Friday, October 31, 2014

"Hidden in a field to be a symphony"

The Heavenly Symphony Psalms 137:1-8 This song is a prophetic word about the captivity of the Jews in Babylon and their reminiscing on how good it was when they had the freedom to worship the Lord in their beloved Zion and laminating because of their captivity and everything taken away from them. Even their captors demand songs to torment and harass them. I believe this Psalm is also a prophetic word for us today! Yes we live in a free country and have the freedom to worship anytime and anywhere. I don't believe we as Christians have been lead away from our country and held captive in a foreign land( as of yet). But there is a captivity that we fall into when we allow the enemy of our souls to persuade us that what we have to offer up to the Lord is not good enough and does not sound like a professional musician or singer, so we just hang up our instruments of worship and just be quiet. The Lord would say why have you put away your songs and instruments of worship and sat down in discouragement, fear and defeat?
Do you not know that you were created to worship Me with all that is in you and all that I have given you! Do you remember when you would come into that secret place and in the congregation and pour out your heart in worship and be filled with the Spirit. Do you remember when you would open your mouth and I would fill it with heavenly songs and heaven language. Do you remember when you would pick up your instruments and play Me a song and I would fill it with anointing that would break the chains of the captive. Has the enemy dragged you away and consumed you with the cares of this life and held you captive to this present darkness. You have been told that you can't sing in the Spirit. you can't prophecy, you can't play your instruments of worship unless you belong to a worship team. But I say"Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord."(Psalms 150:1-6)                                                                                                                          
You say, look at all this darkness that covers the people and seems to grow stronger everyday. I say, worship Me in My mighty expanse in My mighty deeds in My excellent greatness. If you have run with footman and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses(Jer.12:5-6). If you can't worship in Spirit and truth you are in captivity. If you can't walk in the prophetic you are in captivity. If you are falling down in a land of peace how will you do when you are flooded with darkness. If there is no place for you where you are "Come to the Light" and I will make a way where there seems to be no way. You say only if I had wings I would fly away to some secluded place far away from this mess. Oh cast your eyes upon Me my beloved
 I am your Redeemer, your Radiance, that loves you with an unfailing love. Though the waters rise to flood stage and the mountains crumble you will not be shaken in Me. I have given you the voice of heaven and the gift of worship with anointed instruments. Go take those weapons back from the enemy. Those instruments that are sitting in the corner collecting dust, they belong to you and come with your mouth full of praise and I will cause My Spirit to fill you with the new wine of worship. "Your freedom is only a song away"! Its your heart being captivated to Me. The kingdom of heaven is not about buildings and institutions those things can hold you captive. Its about Christ in His church building, equipping and release the church to the nations. The heart of the Father is to give you strength to shake off the chains of those captors, renewing the heart, tuning up the instruments of worship and filling His children with the sounds of heaven. Look to Me the author and finisher of your faith. Its not about a great performance and striving to make a name for ourselves. It is the pure worship that He desires, He deserves and He embraces the heart that cares not for the things of this world, but giving glory to the King. The mindset of the institutional church is to worship within the four walls, hidden in a building.
The mindset of the Father is His church hidden in the field of the world, that we may be a symphony to the nations. Its the broken vessels those contrite hearts that bring forth a pure sound that rises to the throne room of the Father. We must stop spending so much time on the exterior of the house and surrender to the good work that He has started in us!
                "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord"

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