Thursday, January 5, 2017

"He will do it again"

An explosion of great magnitude will occur "into all Syria."As you look around this world that we live in, seeing all the pain, diseases, sickness and devastation, you can (if our trust isn't in Jesus)loose hope and fall into a life of depression. That is one side of reality, but the other side of this is also reality. Matthew 4:23-25 gives us a reality check that we as Christian's need to take hold of! As Jesus went about in all Galilee teaching, proclaiming the gospel, he also healed every kind of disease and sickness. The news of what was happening went out into all Syria and the people brought Him all the ill, with various diseases and pains, the demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics and He healed them. Sounds like a great event that took place in history that was an isolated event not being repeated, especially in the twenty-first century right? If we as His people fall to that senesisum and a lie of the enemy, we will no longer be living in reality of the gospel and the command that Jesus proclaimed to His disciples of that time and to us His disciples now Mark 16:16-18. Even as the devastation is widespread in Syria many are without hope of survival let alone medical attention. But the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the land looking for those that are given to Him. And He will come and visit His people bringing an awakening to Syria. God is calling an army of saints to go an proclaim the gospel and these signs shall follow. "For as it was before He will do it again!" For His love has no borders and the devastation of broken souls will be healed as the gospel is spread throughout all the land!Yes an awakening will come to Syria. Yes the darkness that engulfs the land will be visited by a great Light and God will rain down on these people the fire of His Spirit and the dry and thirsty land will be drenched with heavenly rain! 

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