Saturday, April 26, 2014

"A wave of anointing"

                "A wave of unprecedented power and anointing is coming" 

 The anointing during an outpouring is  strong and very aromatic. It doesn't depend on ones talent or gift although it will be the power that will energize the gifts and callings to do an impossible mission.There is an anointing that the church needs to accomplish what the Spirit is doing in these last days(Joel 2:28-29;Act 2:17-21). This anointing comes from the Father through the power of the Spirit. Another wave is about to hit the church with such magnitude causing  everything that is not anchored in Christ to be shaken loose and swept away. Even those in Christ will be refined and purified. Precursors of this can be seen in the transition that is taking place in the church now. Many churches are closing with others trying to survive still ministering in the old wine. But it is the Spirit that is doing a work to build the last days church in the Spirit. Refining, purifying, cleansing from all of man's wisdom, charisma and kingdom building to be the church that can hold the new wine of Gods anointing.There are waves of the Spirit coming into many various places now removing the old wineskin's, the old cloth and replacing with new wineskin's that are full of the Spirit and anointing(Matt.9:15-17).These new wineskin's have been through the fire their lamps have been reignited by Christ Himself. Many leaders have been removed from service and benched for a season because they were not willing to surrender their kingdom and agendas.They ran out of oil and didn't refill their lamps with fresh oil that they could lead with fresh vision and revelation. Many churches are struggling with imbalance because they look to and depend on one leader(Pastor) for guidance.This next wave will bring a restoration of the early church leadership which will bring biblical balance and a healthier church. The water pots of purification(John 2:6) are being emptied and fresh water poured into them, that the water be changed into wine, the best wine and poured out upon the wedding guests of life bringing consummation of bride and Bridegroom. Many are experience a change in ministry, employment, living situations, health issues. The earthen vessels are being emptied out even broken up, remade in order to be filled and changed into the best wine(2 Corinth.4:7). This is the work of the Spirit, no prodding or production of man can produce this anointing of the Spirit. When the anointing is present there will be no need for leadership to make something happen. This will be the new super norm. With this next wave the body of Christ will be desiring greater intimacy with the Spirit, hungry for authenticity and flowing in the anointing writher than the mega church production. As the church lets go of the old skins (the old styes and formats) that they have grown accustom to and dependent on, they will be built into a true house in the Spirit full of power and anointing which will rain down like a heavenly aroma( 2 Corinth.2:14). The Spirit is the churches new wineskin and the new wine is the anointing! 

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