Saturday, October 18, 2014

"The sower"
"Psalms 126:5-6 For I will visit the missionary/evangelist the ones that have their eyes on Me, with one hand towards heaven and the other in their bag of seed. You who are truly spending your lives sowing in tears, I will rain upon you with joyful anointing. He who goes through the fields of this world weeping for the lost and planting yourselves in the beaten down fields of suffering will bring forth a reaping to a hundredfold. Even as Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, the the Holy Spirit breathed into John and anointing him in the womb who would come forth as a forerunner turning the hearts of the fathers back to the children, making ready a people prepared for the Lord.(Luke1:41)For I will come to you and breath upon you and your sufferings will be turned into joyful thanksgiving and the seeds sown in secret will reap a harvest of humble souls and mighty warriors. Even those seeds that were scattered on the wayside but coated with tears of faith will come forth drenched in strong anointing for
they will outrun the harvesters and dance with those who tread grapes. For the vats will be full of new wine overflowing and rushing like a swift river into the streets of sorrows and misery, causing the souls of humanity to spring forth reborn, full of the Spirit, lavished in His grace and mercy. (Amos 9:13)

For the heart of the Father goes beyond the range and distance of our eyes, but chooses to impart His plans to those who humble themselves, seek first His kingdom. For out of a broken and contrite heart comes fruitfulness. The missionary/evangelist and those with such  hearts will walk in the signs and wonders proceeding the coming outpouring!

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