust of this life and put on the coat of worship.
Many of us pride ourselves on certain things that seem to have gotten us through life without to many blunders or mishaps. I would say one of my biggest areas would be that I have been pretty healthy throughout my life with only one major surgery and that being a hernia that was non-evasive out the same day. Being in my sixties now, yes I've come to the conclusion I need to grow up and admit it, I am getting older, senior citizen and recently being faced with another more serious health issue that has left me a bit emotional and concerned. I find in these times a place that I have learn to count on, to carry me though life's storm's. I have found in my Rock, my place of refuge has always been the inner courts, that place of worship that overshadows lives issues. There are times like these(the heath issues) that the Father will use to speak to us, get through to us where we wouldn't or couldn't listen before. I can always tell when I am in His presence. I melt, my whole being becomes surrendered to the Spirit. As I linger, allowing the Spirit to move in me, I become filled and intoxicated. Worshiping is not just a Sunday go to meeting event. A time of orchestrated music that the body can sing along to. I must be honest here, there are times that I depend on the worship leader and team to get me there. The leader can't get me there, I must press in to Him, no matter what songs or how they are being sung. Getting to that place that I enjoy the most doesn't always happen at church, in a corporate setting. But when it does it is very powerful. I am reminded of Lydia in Acts16:14. It says that she
was a worshiper of God and as she listen to Paul her heart was opened. Lydia was a worshiper before she was converted and I believe that just intensified as she followed Christ. When we come into His presence with an opened heart we are changed. The Spirit begins to move in and upon us and we get lost in His presence and the word enters our heart and brings change. That is when we are worshiping in Spirit and truth! There is an intensity from the Spirit, a calling to come away from the issues and madness of this life, and get intoxicated in the Spirit. then the chains of this life will be broken and the church will lead the lost into an atmosphere of triumphal worship that will change them. There are many Lydia's beyond the four walls of the church, that have a heart to worship, they just need the Spirit to open their hearts that they can respond to the word.
Paul and Silas in Acts 16:25 sang songs and worshiped in the late hours being bond up in chains and behind prison doors. I know many times we as believers feel bond up and the chains of this life begin to suppress, depress and paralyze us. But we have a key that will unlock those chains and prison doors! It is called worship. I believe the Spirit is calling the church to such depth of worship that can shake the foundations of the kingdom of darkness and bring heaven to this lost and dying world. Are we willing to put format aside in a corporate setting and allow the Spirit to orchestrate the worship. Are we willing to trust the Spirit to order our steps. Phill. 3:3 says that we are the true circumcision who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh.
In true worship an atmosphere of glory descends upon the worshipers and the eyes and ears are opened to what the Spirit is saying. Our High Priest is calling us into the Holy of holies by His blood that has made the way that we can stand in full assurance of faith having our conscience washed with pure water (Hebrews 10:19-22). This atmosphere releases the gifts and callings in the church that will remove obstacles that are hindering the fainthearted and bond up from receiving. There is a place of surrender of presenting our bodies as a holy sacrifice which pleases the Lord. This offering up of ourselves releases a sweet smelling aroma which touches the Fathers heart and many times can bring His shekinah glory. Worship is so important for the believer and in this atmosphere the heart is changed from hardness to a soft teachable one. Where you would say no to His request in true worship you will melt and say yes to His voice. This Shekinah glory is; He causes to dwell to bring a visitation of His presence to earth. Our Father wants His children to be close to Him. Delighting in His presence, learning of His love and glory. To be filled with the Spirit is our coat of many colors. We can wear this coat anywhere and be in the throne room worshiping whatever we are putting our hands to in service of worship. Worship breaks up the stoning ground and releases the rivers of living waters that brings life (John 4:23-24; 7:38). Madness and chaos can encircle us but being wrapped in the coat of the Spirit is our defense and peace. In His presence there is fullness of joy (Psalms 16:11). From His right hand He releases treasures that will strengthen and equip you to stand against the storms of this life. A life of worship will overcome the valley of death and cause us to see that it is only a shadow. In this life shadows move in Christ there is no variation or shadow of turning (Ps.23;James1:17). In the atmosphere of worship the Spirit illuminates the shadows to see what is really true and what false. You my find yourself surrounded by enemies, but remember He is preparing a table for you. So let us drink deep the wine of the Spirit, shake off the dust of this life and put on the coat of worship.
