Wednesday, April 12, 2017

"You church are the seeds of revival"

The rock will be shaken and the dome will crumble. Mt. Moriah will ascend once again. The temple rock will be resurrected and the daily sacrifice reinstated for a season. Take heed church and warn the Jewish nation not to follow after this man of deception. For he will arise with great power and authority deceiving even the very elect if possible. The time is short and the forces of darkness are taking position to destroy the plans of The Ancient of days. But the Lord of Glory will arise will healing in His wings. So fear Him who is able to kill both body and soul and  return now to your first love. For there are still many souls who are awaiting a visitation of salvation, to be snatched out of the fires licking at their feet! A rumbling, a quaking of the House of White, even every nation, kingdom and authority will be in disarray. But you church are the seeds of revival. You are the bowls of intercession being poured out upon this land. You are the birth pains, the sacrifice, the laborers that the Spirit blows upon the fields of humanity, bringing a worldwide awakening!

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