Monday, October 6, 2014

"Squishy pumpkins, Smashing idols, Many Waters" There has been a lot of things affected here in California because of the drought. One of those areas is the agriculture business in the San Joaquin valley. This is the season that you go out to pick up a nice pumpkin for decoration or to make a tasty pumpkin pie. What has taken place in some fields is that the pumpkins, because of the lack of consistent water and the hot season they have developed prematurely, causing them to become a squishy overripe mess. As I thought about these pumpkins the Spirit showed me that there is something far more destructive than the bad gourds. We also spiritually can be affected with the lack of water mixed with intense heat (trials of life). There is an interesting verse in Isaiah 32:20 "How blessed will you be, you who sow beside all waters. I've been in the Fathers vineyard for awhile and have seen good and bad fruit. I understand the importance of the pruning of branches, cultivating of the soil and the watering that is vital for growth.  These seasons of the vinedresser (The Father) tending to a surrendered heart (the branch) will develop good fruit. Whether it be grapes or pumpkins or our hearts, droughts and hot weather will come, but we must sow ourselves into the water of the word. Responding to His love will ignite a desire to plant ourselves into an ongoing relationship with Jesus that will bring constant watering of His word in our lives. We can't depend on the water from a week ago or even yesterday, it is that consistent input and output that will cause us to produce fruit that will last. Hot seasons (trials) will come, but if we are constantly drinking in fresh water the droughts of life will not turn us into squishy pumpkins. But that's not all, it also says beside all waters. It is not only from the preaching of the word that brings water. Now I understand that faith comes from hearing the word, but hearing is not contingent on hearing from the pulpit only. Another dimension of hearing, water flowing and faith building is in relationship with our Bridegroom that opens our hearing to the voice of the Spirit in that secret place (Psalms 27:5). It is that communing (prayer/meditation) with Jesus through the Word and the Spirit that will fill you and release living waters upon a dry and thirsty land. Plant yourself into the soil of the word that you can be cultivated, watered, nourished by the voice of Jesus and the working of the Spirit. It is important that the heart be planted by the streams of water (Psalms1:3) in order to yield its fruit in its season. We can't allow the soil of our hearts to become cracked and dry from the heat and lack of water. It is in those dry and cracked areas of the heart that idols begin to form and the heart begins to seek after the dry waters of this live that will surly lead one to be unfruitful. Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of the vinedresser and He will prune, smash, sweep away the idols in your life and exalt you at the proper time(1Peter 5:6). Jesus said in John 15 that without Him we can do nothing. Our being used and having fruit that will last is contingent upon our connection to the Vine and our surrendering to the work of the Spirit in our lives. I believe the Spirit would say "plant yourselves into the Many Waters of Christ for in Him you will prosper, and be a well watered garden. Be patient for the early and later rain, for He will bring forth the precious produce(James 5:7). You will hear the voice of Many Waters and He will drench you with His word and the Spirit preparing you for the droughts of this life.The darkness that covers the people will be flooded by Many Waters and the glory of the Lord will cover the earth. He is calling His bride into His chambers, "Come dine with Me"
 When we are clothed with power from on high His voice will be like many waters, we will not be squishy pumpkins hoping to survive on the water drops of this life, but fountains of fire and water (Isaiah 41:18). All the waters of this life cannot quench the thirsty soul and the desire for true love (Song of Songs 8:7). " Let the one who is thirsty come" (Rev.22:17). Only in Christ Who's voice is like the sound of many waters can one be full of peace in these days of great testing!(Revelation 1:15)

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