"The Restraints"The voice of the Spirit is speaking loud to those who are listening, to those who want to hear the truth. The flood is coming can you feel, can you sense it in your spirit, it is drawing near. But he or that element which is a restraint must give way, be taken out of the way, so that the full unveiling of form, culture and the handing over of collapsed governments to this new messiah can be put into motion (
2 Thessalonians 2:6-8). The world is being prepared now unknowingly for this great revival of darkness that will usher in this new messiah, bringing radical political change and the abolishing of the two party system, creating of a new world infrastructure.
But His people with insight will shine and stand in the full armor of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. For it is the Spirit that regulates the events of the world to accomplish Gods plans. This is not a time to walk in fear, but to rejoice for our redemption is near. But don't get sucker punched by what is coming, but walk in wisdom and the fear of the Lord! Meaning of this term in short: to hit suddenly without warning. Their are restraints that are being systematically torn down and removed without any warning or reason in order for this one to come forth with the activity of Satan emerging with all power in signs and false wonders that will mimic the incarnation of Christ, yet counterfeit! The constitution of this country is being swallowed up by a darkness that has been hiding under the surface but is emerging and poised to take its place on the world wide stage. The angel of light is already influencing the evangelical christian faith by infiltrating and undermining with deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons causing the church and leaders to be mesmerized, accepting these false humanistic doctrines, causing the minds to be sired as with a branding iron
(1 Timothy 4:1-2;2Corinthians 11:13-15). The church (born again believer) could very well be the last restraint holding back these diabolical schemes and strong holds of the beast, dragon(Satan). The strategies of the enemy is to weaken the belief system of the believer causing fear, unbelief and paralysis, ultimately persuading to put down their weapons. But great grace will be upon the church during this time who are looking to Christ for their sufficiency. Jesus said that we are not of this world even as Jesus is not of this world
(John 17:16). Satan's goal is to rob, kill and destroy the church, but Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail
(Matt. 16:18). The enemy prowls around like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour(
1Pet.5:8-9). Many have been persuaded to lay down their weapons.
The Spirit would say,"rise up warrior bride, stand firm in the faith, pick up your weapons, take back your land and be a Jonathan, who with his armor bearer went into the camp of the enemy causing such trembling that even the earth quaked. For one awakened warrior can put a thousand to flight and two ten thousand(Deuteronomy32:30). For the Lord is not restrained by one or many to save(1Sam.14:6).
It is time for intercessors to kiddy up and be those wild stallions again in the Spirit and ride through the heavens declaring over the church to arise from their slumber. For there is a greater revival coming that will bring a mighty harvest of souls just before the unveiling of the man of perdition. "Awaken church! pick up your weapons of intercession, the prophetic word, worship and praise and ride with determination, focus and abandonment from the clutches of this world system, empowered by the Spirit, moved with love sick passion for your Bridegroom!!
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