Monday, June 30, 2014
'Loose your mind'
Loosing your mind can be a frightful experience but in many ways life changing. For those in the world they go to great lengths trying to keep their sanity and in this world full of chaos with stress fueling the fire it is a challenge. Jesus said in John 17:15-16 that we are in this world but not of this world. We belong to a different government. It is a heavenly government, a kingdom without end. A change needs to take place with the bride that will transform their minds into the mind of Christ. That change happens when we surrender our will and come under the Lordship of Christ. Rom.12:2 says not to be conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of our minds. Simply said we must loose our minds in order to live with the mind of Christ. The natural man as mentioned in 1 Corinth.2:14 doesn't understand the things of the Spirit because they are spiritually appraised. We many times operate with the wisdom of the world because that is what surrounds us, but the christian can't trust in that kind of wisdom. It is the wisdom of God through the mind of Christ that we must trust in. Matt. 16:23 Jesus rebukes Peter because he was operating with his mind and not understanding Gods interest. It is time to loose your mind and walk in the mind of Christ which is ours because of the redemptive work of the cross. Now we can't physically take out our mind and replace it with Christ. But we are to conform to the kingdom thinking that our minds would be transformed to desiring His thoughts and His will. There is so much bombarding our minds that for us to do the Lords work operating with our minds we would end up destroying ourselves and others without the mind of Christ. We need His revelation the Spirit of wisdom to accomplish the work that He has set before us. We need a Christ mind which is a kingdom mind, thinking the way of the Spirit. His kingdom is about rule and realm. His kingdom is not a democracy, He is Boss He is in charge the government is upon His shoulders. The call today is that we the church must have the mind of Christ if we our to survive these last days. We must dethrone our mind and enthrone His. There is no duel thrones in Gods kingdom. Jesus said in Matt. 16:24 that if anyone wishes to follow Me he must deny himself pick up his cross and follow Him. There is a death that is required in order to live in the mind of Christ. Phillip. 2:5-8 We must have the attitude of Christ. To be emptied of self, humbling ourselves and allowing Christ to form us into His likeness. Dying is never easy especially to those close to you who don't want to dye. Your relationship to Christ is not about what others think or do but it is about you obedience To Him and walking with His mindset. Colossians 3:2 we are instructed to set our minds on the things above. It is kingdom thinking that will give us His revelation to what His good and acceptable and perfect will is. Psalms 51:17 A broken and contrite heart O God You will not despise. This is the victory for the bride of Christ even in these last days as He is making up His treasured possession. The ragged clothes of unfruitfulness are being exchanged for robs of praise.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Knowing that God created these feelings that we have, expressing themselves in different ways according to what we are going through, there seems to be a place that goes beyond what is godly or healthy, to a place of distress, anxiety, depression etc, that can spiral deep into a darkness that is very hard to get out of. There are feelings such as Acts 2:43 where the disciples had this sense of awe, or a fear (godly fear) of what was taking place through the apostles. But then there are those thoughts, speculations that need to be held captive under the lordship or obedience of Christ(2 Corinth.10:5). Finding myself in the mist of these emotions allowing them to be apart of the journey of healing I am going through. Also finding a need to place these feelings whether good or bad under the guidance of the Spirit to make sure these are held in the mind of Christ. A season of healing brings a season of mixed emotions. By the grace of My Father I go!
Knowing that God created these feelings that we have, expressing themselves in different ways according to what we are going through, there seems to be a place that goes beyond what is godly or healthy, to a place of distress, anxiety, depression etc, that can spiral deep into a darkness that is very hard to get out of. There are feelings such as Acts 2:43 where the disciples had this sense of awe, or a fear (godly fear) of what was taking place through the apostles. But then there are those thoughts, speculations that need to be held captive under the lordship or obedience of Christ(2 Corinth.10:5). Finding myself in the mist of these emotions allowing them to be apart of the journey of healing I am going through. Also finding a need to place these feelings whether good or bad under the guidance of the Spirit to make sure these are held in the mind of Christ. A season of healing brings a season of mixed emotions. By the grace of My Father I go!
Monday, May 5, 2014
Mary, did you know!
