Friday, September 5, 2014

Like the sight of a monster dust cloud swiping across the dry desert bringing terror upon a city and engulfing everything in its path, is this present evil age that has been lurking behind the scenes is now coming out onto the stage making itself known to the whole world. Who and what is this evil that is picking up steam and hitting the shores of the church and society like a tsunami. Paul describes it as a perversion, a deserting of Christ  for a different gospel(Gal.1:4-6). We also read in (2 Corinth. 4:4) that the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel. Romans 12:2 do not be conformed to this age. But who is fueling this engine that at present is bringing terror to many nations? Bringing division amongst fundamentalist and charismatic alike? Pounding hard on the shores of society and church alike with the institution of marriage and lifestyles? We can differently link much of it to our sinful natures that when left unchecked or unredeemed can produce a vacuum sucking life out of our very existence. But there is also one that with his hordes of evil armies has produced a wave of deception,violence, death and perversion that has captured and lead astray whole cities, countries and nations. As we read Revelation 12&13 we see that it is non other than Satan himself, the prince of the power of the air, who has fought against Gods plans for mankind from the beginning. But there is another wave coming that will for a season overpower this present darkness opening up the waterfalls of heaven bringing a season of revival to people, places and events that will thwart and disarray the forces of darkness. A season of salvation and anointing that will recapture what the enemy has stolen, setting many free from the chains of darkness and this present evil age. The church must be aggressive in their warfare, cutting off the heads (high places) of the enemy, fighting the good fight of faith (unlike the wisdom of some who are all talk), interceding for one another and society, sending darkness back to the gates of hell (Isaiah 60). Could it be that another awakening is just on the horizon? Has the church become so paralyzed by this age that their eyes have become blind and ears dull of hearing what the Spirit is saying. History does repeat itself and revival, outpouring always seems to come onto the stage of deep darkness.
For the fields are already turning golden/white for harvesting. We cannot look upon the dark storm that wants to distracted the church from their purpose and destiny. Christ by the power of the Spirit is bringing a wake up call to the bride! It is not a time to snooze under the juniper tree like Elijah did, because of despair and the controlling spirit of his day, but to awaken and eat what the Spirit puts before you for the journey is great and without His nourishment we will be unable to accomplish the task. For the Bridegroom is calling His bride "awaken my love and come away with Me. Let go of the mandrakes of this life that will surly deceive and distract leaving you barren and fruitless. But arise now let us go into the cities and vineyards and see what is blooming that we may harvest for the Father. Under the apple tree on this life I am coming and awakening you from your slumber that you may birth sons and daughters more numerous than you can count" (Isaiah 54).
It is time to enlarge (make ready) the place of your tent, (where you are) stretch out and prepare for the outpouring! Many will say that you are crazy, peculiar. but even as Noah heard the call and prepared ahead of the flood, so you church are to hear the call of the Spirit and prepare for perhaps one of the biggest and may be the last outpourings before the church is taken, (caught up) to be with their Bridegroom forever

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