Thursday, November 6, 2014

Shout it out!

"Love Reign O'er Me"
Faith"s journey has taken him through many valleys seen many mountain tops. He has witness such activity in the Spirit that has astonished the naked eye. Been educated in hearing the voice of Light and felt the warmth thereof. Knowing that even his name suggest mountain mover, wall jumper, sea walker. But there are those times those seasons, those desperate intervals, where consumed by loneliness feeling unloved, unwanted. Needing once again to hear, be reassured of Loves warmth breathing upon his face. He could not hold it back any longer but with all his strength pouring out from within the cry for help, no for intimacy, came forth "Love Reign O'er Me". Silence was the response and it seemed like forever. What have I done that you would leave me, that you would not answer my cry. I need to hear to feel to be consumed in your Love. Exhausted from his pleading he begins to fall asleep under a tree that lacked any shelter. Suddenly awakened by a spirit, perhaps an angel saying, "your plead was heard but your request was delayed because of the darkness that held it back, but now the way is clear, hear the voice of Love!
         Like many waters being released from a reservoir of unmeasurable depth but with a sound that one could faintly hear, Faith heard again that warm soothing, peaceful and assuring Voice of Love Reigning over him like warm rain. Drenched this time with Love, Faith is now ready to journey on pursuing the city of Lights. Walking now illuminated by this moment he pauses and reflects, His voice of Love is not always in the magnificent power that he has seen in the past, but can be felt and heard in a whisper and touch like a feather.

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