Monday, May 5, 2014

Mary, did you know!

And Mary the mother of Jesus (Acts1:14)

     The scripture says that they were all of one mind continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus. I think sometimes as we read the scriptures we glance over parts that seem meaningless, until we read the same scripture again and the Holy Spirit brings revelation. This is one of those times. I've read this scripture many times but this time the Spirit has brought illumination in a different way. Many times as I read the account about the disciples gathered praying in the upper room, my attention goes to the twelve and even the 120 but I don't always see the women or Mary. I think it is mostly because the way the scriptures are written they seem to use the masculine verb more often but really not excluding or preferring. It was on that day, the day of Pentecost that not only the men but the scriptures say all were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking with other tongues. Mary now perhaps in her mid to late fifties gathering with the rest of the women and men along with the apostles. A mother to at lest six children including Jesus, now waiting for the promise from the Father which her Son would send. Insignificant? not to those women and Mary and her daughters. Some worship Mary as the Virgin Mary. This is true only in regards to the birth of Jesus, she was a virgin betrothed to Joseph but it was the Holy Spirit that came upon her and the power of the Most High that overshadowed her.  The scriptures tell us that Mary also had four other sons and daughters ( Matt.13:55-56 ). This was a significant time in the life of these 120 brothers and sisters, but also for the future church. Mary along with the other disciples were the forerunners of the Holy Spirit. For in Christ we the church have become that virgin bride betrothed to our Bridegroom ( 2 Corinth. 11:2 ). The scripture says in Joel 2:28-29 upon your sons and daughters I will pour forth of My Spirit and they shall prophesy. Mary was a daughter of Israel and a daughter of the King. In the upper room the sound of many different tongues and prophesying could be heard. What was taking place? Was it not the Holy Spirit praying to the Father through these saints. And when Mary began to prophesy was she not by the Spirit speaking over the church then and even for now! Mary along with the other women were being drenched with warm oil, the anointing of the Spirit filling them with words from heaven pertaining to the last days. The beginning of the early church in the upper room is the DNA of the last days church. The church today needs a drenching of the Spirit, to be filled with power to be witnesses to the remotest parts of the earth. The Mary's of this day need to turn their hearts to the next generation and mother the church. Malicah 4:6 speaks of the fathers turning their hearts to the children. I believe that same spirit is linked to the mothers to the younger generation. It is that spirit of Mary being drenched in the Spirit and turning their hearts as mothers to nurture the children in the Lord among them. Even those without children will not be desolate for she will receive numerous sons and daughters in the faith ( Isaiah 54 ). For you Mary's in the faith you mothers with children or without, come under the flooding waters of the Spirit and be drenched. For you will go forth as forerunners passing on the DNA of the early church and be a part of the last days outpouring.

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