Monday, September 29, 2014

"The sound of wild intercession" What is that sound? What does it look like? Sounds of heaven are released like thunderous waves of the Wind, fervent worship, unknown tongues that pierce the heart shattering the forces of darkness, groaning from a whisper to volumes of intense noise that causes the spirit within to fly. Twirling, dancing, total thrashing of arms and hands, jerking of head. Total abandonment of self as flesh is aligning with the Spirit. To the natural man total confusion, in the Spirit orchestrated order. What happened to the wild ones? Intercession has gone from wild stallions, young calfs released from the stalls, eagles flying above it, to an orchestrated prayer time that seems to fall short of what the Spirit was wanting. Has a religious spirit crept in unaware dressed up as an angel of light, to dampen, suppress, systematically change the atmosphere from an anointing, flowing like a rushing river to a trickle. You can't lasso a stallion, young calfs need to get out of the stalls, eagles can't be caught to clip their wings. These kind of intercessors need a place to run, fly, to frolic in His presence. The world fights battles in the natural, but the saints fight darkness with divine power sending the forces of darkness back to the gates of hell. Declaring over the intercessors "restoration of the wild ones"!! Do you hunger, is your spirit being stirred to free fall into deep waters of Spirit that will take you above it all and give you strategies that will halt the black hours of death? A gathering of intercessors with a prophetic voice is forming even now in the Spirit. They will come out of that religious atmosphere, set free to pour into the heavenly bowls the prayers of the Spirit to change the course of peoples, places and events.
"Oh that My bride would come away with Me and spend the night running through the heavens with the anointing of the Spirit, drenched with the fragrance of intercession. Welcome to prophetic intercession! Come to the heart of the Spirit! The Spirit and the bride say come!

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