Wednesday, August 31, 2016

"After the lights go out"

House of prayer; it doesn't seem to carry the importance as maybe a prophetic conference or healing ministry, or a national leadership conference. But what is so ironic is that prayer was one of if not the greatest teachings that Jesus not only taught, lived, but also fought for. It seems that conferences especially with big names attract the masses, even prayer conferences. Don't get me wrong, these are good and needed. But what is more important is what takes place after the lights go out? When the news hits that there is a huge swell on the North shore hundreds even thousands merge to be part of this epic event, many of which participate to be in the wave, riding it for all its worth. But what happens when the huge waves dissipate and only smaller less exciting ones remain as the normal surf? Have those who attended the great conferences, the large prayer gatherings continued to be the prayer warriors for revival they were encouraged to be. Those who went to see the huge swells, well we know most went for the event, but there are those who were inspired to take-up surfing. Those who actually participated certainly went back to their homes and continue riding the waves at their coastal cities? I am sure many were inspired to put on the mantle of prayer and establish a continual meeting with the Father. Lets be honest whether it is a weekly house of prayer meeting or a yearly event held on the North shore. It is in the continual participation, consistent preparation and ernest effectual prayer of that warrior which will move the heart of God and bring a mighty wave of revival. It is the faithful petitioning of that one disciple during the week that will gather many in the house. It was Ananias that the Lord spoke to in a vision concerning Paul the Apostle. And because of Ananias's faithfulness and obedience in prayer the Spirit used him and Paul became one of the great men of God that lead the way for the Gentile nation to the Lord.(Acts 9: 10-19) Conferences are great. Riding or watching the big waves are fun. But when the lights go out and the stage is taken away, everyone returns to their homes. But the call and command to prayer remains! (1Tim.2:1) Blessed is that one whom the Lord finds doing when He comes! For the Spirit will shine upon you and light your way and His glory will be upon you!(Isaiah 60:1

Sunday, August 28, 2016

"The hedge"

Isaiah 5:5; I will remove its hedge and it will be consumed: I will break down its wall and it will become trampled ground. That is a  straight foreword strong word, from God concerning Israel about their unfaithfulness and idolatry. God in His great love and mercy tells why He is going to do this if they didn't return to Him. He starts out through telling a prophetic parable about a vineyard and what He has done for it in order for it to bear good fruit. God called Israel His well-beloved, the apple of His eye. With many other names God gave to His people reflecting His love for them. He says I built a hedge of protection around this vineyard. Removed all the stones, placed it on a fertile hill and put a tower in the middle of the vineyard. Expecting it to produce good grapes, but it only produced worthless ones. This didn't happen overnight but over years with God sending prophets to speak to them wowing and warning them to come back to their Father, but they refused. Instead they rebelled, forsook His commands, followed after idols and false gods. Even offering their children upon the alter of Moleck. His warning was this verse that describes what He was going to do. We see in other places in Isaiah, Jeremiah similar warnings of impending judgment if they did not return to Him. Sadly they didn't return to their Father and the prophecy came to pass. When judgment came they became arrogant and vowed to rebuild what God tore down even stronger. Is God still calling His people back to Him today? The answer is yes! But not only Israel but even America. Why? Because these two nations have similar callings from God. Blessed to be a blessing to all nations. Founded upon Gods principles and promises. If these nations would follow after God and obey His commands He would bless and prosper them that they would be that light to all nations. America like Israel has forsaken God and gone after other gods causing other nations to follow suit, putting the blood of those nation upon America. Has God been sending warnings to America of impending judgment? Has God already in different forms brought judgment to America? I believe He has, but just like Israel we are not listening. Can God bring an awakening to this nation? Of course! With God all things are possible. But the question should be, will God bring an awakening to not only this nation but the whole earth? Again the answer is yes! But when and how is the most important questions"I see a tremendous shaking coming, that will usher in a repentance to this nation." I can recall one important event that nearly brought America to its knees in repentance. It was the 9-11 attack on American soil the day that the twin towers fell and all America saw that our hedges (defenses) were broken down. In the days following many were being stirred, churches were being filled, it looked like this could be the next awakening. But something very troubling happened. Instead of this nation humbling itself and recognizing this was a judgment from God, we rose up in defiance against our enemy declaring we will rebuild even better than before. This caused a shift from what could possibly have been a mighty revival, to perhaps God bringing further judgments. "There was no true repentance." Church leaders got on board and began to preach from the pulpits that this was not a judgment from God but a terrorist attack on our nation. They were declaring half truths which watered down any hopes of a national revival. Since 9-11 this nation has fallen away from God to the degree that it will take a tremendous shaking. God will continue to remove our hedge and break down our walls, (in our financial institutions, governments, production, food sources, medical, defenses, our total infrastructure), to bring this nation to its knees long enough that true repentance will come forth and a mighty awakening will be born. God does not wish that any should parish, but that all would come to repentance. (1 Peter 3:9) Have you personally felt that your hedge has been crumbling? Has God in His love and mercy been allowing certain things to happen in your life in order for His child to come back to Him?  The scripture in Hebrews 12: 4-11 says He disciplines those that He loves. It may not happen right away because God is patient, but when He knows and sees that we are not turning around He will intervene, getting our attention by bringing His discipline. Looking for a true 180 degree shift putting us back on the right path. Church, you who are called by His name, it is our calling and responsibility to cry out in the night watches for this nation. It not a time to hold back but stand and be a witness of rightness. The Spirit is calling us to build up our hedges through intercession, compelling the people to come to the banqueting table. (Luke 14:23). That we would cover the earth with the glory of God and the deep darkness that covers the people will be illuminated with the Light of Christ.Yes these are the days that good is being called evil and evil good. But these are also the days of Elijah! Standing against the religious spirit with the sword of the Spirit. Pointing the way with the word to Christ the messiah and being crouched down on the ground calling forth the rain of awakening!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

