Sunday, April 16, 2017

Clouds rising from the earth 🌏 like that of mushrooms 🍄. Fire falling upon the land like tongues from heaven. Cries of anguish and despair. An intervention, a visitation of His presence. A kingdom like none other breaking through the madness and gathering up His beloved. Darkness rising, but the Fragrance of worship scattering enemies. An atmosphere of heaven descending and capturing souls. All eyes 👀 see His glory, but not all receive Him. The swords have been released, but His sickle gathers the harvest. He will not relent until His plans are fulfilled! Take heed all nations and pay attention you who say you love God, run 🏃🏻 run into His sanctuary, for a two-edged sword comes forth from the King 👑 of glory subduing the enemy. Many strong and mighty blown away, but His trees 🌲 were not shaken! Many dancing 💃 in the valley of death 💀 resurrection of dead bones being drenched with hot oil, dressed with the wind of the Spirit. A shout was heard and directed to the four corners of earth 🌏 "get ready to release the wind"

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