Christ through John addressed the seven churches in Revelation, one of which He seemed to exhort very strongly. Revelations 3 paints a very good picture of one of the churches that we in these last days should hear as Jesus is urging, appealing, exhorting the church of Sardis to wake up.
This church in Sardis had a name of being alive, but Christ said they were dead. There are many churches today big churches that have the appearance of a church on the move, that have great plans of going forward. Building plans, needing more property to house more people, with more services. I don't believe Jesus was exhorting this church in Sardis for all that they were doing but because of what they weren't doing and relying on their works that gave the appearance they were alive. Our works, ministry, service all the outward signs of a radiant church will not last if the bride has lost her love for the Bridegroom. We have been joined to Christ by the Spirit as a pure virgin bride. Are we still a virgin? Have our eyes been for Him only? Are we tired of the dirt of this world that soils our garments? Have we been deceived by the enemy leaving the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ? Sardis was a pagan city with idol worship and orgies that began to creep into the church to the degree that it became acceptable. I saw this woman wearing this bridal dress that was all soiled from crawling around in the dirt of life, because she was unable to take a stand against the idols of this day and walk with the garments of salvation. I believe it goes even deeper. The infrastructure of the church became weak, they preached a diluted gospel, the christian faith was being compromised and Jesus told the church of Sardis to strengthen the things that remain. I believe they lost vision and purpose and forgot what they had received and heard. Jesus was calling this church to repent so that they could wake up and continue with the vision that was given to them. She started out with the love of Christ, but because of persecution and lack of devotion, she began to embrace and worship the idols of that day which soiled her dress and took away the brilliance. Many have a lamp of profession in their hands but not in their heart. I believe as Jesus spoke to the church of Sardis to wake up, He is calling His bride today to wake up out of her slumber and put on the garments of salvation(light her lamps) and the robe of righteousness and stand up in the midst of the idols and orgies of this day and proclaim Christ. As it says in Hosea 6 "Come let us return to the Lord" Though your garments be soiled they will be washed in His blood. For it is His love and mercy that leads us to repentance. Fresh water will flow once again as your devotion to the Bridegroom is rekindled! The fire of the Spirit will burn in you for Christ alone and He will lead you in joyful adoration serving with fresh zeal.You will again walk as a bride adorned with jewels and the Lord will cause righteousness to spring up before all nations( Isaiah 61:10-11). Now we all are vulnerable to a form of godliness which is only an outward appearance, which can only bring attention to ourself our ministry and not the King whom we serve. But true godliness doesn't deny the power of God and the moving of the Spirit and will bring fruitful brilliance that will radiate Christ(2Tim.3:5). When we begin putting the word aside, stop praying, fellowship or being a witness, we become a prey for the enemy and gradually get swiped up by the spirit of this age, our garments become soiled. It is Christ alone that is our Hope, not Christ and a little of this world. Christ said " If you deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me then you are my disciples"(Mark 8:34). Matthew 25:1-13 Christ compares the kingdom of heaven to ten virgins. There were five prudent and five foolish. The prudent had their lamps filled with oil and also took oil in flasks as they went out to meet the bridegroom. The foolish only took oil in their lamps. They all became drowsy and slept as the bridegroom delayed.
We can have the appearances of being alive with oil in our lamps but if we are not constantly trimming them with the love of Christ and filled with the oil of the Spirit, waiting for our Bridegroom , we can begin to slumber and the cares of this life will ultimately put us to sleep. There is a shout from the Spirit "awaken church for your Bridegroom is coming! Fill your lamps with first love devotion, watch and serve your King until He comes to take you into the marriage supper of the Lamb."
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