Friday, October 31, 2014

"Hidden in a field to be a symphony"

The Heavenly Symphony Psalms 137:1-8 This song is a prophetic word about the captivity of the Jews in Babylon and their reminiscing on how good it was when they had the freedom to worship the Lord in their beloved Zion and laminating because of their captivity and everything taken away from them. Even their captors demand songs to torment and harass them. I believe this Psalm is also a prophetic word for us today! Yes we live in a free country and have the freedom to worship anytime and anywhere. I don't believe we as Christians have been lead away from our country and held captive in a foreign land( as of yet). But there is a captivity that we fall into when we allow the enemy of our souls to persuade us that what we have to offer up to the Lord is not good enough and does not sound like a professional musician or singer, so we just hang up our instruments of worship and just be quiet. The Lord would say why have you put away your songs and instruments of worship and sat down in discouragement, fear and defeat?
Do you not know that you were created to worship Me with all that is in you and all that I have given you! Do you remember when you would come into that secret place and in the congregation and pour out your heart in worship and be filled with the Spirit. Do you remember when you would open your mouth and I would fill it with heavenly songs and heaven language. Do you remember when you would pick up your instruments and play Me a song and I would fill it with anointing that would break the chains of the captive. Has the enemy dragged you away and consumed you with the cares of this life and held you captive to this present darkness. You have been told that you can't sing in the Spirit. you can't prophecy, you can't play your instruments of worship unless you belong to a worship team. But I say"Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord."(Psalms 150:1-6)                                                                                                                          
You say, look at all this darkness that covers the people and seems to grow stronger everyday. I say, worship Me in My mighty expanse in My mighty deeds in My excellent greatness. If you have run with footman and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses(Jer.12:5-6). If you can't worship in Spirit and truth you are in captivity. If you can't walk in the prophetic you are in captivity. If you are falling down in a land of peace how will you do when you are flooded with darkness. If there is no place for you where you are "Come to the Light" and I will make a way where there seems to be no way. You say only if I had wings I would fly away to some secluded place far away from this mess. Oh cast your eyes upon Me my beloved
 I am your Redeemer, your Radiance, that loves you with an unfailing love. Though the waters rise to flood stage and the mountains crumble you will not be shaken in Me. I have given you the voice of heaven and the gift of worship with anointed instruments. Go take those weapons back from the enemy. Those instruments that are sitting in the corner collecting dust, they belong to you and come with your mouth full of praise and I will cause My Spirit to fill you with the new wine of worship. "Your freedom is only a song away"! Its your heart being captivated to Me. The kingdom of heaven is not about buildings and institutions those things can hold you captive. Its about Christ in His church building, equipping and release the church to the nations. The heart of the Father is to give you strength to shake off the chains of those captors, renewing the heart, tuning up the instruments of worship and filling His children with the sounds of heaven. Look to Me the author and finisher of your faith. Its not about a great performance and striving to make a name for ourselves. It is the pure worship that He desires, He deserves and He embraces the heart that cares not for the things of this world, but giving glory to the King. The mindset of the institutional church is to worship within the four walls, hidden in a building.
The mindset of the Father is His church hidden in the field of the world, that we may be a symphony to the nations. Its the broken vessels those contrite hearts that bring forth a pure sound that rises to the throne room of the Father. We must stop spending so much time on the exterior of the house and surrender to the good work that He has started in us!
                "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord"

Monday, October 27, 2014

In Him there is no darkness

"Never Never Land" The path on which Faith has been traveling mysteriously took a turn, unaware Faith has become disoriented and has stumbled into a valley called Never Never Land where the town of "Compromise"has lured many in. Here the occupants live in fantasies never coming to the truth, lured in by a light that has captured reality putting a veil of darkness over their eyes. Faith realizing the pull like a magnet struggles to get back to the straight and narrow for the inviting spirit is so strong it is taking all his strength to break loose. Then he remembered where he put his Compass and like a bolt of lightning breaking through the darkness his steps become firm and his direction sure, he flees from this valley running to the Light! (Psalms 86;11;1 John1:5)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

