Tuesday, June 17, 2014

         Knowing that God created these feelings that we have, expressing themselves in different ways according to what we are going through, there seems to be a place that goes beyond what is godly or healthy, to a place of distress, anxiety, depression etc, that can spiral deep into a darkness that is very hard to get out of. There are feelings such as Acts 2:43 where the disciples had this sense of awe, or a fear (godly fear) of what was taking place through the apostles. But then there are those thoughts, speculations that need to be held captive under the lordship or obedience of Christ(2 Corinth.10:5). Finding myself in the mist of these emotions allowing them to be apart of the journey of healing I am going through. Also finding a need to place these feelings whether good or bad under the guidance of the Spirit to make sure these are held in the mind of Christ. A season of healing brings a season of mixed emotions. By the grace of My Father I go!

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