And Mary the mother of Jesus (Acts1:14)
The scripture says that they were all of one mind continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus. I think sometimes as we read the scriptures we glance over parts that seem meaningless, until we read the same scripture again and the Holy Spirit brings revelation. This is one of those times. I've read this scripture many times but this time the Spirit has brought illumination in a different way. Many times as I read the account about the disciples gathered praying in the upper room, my attention goes to the twelve and even the 120 but I don't always see the women or Mary. I think it is mostly because the way the scriptures are written they seem to use the masculine verb more often but really not excluding or preferring. It was on that day, the day of Pentecost that not only the men but the scriptures say all were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking with other tongues. Mary now perhaps in her mid to late fifties gathering with the rest of the women and men along with the apostles. A mother to at lest six children including Jesus, now waiting for the promise from the Father which her Son would send. Insignificant? not to those women and Mary and her daughters. Some worship Mary as the Virgin Mary. This is true only in regards to the birth of Jesus, she was a virgin betrothed to Joseph but it was the Holy Spirit that came upon her and the power of the Most High that overshadowed her. The scriptures tell us that Mary also had four other sons and daughters ( Matt.13:55-56 ). This was a significant time in the life of these 120 brothers and sisters, but also for the future church. Mary along with the other disciples were the forerunners of the Holy Spirit. For in Christ we the church have become that virgin bride betrothed to our Bridegroom ( 2 Corinth. 11:2 ). The scripture says in Joel 2:28-29 upon your sons and daughters I will pour forth of My Spirit and they shall prophesy. Mary was a daughter of Israel and a daughter of the King. In the upper room the sound of many different tongues and prophesying could be heard. What was taking place? Was it not the Holy Spirit praying to the Father through these saints. And when Mary began to prophesy was she not by the Spirit speaking over the church then and even for now! Mary along with the other women were being drenched with warm oil, the anointing of the Spirit filling them with words from heaven pertaining to the last days. The beginning of the early church in the upper room is the DNA of the last days church. The church today needs a drenching of the Spirit, to be filled with power to be witnesses to the remotest parts of the earth. The Mary's of this day need to turn their hearts to the next generation and mother the church. Malicah 4:6 speaks of the fathers turning their hearts to the children. I believe that same spirit is linked to the mothers to the younger generation. It is that spirit of Mary being drenched in the Spirit and turning their hearts as mothers to nurture the children in the Lord among them. Even those without children will not be desolate for she will receive numerous sons and daughters in the faith ( Isaiah 54 ). For you Mary's in the faith you mothers with children or without, come under the flooding waters of the Spirit and be drenched. For you will go forth as forerunners passing on the DNA of the early church and be a part of the last days outpouring.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
"A wave of anointing"
"A wave of unprecedented power and anointing is coming"

The anointing during an outpouring is strong and very aromatic. It doesn't depend on ones talent or gift although it will be the power that will energize the gifts and callings to do an impossible mission.There is an anointing that the church needs to accomplish what the Spirit is doing in these last days(Joel 2:28-29;Act 2:17-21). This anointing comes from the Father through the power of the Spirit. Another wave is about to hit the church with such magnitude causing everything that is not anchored in Christ to be shaken loose and swept away. Even those in Christ will be refined and purified. Precursors of this can be seen in the transition that is taking place in the church now. Many churches are closing with others trying to survive still ministering in the old wine. But it is the Spirit that is doing a work to build the last days church in the Spirit. Refining, purifying, cleansing from all of man's wisdom, charisma and kingdom building to be the church that can hold the new wine of Gods anointing.There are waves of the Spirit coming into many various places now removing the old wineskin's, the old cloth and replacing with new wineskin's that are full of the Spirit and anointing(Matt.9:15-17).These new wineskin's have been through the fire their lamps have been reignited by Christ Himself. Many leaders have been removed from service and benched for a season because they were not willing to surrender their kingdom and agendas.They ran out of oil and didn't refill their lamps with fresh oil that they could lead with fresh vision and revelation. Many churches are struggling with imbalance because they look to and depend on one leader(Pastor) for guidance.This next wave will bring a restoration of the early church leadership which will bring biblical balance and a healthier church. The water pots of purification(John 2:6) are being emptied and fresh water poured into them, that the water be changed into wine, the best wine and poured out upon the wedding guests of life bringing consummation of bride and Bridegroom. Many are experience a change in ministry, employment, living situations, health issues. The earthen vessels are being emptied out even broken up, remade in order to be filled and changed into the best wine(2 Corinth.4:7). This is the work of the Spirit, no prodding or production of man can produce this anointing of the Spirit. When the anointing is present there will be no need for leadership to make something happen. This will be the new super norm. With this next wave the body of Christ will be desiring greater intimacy with the Spirit, hungry for authenticity and flowing in the anointing writher than the mega church production. As the church lets go of the old skins (the old styes and formats) that they have grown accustom to and dependent on, they will be built into a true house in the Spirit full of power and anointing which will rain down like a heavenly aroma( 2 Corinth.2:14). The Spirit is the churches new wineskin and the new wine is the anointing!
