Tuesday, December 16, 2014

"Captured by Him, not the shade trees"

When we thrash about with rusty swords it is the result of being dull of hearing, which can lead to an unwillingness to take the time having them sharpened and cleaned to discern good and evil. Fighting haphazardly (aimless) is due to our lack of growth which leads to nearsightedness, in turn causing ones faith to be shipwrecked. Many have allowed their conscience to be seared with a branding iron, that has allowed darkness to creep in, causing their love to grow cold or worse lukewarm, luring them into a deep sleep. One of our callings as a church is to encourage one another while it is day, but for many of us we cannot distinguish the night from the day. But the Lord says "I do not sleep nor do I slumber. I have called you out of darkness into My marvelous light, but you keep dragging the darkness with you, walk as children of Light. You have allowed the spirit of this age to consume your thoughts, shaking you from your moorings, causing you to drift away from the word and your calling (Hebrews2:1). "I will rise up says the Lord and not be silent, because My bride needs to make herself ready! I will come forth like a Mighty Wave in the midst of the storm to make my bride brave!
                                          Come up out of the valley of Elah, Goliath has been defeated.                                                                                                  
Even as David took up the sword of Goliath and cut off his head, you to must be aggressive towards the weapons that the enemy has formed against you. It is in our knowledge of who we are in Christ that will disarm and refute every weapon formed against us. Responding with a sharp two edged sword will cut off the lies, strategies, influences, obstacles and unbelief that have caused you to stumble and retreat. David running from Saul came to Ahimelech the priest who gave David the sword of Goliath which was put away in the temple. This was a reminder of his past victory and that he didn't need to run from Saul (future battles). We too need to be reminded of the past victories that we won't lose heart and run from the mission that our Father has called us to. Elah means terebinth trees, large shade trees. The battle between David and Goliath was fought in the valley of large shade trees. In the heat of the battle there will always be distractions that will cause your eyes to wonder to a quiet shady place far from the battle. Don't fall to the temptation of the shade trees of this life, luring you away from victory and holding you captive in an old battle that God has already made you victorious in. For He is your Keeper and your Shade( Psalms121:5). The older generation must hold their ground  fighting for the younger. For the enemy fights against this generation to lead them away from godly instruction and wisdom by blinding them from the truth and tempting them with the enticements of this world. The Spirit would say "many times you have come to the crossroads of your journey not knowing which way to go and the Spirit has lead you in the right way." Let go of the sin that so easily entangles, so you can run the race with endurance that is set before you. If you have run with the footman and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses. This life is a race and how we trust and obey will dictate our victories and how we finish. Fixing our eyes on Jesus will give us the power to rise above the flood waters of this age and enable us to swim in the deep waters of the Spirit. Even as Elijah was empowered by the Spirit to out run Ahabs chariot the Spirit will enable you to out run the storm that is intensifying and not be weary, walking and not fainting. For the Lord says "you belong to Me and no other, for you will gain new strength as you rely on Me and no other."(Hebrews10:25;12:1;Jeremiah 12:5;1Peter2:9; 2Peter 1:1-15;1Samuel17:49-51;1 Sam.21:9)

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