"Grieved or Calloused/Open or Closed" The situation of events that seem to be happening daily throughout  the world can leave you in such a place as to become so hardened towards people that the goodness in you can be turned to sour grapes. and the grace and mercy that was bestowed in you can be diluted with bad wine. We have been called to be a blessing but the blessing many times seems to be tested with unbearableness. Revelation 3:10 Jesus is admonishing the Philadelphia church to hold fast to what they have.
What did they have? Vs.8 says they were given an open door which no one could shut, because they kept His word and didn't deny His name. What does this have to do with grieved or calloused. I believe that there is also a door before us and it can be opened or shut by the way we react to this world and respond to His voice. We don't keep His word and deny His name when we become callouss to the atrocities, sorrows, poverty and the needs of this world. Jesus said the Philadelphia church had little strength, but they weren't governed by their strength when it came to His word and His name. I believe many have become callouss towards this world. Working with my hands most of my life has produced these callouses that aren't as sensitive to the elements any longer and this can happen to our hearts, but that can change. Even as Jesus cried out over the city of Jerusalem, moved in His spirit over the unbelief and refusal of the visitation that was before them(Matt 23:37).The Spirit will come to those calloused hearts and change them to grieving in the spirit that will lead to intercession that will bring obedience to His word and confessing His name before men. Once more grace and mercy will flow and the callousness will become soft like babies skin. Once more you will hear the voice of the Spirit and feel and intercede for the people as the Spirit moves through you.  
 Come into His presence let the Spirit carry you into the throne room and those closed squeaky heavy doors, those calloused hearts will open suddenly. You may have beautiful doors in front of you that beacon you to go through, but if they are shut they are shut for a reason and should not be opened until the Lord does. When the Lord opens the doors it is effortless because He did it. What He has set before us becomes light because His burden is light and His yoke is easy(Matt. 11:30). A great testing has come upon the world and the spirit of this age wants to take away your crown. But the Lord says to him that overcomes I will make them to be a pillar in the temple of My God. Jesus opens doors when we decide to embrace His presence, touching the people of the world with the Fathers heart, denying ourselves and surrender to His will and Lordship.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

"The sower"
"Psalms 126:5-6 For I will visit the missionary/evangelist the ones that have their eyes on Me, with one hand towards heaven and the other in their bag of seed. You who are truly spending your lives sowing in tears, I will rain upon you with joyful anointing. He who goes through the fields of this world weeping for the lost and planting yourselves in the beaten down fields of suffering will bring forth a reaping to a hundredfold. Even as Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, the the Holy Spirit breathed into John and anointing him in the womb who would come forth as a forerunner turning the hearts of the fathers back to the children, making ready a people prepared for the Lord.(Luke1:41)For I will come to you and breath upon you and your sufferings will be turned into joyful thanksgiving and the seeds sown in secret will reap a harvest of humble souls and mighty warriors. Even those seeds that were scattered on the wayside but coated with tears of faith will come forth drenched in strong anointing for
they will outrun the harvesters and dance with those who tread grapes. For the vats will be full of new wine overflowing and rushing like a swift river into the streets of sorrows and misery, causing the souls of humanity to spring forth reborn, full of the Spirit, lavished in His grace and mercy. (Amos 9:13)

For the heart of the Father goes beyond the range and distance of our eyes, but chooses to impart His plans to those who humble themselves, seek first His kingdom. For out of a broken and contrite heart comes fruitfulness. The missionary/evangelist and those with such  hearts will walk in the signs and wonders proceeding the coming outpouring!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

"The Restraints"The voice of the Spirit is speaking loud to those who are listening, to those who want to hear the truth. The flood is coming can you feel, can you sense it in your spirit, it is drawing near. But he or that element which is a restraint must give way, be taken out of the way, so that the full unveiling of form, culture and the handing over of collapsed governments to this new messiah can be put into motion (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8). The world is being prepared now unknowingly for this great revival of darkness that will usher in this new messiah, bringing radical political change and the abolishing of the two party system, creating of a new world infrastructure. But His people with insight will shine and stand in the full armor of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. For it is the Spirit  that regulates the events of the world to accomplish Gods plans. This is not a time to walk in fear, but to rejoice for our redemption is near. But don't get sucker punched by what is coming, but walk in wisdom and the fear of the Lord! Meaning of this term in short: to hit suddenly without warning. Their are restraints that are being systematically torn down and removed without any warning or reason in order for this one to come forth with the activity of Satan emerging with all power in signs and false wonders that will mimic the incarnation of Christ, yet counterfeit! The constitution of this country is being swallowed up by a darkness that has been hiding under the surface but is emerging and poised to take its place on the world wide stage. The angel of light is already influencing the evangelical christian faith by infiltrating and undermining with deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons causing the church and leaders to be mesmerized, accepting these false humanistic doctrines, causing the minds to be sired as with a branding iron(1 Timothy 4:1-2;2Corinthians 11:13-15). The church (born again believer) could very well be the last restraint holding back these diabolical schemes and strong holds of the beast, dragon(Satan). The strategies of the enemy is to weaken the belief system of the believer causing fear, unbelief and paralysis, ultimately persuading to put down their weapons. But great grace will be upon the church during this time who are looking to Christ for their sufficiency. Jesus said that we are not of this world even as Jesus is not of this world(John 17:16). Satan's goal is to rob, kill and destroy the church, but Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail(Matt. 16:18). The enemy prowls around like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour(1Pet.5:8-9). Many have been persuaded to lay down their weapons. The Spirit would say,"rise up warrior bride, stand firm in the faith, pick up your weapons, take back your land and be a Jonathan, who with his armor bearer went into the camp of the enemy causing such trembling that even the earth quaked. For one awakened warrior can put a thousand to flight and two ten thousand(Deuteronomy32:30). For the Lord is not restrained by one or many to save(1Sam.14:6).

