Tuesday, January 31, 2017

"Marching for Jesus"

Psalms 2:1 why are the nations in an uproar, and the people devising a vain thing? In John 18:36 Jesus being asked by Pilate if He was the king of the Jews, Jesus's response was " My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom was of this world My servants would be fighting that I would not be delivered up to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm." The nations and people are fighting for rights because this is their kingdom. This is the only kingdom they know and their king is the god of this world. The blind are leading the blind and they will both fall into the ditch. But for those that know Christ and have surrendered their rights, their free will, they have receive His kingdom. Their fight is a spiritual fight. Their marching is in the steps of their King, Who says, to deny self, pick up your cross and follow Me. This is the march of a life time, one that will make the difference of changed hearts. 2 Timothy 2:4; Paul said a good soldier doesn't entangle himself in the affairs of everyday life. True believers need not be a part of the uproar and devising plans to save an earthly kingdom with earthly wisdom. But their fighting should be in the spirit for the souls of men. Speaking the word of life that people can be set free by the blood of Jesus from the kingdom of darkness and placed in the kingdom of Light. If soldiers, true believers are to march, let them march for the millions of souls, that without Christ will spend eternity totally separated from the kingdom of God where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Jesus standing before Pilate was God incarnate, who had the power and the right to call forth an army of angels to free Him from being crucified on a cross. But Jesus didn't use that authority, because it wasn't His time to be glorified and it was the plan of the Father, that He would go to the cross, die for the sins of man and be raised from the dead, that all those who call upon Him will be saved! Follower of Christ, what Pilate or right is tempting or telling you to fight for your rights that are like the grass of the field that dies and a flower that fades away. Die to self, walk in His steps, confess Him before men and He will confess you before the Father! For a new uproar is coming! The raising of dead men from the valley of dry bones. A great army is forming and is marching throughout nations. They will, by walking in the Spirit, bust through earthly defenses, proclaiming the mind of Christ, setting the captives free. These are those who understand the death and resurrection of Christ their King. They know through the scriptures that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead also dwells in their mortal bodies. The cares and tribulations of this life have been overcome by Christ and we have received that inheritance that we to are more than overcomes in Christ. The kings and judges of the nations need to take warning and turn to Him. To show discernment, worshiping the Lord in reverence. To honor the Son that He not become angry and they perish in the way! If we are to march let us march for those nearly 60,000,000 million unborn babies that we the American people allow to happen each day. Let us cry out in repentance for the sins of this nation that God would hear and heal our land. An outcry for a nation shouldn't necessarily be for the rights of the people, but for the will of the King Who's shoulders the  government rest!

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