The anointing during an outpouring is strong and very aromatic. It doesn't depend on ones talent or gift although it will be the power that will energize the gifts and callings to do an impossible mission.There is an anointing that the church needs to accomplish what the Spirit is doing in these last days(Joel 2:28-29;Act 2:17-21). This anointing comes from the Father through the power of the Spirit. Another wave is about to hit the church with such magnitude causing everything that is not anchored in Christ to be shaken loose and swept away. Even those in Christ will be refined and purified. Precursors of this can be seen in the transition that is taking place in the church now. Many churches are closing with others trying to survive still ministering in the old wine. But it is the Spirit that is doing a work to build the last days church in the Spirit. Refining, purifying, cleansing from all of man's wisdom, charisma and kingdom building to be the church that can hold the new wine of Gods anointing.There are waves of the Spirit coming into many various places now removing the old wineskin's, the old cloth and replacing with new wineskin's that are full of the Spirit and anointing(Matt.9:15-17).These new wineskin's have been through the fire their lamps have been reignited by Christ Himself. Many leaders have been removed from service and benched for a season because they were not willing to surrender their kingdom and agendas.They ran out of oil and didn't refill their lamps with fresh oil that they could lead with fresh vision and revelation. Many churches are struggling with imbalance because they look to and depend on one leader(Pastor) for guidance.This next wave will bring a restoration of the early church leadership which will bring biblical balance and a healthier church. The water pots of purification(John 2:6) are being emptied and fresh water poured into them, that the water be changed into wine, the best wine and poured out upon the wedding guests of life bringing consummation of bride and Bridegroom. Many are experience a change in ministry, employment, living situations, health issues. The earthen vessels are being emptied out even broken up, remade in order to be filled and changed into the best wine(2 Corinth.4:7). This is the work of the Spirit, no prodding or production of man can produce this anointing of the Spirit. When the anointing is present there will be no need for leadership to make something happen. This will be the new super norm. With this next wave the body of Christ will be desiring greater intimacy with the Spirit, hungry for authenticity and flowing in the anointing writher than the mega church production. As the church lets go of the old skins (the old styes and formats) that they have grown accustom to and dependent on, they will be built into a true house in the Spirit full of power and anointing which will rain down like a heavenly aroma( 2 Corinth.2:14). The Spirit is the churches new wineskin and the new wine is the anointing!
Saturday, April 19, 2014
"Believing will bring greater revelation"
John 20:9-10; For as yet they did not understand the scripture, that He must rise again from the dead. I believe relying on feelings only can produce reservations and reservations can breed doubt. We many times rely on feelings to dictate our belief in Christ and what He did on the cross. Peter and John didn't run to the tomb with total abandonment to their feelings, believing that Jesus rose from the dead, if they did they would not have returned to their own homes? I believe that the other disciple entered in, saw and believed. John got past his feelings but still didn't understand the scriptures. Believing the scriptures will give one revelation to continue pursuing Christ. Mary Magdalene loved and believed beyond feelings. She received sight to see two angeles inside the tomb and turning around saw the risen Christ. Our feelings can prevent us from receiving greater revelation and hearing what the Spirit is saying. We may wake up on Easter morning not feeling like we are christ like but the scripture says that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in our mortal bodies( Rom. 8:11 ) and therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creature; the old things have passed away behold new things have come (2 Corinth 5:17). Lingering around the tomb can bring revelation but we are being changed from glory to glory (2 Corinth. 3:18). We cannot live at the tomb (past glories) but must press forward announcing with belief in the scriptures that truly Christ has risen. Spending time in the scriptures will give us that assurance and rivers of living water will flow out from our inner most being (John 7:42). "Beholding the risen Christ"
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