It is time for intercessors to kiddy up and be those wild stallions again in the Spirit and ride through the heavens declaring over the church to arise from their slumber. For there is a greater revival coming that will bring a mighty harvest of souls just before the unveiling of the man of perdition. "Awaken church!  pick up your weapons of intercession, the prophetic word, worship and praise and ride with determination, focus and abandonment from the clutches of this world system, empowered by the Spirit, moved with love sick passion for your Bridegroom!!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Signs of the coming outpouring: "Squishy pumpkins, Smashing idols, Many Waters" Th...

Signs of the coming outpouring: "Squishy pumpkins, Smashing idols, Many Waters" Th...: "Squishy pumpkins, Smashing idols, Many Waters" There has been a lot of things affected here in California because of the drou...
"Squishy pumpkins, Smashing idols, Many Waters" There has been a lot of things affected here in California because of the drought. One of those areas is the agriculture business in the San Joaquin valley. This is the season that you go out to pick up a nice pumpkin for decoration or to make a tasty pumpkin pie. What has taken place in some fields is that the pumpkins, because of the lack of consistent water and the hot season they have developed prematurely, causing them to become a squishy overripe mess. As I thought about these pumpkins the Spirit showed me that there is something far more destructive than the bad gourds. We also spiritually can be affected with the lack of water mixed with intense heat (trials of life). There is an interesting verse in Isaiah 32:20 "How blessed will you be, you who sow beside all waters. I've been in the Fathers vineyard for awhile and have seen good and bad fruit. I understand the importance of the pruning of branches, cultivating of the soil and the watering that is vital for growth.  These seasons of the vinedresser (The Father) tending to a surrendered heart (the branch) will develop good fruit. Whether it be grapes or pumpkins or our hearts, droughts and hot weather will come, but we must sow ourselves into the water of the word. Responding to His love will ignite a desire to plant ourselves into an ongoing relationship with Jesus that will bring constant watering of His word in our lives. We can't depend on the water from a week ago or even yesterday, it is that consistent input and output that will cause us to produce fruit that will last. Hot seasons (trials) will come, but if we are constantly drinking in fresh water the droughts of life will not turn us into squishy pumpkins. But that's not all, it also says beside all waters. It is not only from the preaching of the word that brings water. Now I understand that faith comes from hearing the word, but hearing is not contingent on hearing from the pulpit only. Another dimension of hearing, water flowing and faith building is in relationship with our Bridegroom that opens our hearing to the voice of the Spirit in that secret place (Psalms 27:5). It is that communing (prayer/meditation) with Jesus through the Word and the Spirit that will fill you and release living waters upon a dry and thirsty land. Plant yourself into the soil of the word that you can be cultivated, watered, nourished by the voice of Jesus and the working of the Spirit. It is important that the heart be planted by the streams of water (Psalms1:3) in order to yield its fruit in its season. We can't allow the soil of our hearts to become cracked and dry from the heat and lack of water. It is in those dry and cracked areas of the heart that idols begin to form and the heart begins to seek after the dry waters of this live that will surly lead one to be unfruitful. Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of the vinedresser and He will prune, smash, sweep away the idols in your life and exalt you at the proper time(1Peter 5:6). Jesus said in John 15 that without Him we can do nothing. Our being used and having fruit that will last is contingent upon our connection to the Vine and our surrendering to the work of the Spirit in our lives. I believe the Spirit would say "plant yourselves into the Many Waters of Christ for in Him you will prosper, and be a well watered garden. Be patient for the early and later rain, for He will bring forth the precious produce(James 5:7). You will hear the voice of Many Waters and He will drench you with His word and the Spirit preparing you for the droughts of this life.The darkness that covers the people will be flooded by Many Waters and the glory of the Lord will cover the earth. He is calling His bride into His chambers, "Come dine with Me"
 When we are clothed with power from on high His voice will be like many waters, we will not be squishy pumpkins hoping to survive on the water drops of this life, but fountains of fire and water (Isaiah 41:18). All the waters of this life cannot quench the thirsty soul and the desire for true love (Song of Songs 8:7). " Let the one who is thirsty come" (Rev.22:17). Only in Christ Who's voice is like the sound of many waters can one be full of peace in these days of great testing!(Revelation 1:15)