"Come full circle"

"Come full circle" as the church has progressed over the centuries starting out with simple devotion to Jesus it has taken on a different form or mindset that is grieving the Spirit and causing much perplexity among the true believers of Christ. The mother of harlots which is the religious system that Jesus spoke about and Paul the apostle contended with the church in Galatia, has crept in and  become a strong luxuriant vine choking the very live out of true disciples of Jesus. But there is a call from the Spirit to come out of that system the great whore and do not participate in her sins. Many have been hurt and have left churches, but there is a migration of true believers coming back to grass roots Christianity. The Spirit is bringing the bride back around to simple devotion to their Bridegroom. There is a stirring in the hearts of saints to be that remnant that is living for Christ and desiring to know and serve Him not a religious system! It is this migration of believers that the Spirit will build up to be that one voice (even as John the Baptist) crying out in the wilderness of nations preparing the way of the Lord. Calling the rebellious back to the ways of God. Making a stand for that which is true and righteous. For Jesus is purifying His church! The dross will be removed and gold will emerge pure and brilliant.

Friday, August 12, 2016

'The hungry will be filled'

Some would say I am partial or playing favorites, believe me that isn't the case. The Father wants to bring awakening to all, but there is also something He is looking for, something that will move His heart towards any nation that so desires and hungers after righteousness. God is looking for repentances! A people, a nation that would humble themselves crying out to Him for forgiveness and turning from their wicked ways. When I saw Christ the Redeemer coming through the fog in Rio a previous picture came back to me. The picture was Christ turning from America and looking towards Mexico and South America. I couldn't understand why Jesus would do that, until I saw this statue and a scripture came to me from Mathew 5:3;6 Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven and vs. 6 Blessed our those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied. What is the difference between America and Mexico/ South America? It is the defiance, the arrogance and the fatness that has turned America away from their Creator and caused God to look for a nation that He can reward who will diligently seek Him with all their heart. As I sit here in our home away from home, in Los Osos I am looking at these big pigeons that we call fat boys eating the seed in the bird feeder.  I think all the pigeons in Los Osos flock here feeding from that feeder. They know Who their source is and where to get their food and be satisfied. Unlike many of us humans who look to what we sow and what we gather into barns that is our source. The more we sow the more we reap and the more we store up. It becomes our strength and dependance, and the more we have no need to turn to our Creator in thankfulness for His provision. America must be broken that we will turn back to God and be once more a nation under God recognizing Him as our provider! I am not saying there isn't other nations that would be inclined to turn from their sin, but these are the two that the Spirit has put on my heart. These are the two that I personally have had touch with. And it is these two that seem ready to give all, surrender all, to be filled with His righteousness. I believe their poorness of spirit, their lack of arrogance is causing Jesus to turn towards them and the Father is about ready to pour out an awakening on these nations. God is calling nations to humble themselves and repent. Christ is calling His church to stand in the gap for nations, for America. We must acknowledge this and be obedient to the call! Part 2 (part 3) will God turn away from America?